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Posts posted by DramatistDreamer

  1. This is confusing.  Is this delaying the inevitable?


  2. 8 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    It seems to have become some kind of idea. I saw people saying they were "flirting" at McCain's funeral, which I highly doubt. It gave me deja vu because people used to say that about Rice as well. 


    Condoleeza Rice was in W.'s administration and supported his policies.  Rice also accidentally once referred to him as her husband, so I can actually see where some might jump to conclusions a bit there.  


    The only similarities I see between the two is how America loves to use black women to burnish the humanity credentials of white men (and a few black men too).  That is, when they are not castigating black women for being unfeminine (which the right-wing frequently did with Michelle Obama).

  3. 6 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    He was saying it even during the election, but most people don't care. 


    I've always been a bit put off by the way that so many use W's friendship with the Obamas as some kind of a great noble act on his part. I'm sure that it is a genuine friendship, but when I hear people go on and on about W and Michelle I'm reminded of when they did the same about him with Condi Rice, which always has the undertone of applauding him for not keeping a black woman at arm's length.


    I saw that about the ABA. It was amusing to see the far right immediately claim the ABA was just a liberal lie machine (even though extremists like Kavanaugh and Lindsey Graham were happy enough to brag about ABA support yesterday) and also lie about things like the ABA not supporting Robert Bork. 


    This will just make them put even more importance on the Federalist Society and that ilk, even though they are to blame for getting the disastrous Kavanaugh where he is now, rather than someone who actually knows how to behave.


    Who says they're friends?  Did you see Mrs. Obama at the London Olympics and other public events?  Michelle Obama is a hugger, she hugs just about everyone. Has Bush ever been to the Obama's home?  Have the Obamas ever been to the Bush ranch?  If not, I wouldn't call them friends.  They are cordial and friendly, at best.  Michelle is likely trying to demonstrate to the nation that one can disagree and still be friendly but people believe what they want to make them feel comfort with themselves.  America does a lot of myth-making in order to try to drive away reality.  We can be friendly but a friend who has never come to your home, or you his?  Nah, that ain't real, boo.

    I'm fully aware that the GOP will shift the goalposts on the ABA after touting their credentials for weeks.  We all know how ethically and morally bankrupt the GOP is and they are proud to show this.

  4. Interestingly enough, if people bothered to listen to Obama speak, he has said more than once that the rancor coming from the GOP preceded Trump.  As for Bush, let's face it:  America actively searches for ways to give white men a pass from the egregious acts that they've committed.


    The American Bar Association that the Republican Senate committee has been citing so much as the "Gold Standard" has asked for a delay to allow for a FBI investigation of Kavanaugh.



  5. On 9/26/2018 at 3:46 PM, Mitch said:

    I can't believe they let them get away with Holden practically dropping trou in that commercial! (though the kids today would think he was "fitfat" if they are using that term still.) I love that they spread the hot young things in with the vets..even using Wagner...(though if I was doing this I would have her clutching her pearls after Holden's little show...)


    Every now and then, my mind has to process that they allowed Tom to call Margo "arousing" right before landing a kiss while on the dancefloor at Bob and Kim's wedding reception.


    If you ask me, there was a lot more cleverly placed dialogue and situations that were looked risqué in the 80s than in the decades that followed.

    The writers and directors took a lot more risk with the sound and visuals of the show back then and it made for a show that had a lot more spice to it.  In any given scene, there was usually a lot more going on than dialogue, even in a scene when two people appeared to be talking.

  6. I think that Harris flusters Kavanaugh somehow, for some reason.  His eyes and head were alternating between trying to make eye contact and darting/looking away.  He didn't stumble over words as badly as he did previously but with a lot of effort this time around.

    Contrast this with the fact that Harris' eye contact never wavered.  Her gaze was fixed on him.


    Anyway, anyone who doesn't want people to think lowly of what the U.S. has now become, should never let them look at video of Kavanaugh's testimony/speech.  Disgraceful.  

  7. 5 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    The catch is that he seems truly unhinged and desperate in a way that Clarence Thomas never was in the same position. He also tries to switch personalities a lot. He's very unstable and will likely be dangerous to all on the Supreme Court, even those who are selling their souls for him. But they don't care, they won't admit their mistake, just as they won't with Trump. They're all in.


    As bad as Clarence Thomas was in his life and at his job, even he knew that he could never get away with an unhinged performance like this.  His woe-is-me "high tech lynching" statement was about as far as he'd be allowed to push the boundaries.  

    Thomas was amoral and unethical but he was no fool.

  8. The irony of Rachel Mitchell questioning Blasey Ford about who paid for her polygraph and other legal fees when I don't remember anyone questioning Kavanaugh about his debts, specifically that $200,000 debt as well as who paid it.

  9. I've known what CNN is all about for years now. 


    That insinuation that somehow Prof. Hill is less worthy of empathy than Prof. Blasey Ford speaks to what we as black women have known all along.  According to some, we are more likely to be sexualized at earlier ages, more likely to be stereotyped as impervious to being hurt or feeling pain.

    The KKK's entire ethos was to protect white women so they are seen as worthy of protection, while we black women are not.

    Soledad O'Brien can speak to the lack of representation of blacks behind the camera at CNN and it shines through repeatedly.  I cannot emphasize enough how glad I am that I cut the cord about 8 years ago.  CNN does some effective reporting but their staff is severely limited.

  10. From what I'm reading, it is being said that Republicans are regretting using a sex crimes prosecutor to do the questioning as they believe it has had disastrous results.

    Things likely would've been disastrous for the Republicans of the Senate regardless but now, they have someone else to blame but themselves, I guess.


    Anyway, from what I've seen, Dr. Blasey Ford is without doubt credible.  She may have been prepped for this day but she is not rehearsed.  It shows. Regardless of who would do the questioning, I doubt it would've gone any other way.

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