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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. If you want to watch Corrie, watch episodes from 1960-1995 or so, or around 03-04. The show in its current form is a rotting corpse, devoid of real humor, family, heart, or believable storytelling.

    Do you think the new producer might restore the humor, family, and heart the show use to be known for?

    I did watch the April 21st through April 26th episodes.. and wondering why Carla is still with that bloke Peter when she is beautiful and can certainly have any man she wants. I'm hoping Leanne will freak out over Nick/Kylie's hookup when she finds out.. but I hope that she never gets back together with Peter.

    It does seem like the show needs to clean house and perhaps write some characters out. Though I like that the characters rotate in regards to storylines... much more then I can say for US soaps.

  2. I had a feeling once the article came out showcasing what each housewife made, that something like this would happen. Hence the unwritten rule never to tell people what you make cause you might either make more then the person you tell, or less then the person you tell.

    If they refuse to sign, then I think it's time to put RHONY to bed.

  3. So I recently discovered CS on hulu.. and have watched the first 8 episodes from December so I'm very behind the rest of you. However, I quickly was able to discern who most of the people were within those first 8 episodes partly by watching the show and also by looking up the show/character guide on wikipedia. So I think the Times interview on the new AMC/OLTL about not knowing who anyone is is baseless since I was able to jump into CS and that show was on 52 + years.

  4. LW actually did kind of play a bitchy entitled character on Loving... I remember she was pretty popular on that show.. and was surprised at how GL didn't want to play up that element of her portrayal.. instead trying to cast her as a good girl opposite Moniz's Dinah. I would have been more interested in the Dinah vs. Cassie fight if Cassie was written as being flawed and called on it by everyone other then Dinah.

    After Dinah came back in the form of GT, did dinah and Cassie have much interaction after the initial identity theft story?

  5. I'm curious what most people think is each RH franchises peak season thus far? For obvious reasons, DC only had one season (and my mom is still pissed that it was cancelled).. and Miami has only had 2 seasons (though season 2 was certainly a huge improvement over season 1).

    For me:

    Atlanta: Season 2 or 3

    NY: Season 3 (Scary Island, Sonja's introduction, Jill & Bethanny's friendship implodes, Ramona's Turtle time, and Luann's stating money can't buy you class :)

    BH: So far, I think season 1 was the best (Dinner party from hell, Camille's total delusions of her grand marriage as it falls apart, Kyle & Kim's argument at the season ending party.)

    OC: This is a hard one.. I liked season 3 especially cause Tamra was not toxic at all... but I think season 4 was the peak.. while it still had the elements of the early seasons, but was mixed well with the trashiness that came to dominate the show in later years. You had a good balance of women in season 4... two trashy blondes (Gretchen and Tamra... though Gretchen was so sweet in this season and Tamra was bitchy but not to the levels of later seasons), one spacy brunette (Lynne), one snarky brunette (Jeana), and Vicki :)

    NJ: This is a tough one.. I guess season 3 since it was the first season with Melissa and Kathy. Teresa was still getting along with Caroline and Jacqueline... Kathy had nice family scenes with her husband and kids... and the conflict between Melissa and Teresa was still fresh and interesting.

  6. This is why I always don't like to call these shows reality shows because the truth is much more interesting then the manufactured crap they come up with on the show.

    I rewatched the last episode of OC, and I could hear Lydia telling Alexis over and over that she signed up for this.. so I'm guessing Lydia didn't get the memo of not breaking the 4th wall if I heard what she is saying correctly.

    Her reactions seemed too genuine to be fake, and as I read before, her never watching the past season until mid-way through filming certainly confirms that she really had no idea what she was walking into.

    Didn't Yolanda also mention that she didn't really watch the BH show that much before she came on? I know she said she regretted not knowing the layout, but I think that makes it somewhat more natural and less fake... imho.

  7. So watched last night's new OC... here are my thoughts:

    - I agreed with Vicki, Tamra has some major anger issues that she needs to address. If you seriously wanted to do a reboot for this particular show then you need to let her go. She seems to be the main reason the show has become the way it is. Much more then Alexis, Fretchen, or Vicki.

    - I loved the scenes with Vicki and her family! This is what the show originally was about and why having Vicki remain on the show is what keeps the show connected to its original orgins. Though that sister of hers looked more then 13 months younger then Vicki. Vicki also seemed more like herself then in the past 4 episodes. I do think Michael is smart for hiding his address from his mother, though I had forgotten about her crashing his college pad back in season 1 or 2.

    - I liked Vicki's brother, and he is right that Ryan is not man of the house whatsoever. He is basically renting out a space in Vicki's house and installing all of those cameras... um.. brother needs some therapy cause he is suffering from PTSD. I'm wondering if there is some kind of emotional/physical abuse going on with Ryan/Brianna.. hence why Vicki was insistent on having them live there. Since she's kind of wondering why she is being dictated to like she is a child and not a grownup.

    - Lydia is interesting to me. She did have one good point that offering any criticism, rather it is constructive or otherwise, makes Alexis very defensive. It is like she sees both sides of the issue. I read an interview with her yesterday where she had never watched the show and was told by producers in the middle of filming to catch up so she knows what is going on. She did look completely lost during that dinner at Tamra's studio so I'm thinking she is telling the truth. Plus, she did hint that she and Slade will have some issues as well.

    - I loved the scene of Heather driving with little Collette in the backseat. Especially when she said she is both adorable and a terror at the same time... makes me think little Collette is like her mama :)

    I can't wait to meet Lydia's mother... it could explain why Lydia is the way she is. According to Lydia, she is a hippie and was a huge influence on Lydia. Could be why she is a child trapped in a 32 year old body :)

  8. I always thought it interesting that Pamela Long was listed as executive story consultant while someone else was the head writer. Did that mean that Long was technically the final decision maker.. or was she someone who advised the head-writer when needed?

    I know she was only on the show for five months.. but was this stint successful? Or was the show doomed anyway no matter who would have joined it?

  9. I don't think either Long's or JFP vision for OLTL truly fit... though I think Long's version might have fit a little better then JFP's vision... just a little bit though.

    I looked up her stint and saw it covered most of 1998, and I do think that matches up with Lindsay's arrival, her initial friendship with Dorian, and her marrying Clint. She and Nora were hostile, but not as toxic either from what I recall of her first several months on the show.

    It seemed like once Pam Long left, that was when Lindsay's focus changed to breaking up Bo and Nora, messing up the paternity results, then having the memory erasing drug injected into Nora. It just didn't seem to fit the Lindsay of the first several months of her stint.

  10. Maybe she is opting not to come back? Could be possible that she didn't want to deal with Phaedra... anything is possible. Though surprised she and Kim were friendly in real life.. makes me wonder what could have been if Kim had stayed on the full season.

  11. Long also wrote the "Who Killed Georgie Phillips?" mystery and Todd faking D.I.D.

    Was that where Todd held hostage all the suspects in a cabin or house? Then Nora's daughter confessed to the crime? It was interesting in a weird sort of way.

    Ah, so Long is responsible for the Rappaport's invasion... though I loved Lindsay especially in her first several months where she didn't seem quite as obsessed with hurting Nora. Didn't she and Clint elope? I remember her and Nora having a conversation about that while Nora reminded LIndsay that she wasn't Vicki.. and Lindsay replied "exactly, that's why I'm married to Clint and she isn't".

    I do recall that their marriage quickly ended, Clint left town.. and she started obsessing over Bo/Nora in full force. Was that when Pam Long exited?

  12. I was surprised to read that Pamela Long was a head-writer briefly on OLTL. I understand that it must not have worked out since she was only there for like six to nine months. Just curious over what she created/did during her brief stint on the show.

    Plus, I read up on a character called Samantha Vernon and was quite surprised that she was on the show for several years before being killed off. I always assumed she came on right before she became Asa's bride, but had no idea that she had been on for years before and a few years after.

    Shame that they killed her off right before Tina came back on the show since it appears that the two were friends/enemies during Tina's first stint on the show. Did old time viewers like Samantha #1 or Samantha #2 better? Just by looks alone, Samantha #1 looked more like a girl next door while Samantha #2 looked more grown-up/bitchy.

    I wonder why they didn't just have her leave town.. to come back at a later date.

  13. What was everyone's favorite and least favorite versions of Allison Parker? I think Courtney Thorne-Smith is such a dynamic underrated actress. I'm not gonna lie, I love how season 1 is basically The Allison Parker Show. Every nuance of her life was discussed ad nauseum, especially the first half when it was self-contained episodes. Season 3 is Allison at her all-time hot-mess self, being an alcoholic and then a power-bitch in heels as President of D&D. I love how she gets her strength back in season 4 (and my husband LOVES her HAIR in season 4, ha!) but I HATE that she gives up her job so easily and takes a minimum wage waitressing job at Shooters and then gets involved with Jake. Allison was established as being such a determined woman who wanted to make something great of herself; to have her working at Shooters for an entire year was ridiculous IMO.

    If i have to choose the most meatiest season then I would choose season 3. Her alcoholic behavior was in full swing, she had some fun flings with David James Elliott and Brian Bloom, she was head bitch in charge for a short time, and ended the season drinking her sorrows away after witnessing Billy and Brooke marrying.

    However, in terms of character stability, I would have to say season 1 and season 2 though she was less whiny in season 2 then in season 1 for sure, imho

    Season 5 was like the show had amnesia and forgot that she had been on for 4 previous seasons. I thought she and Jake were an interesting match.. but having them exist in a separate island from the rest of the show hindered both of them.

  14. I don't like nor dislike anyone that isn't conventionally attractive.. lord knows I certainly have no room to judge nor make fun of someone's looks. I will say that I find myself laughing at and with Lydia. Her intro episode alone, I found myself laughing at her and I found it to be a nice break from the toxic behavior of the other five women.

    Though I will say that i did like Alexis/Jim in scenes by themselves in the first two episodes of the season, which says a lot about how toxic the show is that I found their scenes to harken back to the old style of the show. You know, an inside peak at families in Orange County.

    I do think that the show started changing in season 4, but it didn't become apparent that it had strayed until season 6.

    I do know that Quinn was fired because she wasn't mean enough, plus she worked a 9 to 5 job that prevented her from being filmed during those times.. at least that was the explanation she gave for why she wasn't asked back for season 4. She said she didn't want to say anything mean spirited, because it would be forever seen by her family, friends, and the public. It's kind of funny that her donning the blonde wig and trying to get her boyfriend to like her seems tame compared to what the show is now.

  15. I'm still re-watching this series, currently in season five and I have a completely new appreciation for Melrose Place and this fantastic cast! This show has just one of the greatest primetime soap casts ever and I include all of the late additions as well. Hell, even Traci Lords, a fricking porn star, worked in the role they gave her. I just can't get over how fun this show is! It feels so mature, but young and fresh at the same time. I love the way they handled the business storylines and were able to bring together such diverse people and professions and it made sense. Even for the bad parts, I don't think anybody could pull Melrose Place off today. One huge disappointment though, is the lack of a proper exit for Daphne Zuniga. I don't think she gets enough credit for saving this show. I feel like the arrival of Jo is what kept the show on the air long enough for Heather Locklear to make any kind of impact. I enjoyed her in season four once she got over the victim complex they had her in, but towards the end she was isolated in story and didn't get a proper exit, just Matt saying that she moved. She deserved a big exit arc similar to what Kimberly received. Speaking of Kimberly, WHY DID MARCIA CROSS HAVE TO LEAVE?! I never realized how fabulous she was until now and I'm dreading her exit. Everything from her chemistry with Thomas Calabro to Doug Savant to all the different female cast members, she was just perfection. Marcia Cross deserved an Emmy for this role. Now that I'm a good way through season five I must give props to Lisa Rinna. Out of all the newbies, she's the one that catches my eye. She fits in well and has a nice mysterious air. I also love how sexy her outfits are, even when they don't show much skin. Seeing her in a well-fitted role like Taylor makes me miss her acting.

    I agree that Jo really suffered as a character through most of season 4. There was one scene near the end of season 4 where she and Jake were talking.. and they talked about why they never could make it work.. and she was preparing to go on a trip of some sort. I would have had that be her exit because she was leaving Melrose for a new start, but then she returned and got involved in a story involving Sydney's friend and her little boy. I will say that Jo's character near the end, did regain some of her former essence until her last scene where she tearfully wondered if she should go with her new boyfriend to Bosnia... even though it had been reported for months that she was leaving the show.

    Taylor.. the character was on for two seasons and it felt like it was two different characters. I think season 5 Taylor was written for Hunter Tylo to play until she was fired suddenly for being pregnant. I think Lisa Rinna was an odd choice, but she made that Taylor work very well and it was shame that they turned her character into a cartoon in season 6.. since I think Lisa was up to playing Taylor as written in season 5.

  16. I do agree that Gretchen is majorly bullied by Tamra and Vicki, to a slightly lesser extent. Part of me wonders why she would be friends with Tamra after all the crap that Tamra pulled on her.. but then I know that she is probably doing it for survival.

    It's said that if someone is bullied, they can sometimes end up being a bully themselves as a way to protect themselves from being bullied. If the season previews are correct, then it looks like Gretchen will soon be back in the bullied role again.

    Even though season 8 is not as toxic as season 4 of NY nor season 6 of OC.. it is showing signs that it could possibly become like that. I do think that a reboot is in order if the series comes back for season 9. I'm not sure if they need to toss out Tamra, Gretchen, or Alexis... or all three. Tamra seems to be the lead mean girl, but if she is tossed out.. then either Heather, Vicki, or Gretchen could take her place.. Alexis seems to rile them up, but if she is gone.. then the mean girl focus might turn on Lydia, or even Vicki. Finally, Gretchen doesn't seem to have a story right now.. but then none of them seem to.

    I wonder if perhaps the show should become a hybrid of what it use to be, and what it is now. I read something awhile back that Andy Cohen had been trying to get Lauri back since season 6, but that she was hesitant due to the fact that the show had vastly changed in tone/focus since she had been on. Hence, why she agreed to come visit again in season 8.. to test the waters. If she has any secrets she wants kept secret, that could be why she is hesitant to become a full time housewife again. Since the first 3 or 4 seasons, didn't really showcase any of the scandal stuff as much from what I can recall... and watching season 3 recently confirms that I might be right.

  17. While I agree that Alexis is no angel, I think that Tamra and friends have come off much worse then Alexis right now. Obviously, these three women should know that if you gang up on someone then people will usually side with the one being ganged up on.. no matter who is in the right or wrong.

    Plus, I do agree with Alexis. She is being bullied by these mean girls. Makes me think she really needs the money if she chooses to stay around all of that toxic mess. Hopefully, the Skyzone venture does well enough that she can quit the show.. and the family can have a sustainable lifestyle.

    I'm kind of hoping the show is revamped if it comes back in season 9... it is reaching season 4 NY toxic levels. Time for Tamra and Gretchen to go! And I loved Gretchen up through last season.. guess being friends with the devil warps anybody LOL.

    Though I loved Dr. V on WWHL giving it to Tamra. awesome!

  18. This why prime-time soaps can never make a major comeback, unlike the 80s and 90s. The premises presented are too limited.

    Season 1 actually faltered a little once the show was picked up beyond the initial 13 episode story. I know Mike Kelley had planned to resolve the dead body issue in the 1st 13 episodes.. but when ABC picked up the show, he ended up adding filler. I would have resolved that story in those 13 episodes, and then plotted out the fall-out/next step in Emily’s revenge for the remaining 9 episodes.

    Shows like Knots Landing had 30 episode seasons, but they had several ongoing story lines that were paced at a different speeds. One story would just be starting, another would be in the midst of buildup, another would climax, while another story would be resolving/moving onto the next arc.

    Revenge is sometimes too limited in scope/story to do a 22 episode season successfully… I think the show should have been a one season- 13 episode mini-series as opposed to an ongoing show.

  19. I always saw Victoria as the everywoman of the show, when Alexandra left the show, I think a part of the show died with her leaving. Despite the show attempting to replace Victoria with Maggie, Roxanne, and Daphne... it seems as if Victoria was a vital piece that couldn't be replaced.

    Why else would the show have gone to Alexandra to have her come back. I'm sure she would have agreed to come back as Victoria if she was given another character to play at alternate times.

    It wasn't as if she was asking for a pay increase, just a new challenge,.

  20. I think the home was suppose to be a wedding gift to them by Elizabeth, but there was a clause stating that only a member of the Collins could reside in.. It was a 100 year clause.. and they were several years away from the clause expiring. Elizabeth stated that once the clause expired, she would give them the house.

    I bet that the plan at that time was still to have Vicki be Paul's daughter, not Elizabeth's daughter. I read a blind item that Art Wallace & Dan Curtis clashed over that very story.. Art Wallace wanted Vicki to be Paul's daughter, while Dan Curtis wanted to go the Elizabeth's daughter route.

    I think by the time Art Wallace had left, the focus was primarily on Barnabas, Julia, and on Vicki to a lesser extent. She would mention being an orphan all the way through the 1795 story.. but not sure if she discussed being an orphan once the 1795 story concluded or not.

  21. It seemed like when Barnabas became a breakout character, all efforts to write for the other characters went by the wayside... I remember in one episode after Jason Mcguire was exposed, he and Vicki had a confrontation at the Blue Whale where he made mention that he regretted not staying in town long enough to see Miss Morality (Vicki) fall from grace...and asked her who she was and where she came from... hinting that he knew something about Victoria's past, but wouldn't give any details.

    Nothing was followed up on... I think that Vicki's past should have been the next story to run at the same time as the Barnabas story...

  22. They have new producers so I'm hoping this season is better and less biased editing wise. At the very least Koma Kathy should have received a pink slip though. The only interesting thing she's ever done is ride a bicycle to the grocery store.

    They actually filmed a housewife riding a bike??? Man, I would have downgraded Kathy to a friend of status.. and had her play neutral to Melissa/Theresa... since we all know this is scripted.

    Then added one new housewife.. an objective voice.. the voice of the audience.

  23. Yeah, I agree that Maggie became the victim of choice in the later years of the show.

    I did like that barnbas thought original recipe Maggie was the reincarnation of Josette, but then so found out after kidnapping her.. that she was nothing like Josette in personality.. and that Maggie was pretty fiesty during that story.

    I think the post hostage stuff with Maggie was pretty good, and that she still had some fire.. but after 1795, she became the put upon victim.. moreso then Victoria was.

  24. I understand that a new and not-so-innocent role was later written for Alexandra Moltke to play. (I think that it was Joanna Mills in 1840.)

    Dianna Millay also had agreed to return to Dark Shadows shortly before it was cancelled. She did appear in Night of Dark Shadows because the role on the show was not possible.

    I knew about Diana Millay slated to return to the show. Though would she have come back to 1841 PT..or perhaps in 1971 (if the show were to return).

    I didn't know Alexandra Moltke was asked back that late in the game? I knew they asked her back sometime in 1969.. and when she refused to play Victoria and wanted to play an edgier character.. they killed off Victoria.

    Watching the first 75 episodes, and knowing that the original intent was for Victoria to be Paul Stoddard's daughter.. do you think maybe they should have cast Moltke as Carolyn (since she looked so much like Joan Bennett).. and had Nancy Barrett play Victoria? She could have easily darkened her hair.

    Then Moltke could have played a different part in 1795.. since I know the actress was jealous that the other actors got to play different parts while she was stuck playing Victoria.

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