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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. 23 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Sadly I think KA is on her way out. Brad's probably so resentful that Taylor is way more popular than his Slut from the Valley Brooke and that people wanted Tridge over Bridge

    Why anyone would want either Tridge or Bridge now is beyond me. And why either of these two women still want Ridge is one of the great mysteries of life. He has treated them both appallingly over the years, but they still come back for more.  <_<

  2. 48 minutes ago, JAS0N47 said:
    FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 4/5/82-4/9/82 & 4/12/82-4/16/82:




    Wow, Y&R gained two whole ratings points from one week to the next!   :o

  3. On 8/11/2023 at 5:51 PM, Fevuh said:

    I've missed it but why are people assuming Taylor would have anything valuable to say? 

    It's not necessarily that she would have something valuable to say, but she is Steffy's mother, and she has a history with Sheila, so her absence is a little glaring. Not that it's unusual for Taylor to be absent when her children are in any kind of crisis. That has been the case for the last 10 years or so.

  4. On 8/13/2023 at 3:50 AM, Toups said:

    Blaming one character makes absolutely no sense when Shelia, Steffy and Finn are one just as much as Liam.  You can't pick and choose who to blame for ratings going down. I've been posting ratings for almost 20 years and ratings don't work like that.  LOL

    People usually just blame the character they don't like.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Today's episode was a letdown. Finn didn't punch Liam.

    Ridge STFU!! You're a waffler like Liam.

    Liam is stalking Steffy. Steffy said she didn't want him and he is professing his love for her. This storyline show is ridiculous. Revisiting Steffy and Liam is a wrong choice. I hope it hurts the show ratings wise.

    Fixed!   :P

    The elephant in the room, which many have already pointed out, is the absence of Taylor. She would bring so much to this story, being both a victim of Sheila, and someone who tried to give her the benefit of the doubt.

  6. 12 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    The problem I have with these type of character videos is they neglect the impact from the actual storyline. You can’t get a true of Barbara in action with just a couple of scenes or one-liners. It has to be done through revelation of an actual story, so you can see how calculating Barbara was back then and how she did things, step by step to vex her rivals and those that she targeted. 
    It would also be a mistake to look at the character through the lens of today’s daytime soaps, most of which don’t take the time to build characters and stories.

    Many of Barbara’s most savage moments are contained in episodes that aren’t even posted on YouTube.

    Yes, that makes a lot of sense. And the comparison I made with B&B is of course not really fair. Brad Bell can't compare with Doug Marland as a writer, and B&B is a very different show than ATWT. But it's the show I'm most familiar with.

  7. 13 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    They're more shocking in context because she had been a perpetually long-suffering heroine before that point.

    Oh I know the story and evolution of Barbara's character, and I'm sure it had more impact watching the show as a whole back then. But I just saw very little bitchiness from her in those clips. No real catty remarks, no innuendos, nothing like that. Even a goody two-shoes like Taylor on B&B was bitchier than that, even at the height of her saintly phase.

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