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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. I wish there would be at least one episode without fights and just have each housewife shown in their day to day life without any interaction between the women. My fav scenes of the last episode were scenes with Yolanda and Kim with their daughters. Heck, I even liked the scenes of Brandi doing her photo shoot for her book and I think her editor is the sort of person that Brandi needs in her life. Someone who would steer her in the right direction, not coddle or mother her like Lisa and Yolanda do.

    I liked the party scenes until Carleton had to muck it up by starting trouble with Kyle. I kept wondering what set off Carleton and you could tell that Kyle was thinking the same thing.

  2. Do you guys think that the lower ratings during season 5 was one of the reasons the show was hesitant to revamp Jersey? I think the producers could have added one new housewife to Jersey, in order to keeps things somewhat fresh.. like how they added Lydia during season 8 of RHOC.

  3. Until this season, we barely saw much of Kim's. I think it all depends.

    We saw Kim's kids in season 1, but not in season 2 nor 3. I still remember Kim and Kyle's trip to the grocery store where Kyle was making fun of Kim buying I can't Believe It's not Butter while Lisa in a TH was questioning what it was LOL Then it turned out that Kyle's favorite dish that Kim made had I can't Believe It's Not butter.. and her face was priceless LOL

    I'm glad that Kim's private life is being shown, though too much of the dog was shown. I know Kim used to go to Disney functions, perhaps the show can't film when she goes to Disney get togethers or something. That could be why we've seen little of Kim's adventures in autograph and Disney land.

  4. I think the Kyle and Kim scenes are what the show should be about. Kim is a former child star, basically a has-been and that authograph showcase showcased a different part of Hollywood while I'm happy to see Kyle's guest stint on DAYS was filmed.

    Carlton totally doesn't belong on the show, and she was totally talking about Kyle behind her back.. Pot meet kettle.

  5. For me, Jax is the type of man that you'd have to shower after checking out, alone sleeping with him. He's good eye candy, but I'd certainly not touch that with a ten foot pole.

    I don't get the gay vibe from Flat Iron Tom, but Tom Swartz gives me the vibe a bit. Especially with him throwing girls underwear on stage when ever FI Tom is performing in his band.

    Stassi is such a bitch, but she owns it and is entertaining. Kristen and Katie=no words and Scheana is so funny pretending to be 'above' the drama LOL

  6. This looks like the start of the Dobson's with Nick, the bookstore burndown, and Barbara making mysterious visits. When do the Dobson's start to dismantle the structure?

    Interesting that Annie and Barbara are roommates and friends. It would have been interesting to have seen Annie's reaction to Barbara and Emily's feud. Though I agree that the character was played out by the time she left in 1984, though I think Dee could have survived long-term if this Dee had stayed on instead of being recast by a more boring actress.

  7. I don't think the Dobson's were horrible, just probably not a great fit for the show.

    At the same time, it all depends on what type of tone one enjoys. For me, I found good stuff with Marland, but I think he was also over-rated at the same time. Plus, the Dobson's were known for quirky characters and off the wall stories.. which seemed to fit GL and SB.. just not ATWT.

  8. So on RHOBH, we are subjected to scenes of Kim with her dog or Carleton during some pole dancing and picking up girls for a 'sexy' pool party while on RH of Atlanta, we have some great scenes of gossip and cattiness. Though I don't think the fighting on next weeks Atlanta episode is a good thing because I like a show where put downs and slightly raunchy words are the way to go.

  9. I agree with the previous poster who mentioned that the recurring housewives are adding some extra drama to Atlanta. I like that the housewives have basically slaughtered Mynique and Natalie, while being unable to slaughter Marlo. I think if Marlo can go another round with the housewives then she certainly deserves a spot as a cast member in season 7. Given all the crap Brandi has been spouting off in real life, I can't believe one slip up that Marlo said back in season 4 can still be unforgiven.

    I do agree that the lack of recurring housewives in BH this season is one of the many issues this year. In previous seasons, you had Faye, DeeDee, Dana, and Marisa to add some variety and cattiness. I understand why Faye opted to sit out this year, but certainly you could have had Marissa or even Brandi's friend Etrisa on more often.

    I also think the OC has done well with the recurring housewife starting with season 6 with Jeana/Lynne, season 7 with drunk Sarah, and season 8 with Lauri. I wonder if there will be a recurring housewife for season 9? I've heard that the new housewives have caused some waves during filming in a good way, so exited to see how season 9 fares once filming and editing are completed.

  10. Do you think the show was short-sighted turning Jill into a psycho? She was a pretty decent gray character that had friendships with Mack and Karen, a decent snark partner with Abby, and a built in rival in Paige given what happened to Peter. I think the Jill going psycho and trying to kill Val seemed out of left field for me, imho.

    Plus, with the departure of key characters, I think she would have been a strong player in the later seasons.

  11. The Reardon's had the boarding house and Company while the Cooper's had the diner.

    Stupidly, the show burned down the diner. I love that set and I think the show gave the Cooper's Company since all the Reardon's were off the canvas by that time.

    Didn't Pam Long created the Cooper's as a replacement for the Reardon's? I remember Long stating that she loved writing for Tony and Nola, and would have continued writing for them but that the actors left the show.

  12. Season 5 was the highest rated season so it is has been on a steady rise since then. I attribute it to NeNe's higher raised profile in the media as well as Kenya's antics which I've personally seen bring a lot of people who never watched to the show. Even Little Dumb Dumb's divorce got a lot of publicity in urban blogs and what not.

    Also I think the show became more cohesive and organic again after Wig and Sheree left.

    OC's never really had a shakeup like New York did. For years Vicki Gretchen Tamara and Alexis were the cast and ratings reflected that it was growing stale which is why I felt if OC wanted to remain relevant 2 of the 4 had to go. It will be interesting to see thecratings for them as well as New Jersey who are also getting a cast overhaul.

    OC never really needed a shake up since a new housewife was added every season and one or two would depart on their own. I think the problem was that Gretchen and Alexis stayed much longer then they should have and I think the producers realized that hence why they were axed.

    I also think that the producers realized how stale the show was going to be in season 8 hence why Lydia was added during filming.

  13. Why do you think Atlanta has had a rebirth in season 6?

    I've noticed that New York and BH have struggled with cast changes, yet Atlanta seems to have evened out after a shaky season 5. Let's not mention Orange County that is known for its revolving door of housewives. Why do you think Atlanta, and to lesser case, Orange County have continued to thrive and maintain?

  14. I think Brandi, Kim, and Carleton need to go and for different reasons.

    Brandi is trashy, tacky, and needs to be moved to the OC. Vicki and Tamra would have her for an appetizer before the main course LOL

    Kim is still too fragile and needs to be treated off screen for her many emotional and physical issues.

    Carleton, as I've said before, just doesn't fit and I think she knows this.

    I'd keep Joyce, Yolanda, Brandi, and Kyle and try to get Camille back with a couple of other new housewives. What I would do is hire three or four women with the understanding that they will be filmed like the other housewives, and which ever housewife potential is interesting enough can be made a full time cast member before the season starts.

  15. The first two seasons of Beverly Hills really was Housewives gold. The show has fell off tremendously.

    I think the decline started with the season 2 reunion.

    I think what made the dinner party from hell work was that it was balanced out by fun, nice houses, great clothes, and ladies jetting off to fun places for the weekend :)

    I still remember Camille going to New Yorkk to see Kelsey in his play, and how dismissive he was of her backstage. Plus, the awkwardness of the limo ride they took and then coming out of the limo all smiles on the red carpet. That's the BH I want to see. The infighting in the vehicles to the events, then the switching to smiling faces and gabbing. Fighting at parties should be reserved for shows like OC and Jersey, but BH should be about parties, great clothes, fun gossip, jokes, and a few subtle digs masked by a smile in public.. and fighting in 'private' :)

    I've watched a few episodes of Atlanta, and while they are fighting in public.. there is enough good natured humor and fun to balance it out. Plus, there seems to be real friendships with some of the women.

  16. I agree that Carlton doesn't quite fit on the show, which you can tell by her expressions whenever she enters a housewives events and a fight is going on LOL It seems that Carlton has only clicked with Brandi and Kim, to a lesser extent, and no one else.

    Like I said before... Carlton fits on BH like Quinn fit on OC like Deshawn fit on Atlanta like Cindy fit on NY.

    I always thought that Luann held out to0 long and was told when she signed on that it was possible she might have a lesser role?

    Regarding Jennifer Gilbert, it was believed she would be a housewife and even filmed for several months. I think she would have fit in better had the franchise kept it's original intention of showcasing the day to day life to working New York moms. But since the franchise was evolving past that point, the producers didnt think she would fit with the petty dramas of the other women.

  17. I loved LuAnn's affair in St Barth's...that had to be real, she did too much to cover it up for it not to be...but yes,the "pregnancy" and feud with Ramona was generated for story. I think LuAnn will excel as an official Friend of the Housewives.

    I totally agree! She works best as the friend with her sarcastic put-downs, but not as a main character.. if that makes sense.

    Plus, I enjoyed her and Ramona as freniemies during most of season 5 after their 'feud' was over.

  18. When Sonja's sober, she can be awesome and very on-point with her views and opinions. I did like her one talking head about how Aviva was pissed about them not throwing a party for her husband and Sonja basically stating that he just flew down with her, he didn't discover the Atom LOL.

    What I'm not remembering was if she hated Sonja just as much as Ramona, or was Sonja mostly caught in the cross fire of her dislike of Ramona?

  19. I had heard rumours that Aviva and Luann had held out for money, and then both were given privisions that they were still welcome but in a reduced role. I know Aviva signed back first but then a week later Luann signed as well. I'm wondering if Aviva bought more drama then Luann during filming?

    Luann is more interesting when she's in a supportive realm as opposed to the main s***stirrer. However, for stirring the pot effortlessly.. honors for that does go to her with Lydia from RHOC a close 2nd.

    I also heard that this season of RHONY was even more heavily scripted then normal due to talk of the show being boring in season 5.

  20. What's interesting is that Pam Long wrote for Hilary for over a year, even pairing her with Jim Reardon. It even looked like the show was flirting with a Tony/Jim/Annabelle/Hilary quadangle with Fletcher and Claire thrown in before Hilary was killed suddenly.

    I had heard that Mike/Lillian/Alex was suppose to be a triangle but then Mike left suddenly so I'm unsure if the show fired him or if he quit on his own.

    I was also curious on how Pam Long wrote Mike's daughter Hope vs how Marland and the Dobson's wrote her.

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