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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. 25 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I don't want to link to the Sun, but they are claiming Matthew Wolfenden (David) is leaving, due to "lack of gritty storylines."

    David was a favorite character of mine many years ago, but not in recent times, especially with the rumors that went around a few years ago. 

    I am mostly just sorry over what this might mean for Eric's role on the canvas, and maybe Leyla. Otherwise, bye. 

    And @I Am A Swede can chalk this up as a win too as it makes Debbie returning even less likely.



  2. 16 hours ago, kalbir said:

    I had no memory of Charlie & Co. from when it was originally broadcast. I learned about it years later and I've watched the episodes that have surfaced online. It had a talented cast but I feel CBS didn't have a lot of faith in it.

    Jaleel White was so cute and natural in his role and he and Kristoff St. John (RIP) had a good connection as brothers. Just think, if Charlie & Co. had taken off and become a hit, we might not have gotten Urkel or Neil.

    Wouldn't that have been lovely?!  :wub:

    There have been very few characters, if any, more annoying than Steve Urkel! 

  3. So, another Emmerdale character (Dan Spencer) gets sent away for a long prison term, following in the footsteps of Nick Bates, Steve Marchant, Robert Sugden, Meena Jutla etc. Yet we can't seem to get anything else than short-term prison stays for any of the Dingles....and even when they do go to prison they keep appearing.    <_<

  4. 1 hour ago, ranger1rg said:

    I think one can act like an adult at a daughter's birthday party without smiling at a spouse you just cheated on and decided to divorce. It's ridiculous.

    What's ridiculous about it? Hope has obviously moved on and harbours no ill will towards Liam, and a birthday party for your daughter is supposedly a happy occasion so it's only natural that she would smile.

  5. 11 hours ago, Errol said:

    People were complaining they were seeing posts from users they put on ignore. 

    Oh my, what a terrible trauma that must have been for them....  :rolleyes:

    I don't mean to be rude or flippant, but that seems like a very childish thing to complain about. If they happened to see such a thing for a moment far to the right on the page then it's really not that difficult to look somewhere else, is it? Or did it physically hurt them? Did they have to seek medical attention?

    I really think people are getting too sensitive these days.

  6. 3 hours ago, 1974mdp said:

    I love all the talk about the extra security around Eric's house, yet people just walk right into the house over and over with the front door obviously unlocked.

    I would imagine that the extra security is situated at the property boundaries, so by the time you reach the front door you've been cleared.

  7. You can't help but wonder how Liam would have reacted to all this Finn/Sheila business if his marriage to Hope had been solid.... :ph34r:

    It would actually have made for a better story if Liam and Hope were still together when all this happened. Liam could still be fearful for his daughter's (and Steffy's) safety and his saviour complex kick in. That would give more credibility to Hope's turn towards Thomas.


  8. It's different because both Krista and Thorsten are so different from Hunter and Ronn in the way they play their characters. I know Thorsten has played Ridge for a long time now, but I'm still not won over by his portrayal of Ridge. In comparison I adjusted very easily to Winsor Harmon's Thorne when he took over from Jeff Trachta.

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