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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. I wonder if Brad Bell secretly hates all his characters? At least he writes them like he does. Or is he just that completely clueless?   🤔

    I used to think that KKL had it worst, trying to act out Brooke's stories in a way that made sense, but Scott Clifton has it way worse than she ever had. The writing for Liam is so ridiculous I'm amazed Scott can say his lines without cracking up.

  2. 15 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    The thing is Liam allows Bill in his life and he's basically a step below Sheila with all he's done over the years and has gotten away with cause of his $$$

    I know that Bill has done some questionable things over the years, but in comparison with Sheila he's an amateur.

    I can understand being a fan of Finn/Steffy and not liking Liam, but it feels like people are downplaying Sheila's crimes in order to keep Finn from looking completely idiotic. Sheila has spent the last 30 years terrorizing and tormenting, and even killing, countless people. Her crime spree includes stolen babies, kidnapping, shooting, poisoning, blackmail and attempted murder. She's a complete lunatic and Finn is looking like a lunatic himself for suggesting that Steffy should even remotely entertain the idea of having her in their life in any way, shape or form.


  3. 8 hours ago, Jeff said:

    People are going to start to take sides now @dragonflies at least I'm starting too, herein lies the problem being a SINN fan.  I hate to say it but my girl Steffy has made her own mistakes, granted she has owned and matured from them...However, I feel she is being a bit harsh with Finn.  I don't want to have to choose sides, cause right now I'm on Finn's.

    Finn has opened a door into their lives for the lunatic who almost killed both him and Steffy just over a year ago. A lunatic who shot and almost killed both Steffy's mother and her grandmother, almost killed the woman Finn has called mother his whole life and held Steffy's grandparents and father (alongside others) hostage at gunpoint and threatened to kill all of them. And that's just a sample of her misdeeds.

    No, Steffy is not being harsh to Finn. And any mistakes she has made pales in comparison with this. I see people bringing up the fact that Steffy hasn't told Finn about Liam kissing her twice recently. But there are some major differences. First, Steffy did not initiate, nor encourage Liam's kisses, and she has made it clear to him that she's not interested in him that way. Second, however annoying Liam might be, he is not a murderous, psychopathic killer. He poses no threat to the lives and/or well-being of anyone, quite unlike Sheila, who has a list of victims that is into double digits, and still growing.

  4. 5 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Wyatt needs to shut his pie hole about FINN and SHEILA. How he forgets that Lame was saying he was just like QUINN cause she raised him and is his mother. Quinn also has done some shady sh*t so he knows what it's like

    Sheila never raised Finn though. He has only known about her for a few years, and during the time he has known her she has done absolutely nothing to earn any love or respect from him. So comparing him and Sheila to Wyatt and Quinn is hardly relevant. Wyatt grew up with Quinn, and she's the only mother he has ever known. Finn also had a mother, Li, and there's been no hint that she was anything but a good mother to him. So why he's now ready to throw everything away to have a relationship with Sheila is more than mind-boggling. It's beyond comprehension.

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