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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. I watched the last minutes of the Atlanta reunion (while I waited for my housewife show OC to come on), and I think Nene came off badly though miss Kenya wasn't smelling like a rose either.

    Now, OC time:

    I always wonder how the OC celebrates the Christmas season since New York always seems elegant and magical, and Chicago is as well :) At least the OC is tacky when it comes to the holidays like the other times of the year, sometimes consistency is a nice thing.

    This weeks episode was interesting to me with a full introduction of Lizzie and Danielle...

    I'm wondering why Danielle was only a friend and not a housewife. She seems nice and her husband seems interesting as well. I did notice a ping of interest between him and Eddie, perhaps this is why Tamra and Danielle eventually don't get along?

    Lizzie reminds me of a Bratz doll in looks, but she seems actually nice and intelligent thus far. Plus, her line saying that not everyone should have a clothing line was a subtle slam toward Gretchen's purse line :)

    Shannon and her husband are uncomfortable to watch, yet very fascinating at the same time. Even though it seems scripted, their marriage issues seem non scripted to me.

    Vicki at her insurance office cracks me up. Actually anything Vicki cracks me up, and sadly she grew up in a neighboring suburb :( We are all not like her in the Chicago suburbs, rest assured :)

  2. Ah, Danielle... a perfect villianess on New Jersey. She handled the gang up on her during the season 2 reunion like a pro.

    While I understand why Porsha went after Kenya, I think her throwing a tantrum like a two year old is what turned me off. I watch the housewives to see snarky putdowns, not brawls.

  3. I think Kristen handled both Ramona and Aviva well.

    Aviva seemed to snap out of her crazy personality when Kristen pointed out that people have told her she was crazy and she is just proving them right. I like that Kristen didn't need to get down and dirty, she just let Ramona and Aviva hang themselves.

  4. Cheap 21,

    I now know who the person in your signature is!

    I happen to find the Real housewives of Melbourne on youtube and binge watched 8 episodes in a two day period. I think there is one or two more episodes to the season, but I think my thoughts won't change too much after watching those episodes.


    I love her! She seems very laid back, and kind of reminds me of a heavily made up Shockard Channing. While I could understand how she could rub people the wrong way, I don't think the attacks toward her are warranted. Me thinks production had a hand in her being late for tennis match since she did indicate that she said that she was caught at work, and when the women said they didnt hear this, she said then it's a communication issue. I'm thinking she told production she would be late and they didn't tell the other women knowing that if they didn't it would increase the drama factor.

    Granted she is late, wears high heels, and probably didn't clean up make up in the bathroom.. but I don't think her not owning up to calling Lydia and Andrea the c word makes her any worse then Andrea/Lydia/Jackie for making fun of her behind her back.


    She's annoying, but I could see why she would have an issue with Gina in the first place especially the way Lydia relayed what Gina had told her. I do see that she and Gina warm toward each other later. Though letting angel's advise her on business decisions...umm.. that's a new one :) Plus, saying her husband is a rock star countless times is a drinking game ready to happen :)


    I'm confused with her sudden shift from liking Gina to wanting to strangle her. In episode 5, she and Gina are having fun.. but in episode 6, she wants to strangle her. Even Gina was confused and blindsided about Janet's anger toward her. There is enough other stuff to like about her, but she needs to lay off the botox.


    The lesser of two evils. She seems to be slightly less harsh toward Gina, but she did stir the pot by blabbing to Jackie about what Gina said.. and twisting it. I like that she is in college, but the way she spoke to her professor shows how disdainful she views authority and shows how superior she thinks she is over others... I bet she will display that toward Andrea one day.


    I love her! She is a peacemaker, wanting to see good in others, which means that she will get dumped on. She has a great husband, and seems close with her son. I do hope she can advise Jackie and husband on business matters.


    What a two faced witch. Nothing likable about her at all.

    Also, Lisa should have watched how Gina handled the gang up... She was doing her makeup while the women were bickering and ganging up on her LOL I love how delusional Lydia and Andrea were thinking that Gina was afraid of them, but I think she just doesn't care and is willing to watch them hang themselves.. or turn against one another :) Plus, I wouldn't stay either.. not cause I did something wrong but I figure if you don't want me there then I'll just leave.

  5. I heard Lien was paired with Peter Parros' character. I wonder why she gone from the show after a few months. Could that pairing have something to with it? Or did they not know what to write for her? Also wonder why she wasn't brought back besides that 2003 appearance?

    The actress only signed on for a six month stint, and she didn't want to do more then that. With that said, I think she was too islanded and didn't really interact all that much with her father, Margo, Bob, or Lisa. I'm not sure if Paul or Andy were on the canvas at the time or not.

    She was a great actress, but I think the time limit on the contract prevented the show from doing too much with her character.

  6. When someone says the F word constantly, it doesn't make them trash. I just think it makes them sound uneducated because there are plenty of words to use that has the same meaning as the F word. I think in a fit anger, it's more normal to resort to the quickest word that comes to mind and that is usually the F word. Heather doesn't seem like she spits that word out except if she's angry. Brandi, on the other hand...

    That said, I would love if Brandi went over to the OC. Tamra and Vicki would make mincemeat out of her.

  7. There is a brief web exclusive clip where Tamra is asked her thoughts on the new housewives. Apparently, Lizzie is a neighbor of hers but that they didn't know each other all that well before filming but that Lizzie is a mean drunk. All she would say about Shannon is that she's nuts. I'm wondering who Shannon is melting down about when she is ranting about the cameras and that the truth will come out. I thought it was Heather, but I'm wondering if it's maybe Tamra.

  8. Vicki didn't disappoint in this episode! With her foot in mouth comments about Oklahoma, trying to surf, making a big deal about her knee being bruised, her driving abilities, and her annoyance of Heather, it was like a gift that kept on giving. This is just the first episode and Vicki is already giving us some new treasures to snark about :)

    Tamra was actually being nice, for her anyway. I did like the subtle shade she threw at Gretchen.

    I'm so glad both Tamra and Vicki are clued in on Heather's snooty ways. Seeing the three in Hawaii, it does make me wish Lydia had been there. I could have seen Lydia laughing it up with Tamra and Vicki while also throwing a little more shade on Miss Heather as well :)

    The jury is out on Shannon, though she does come from an upper middle class family. On the one hand, it was nice to see scenes of her on our own because it's nice to see them before the crazy starts, but on the other hand, she seems like she is missing a screw or two. I'm not sure if she was serious about doing a DNA test on her twins, or if she was just joking. The one positive about Heather is that she has the best reactions and she didn't disappoint in that scene.

    Lastly, is Heather building a home or a hotel? It would make a nice mini hotel for them once the kids grow and move out.

    Overall, it was a nice episode that sort of reset the show for season 9. I like that we were introduced to Shannon and that Lizzie's introduction was put off to the 3rd episode. It gives us more time to know Shannon and Lizzie before throwing them into the lions den of drama.

    Lastly, they updated the credits! No more powerpoint 98 style credits!

  9. I agree Nene works better with a sidekick then solo. She and Kim were so much stronger when friends then when they were fighting.. and I think her and Marlo were better when friends then not.. and I think Nene realizes that its better to be cordial with Kenya then be fighting with her. While Nene isn't hated by any stretch of the imagination, her likeable factor did take a hit this season.. imho.

    That said, I'm hoping season 7 will result in the firing of Porsha and that a new housewife is bought on. A show can survive one housewife being added without changing the dynamics too much. Kandi and Todd marrying almost gurantees her a spot with the newlywed phase as well as him being a step dad to her daughter and of course, Mama Joyce being a presence. I'm debating about Phaedra being fired, or at least reduced to a friend of.. that way she can still attend parties, etc.. without any of her home life being shown.

    In regards to Beverly Hills, I think Brandi shouldn't be fired, but she should be reduced to a friend of position. The reason being is that she can't include her kids, so filming for her is limited to when Eddie and Lee Ann have the boys.. so we can't see the mothering/ car pool/ Barbeque side that Kim said was there when Brandi's boys are there. If we can't get a full view of a housewives life for whatever reason, then they need to be downgraded to a friend of status.

    If Joyce comes back in season 5, I'd like a little more focus on her home life with her husband, kids.. with her doing preparations for her new pagaent.. plus even seeing her and husband in the producer mode as well. I know season 1 had several scenes of Camille in producer mode discussing products, pitch meetings, etc. I think it would be nice to show that again.

    I'm also wondering if perhaps Beverly Hills peaked too early? The reason I ask this is because OC didn't really peak till season 3/4.. Atlanta didn't start cooking till 3/4.. NYC really was cooking in season 3 while Jersey started cooking at the end of season 1 through season 3/4. Perhaps Beverly hills having such a great first season with the little moments plus the trainwreck moments at Camille's dinner party and Kim/Kyle at the White party was too high to obtain in following seasons. Just a thought is all.


    I liked the mermaid parade scenes, and even admit to liking the Aviva scene. Though I have to remind myself that Aviva does put on a good front and can be almost likable at times.. but that she will turn that off if she feels you look at her funny.

    I like that Kristen is being the observer right now, it's the perfect role for a newbie like her. It does look like she'll start getting into the action later on, so I'll enjoy her as the observer for now :)


    I'm excited :) I'm also glad that it looks like Shannon will be in the first episode because it would have been boring to just focus on three out of the five housewives in the first episode. That said, her little scene of cell phones and radiation.. plus talking about organic food does give me a feeling that she'll be interesting. I know Peggy was previously into organic food, etc.. but I'm hoping Shannon is a little more interesting (and she doesn't look plastic yet.. refreshing :)

  10. As much as I love Gretchen - she's why I loved OC - I'm very excited for the new wives and new season. I do still think she shouldn't have been cut but rotation is what keeps these shows good. I'm just hoping Vicki or TAmra is gone fete this season.


    Gretchen wasn't the problem, Slade was for me.

    Vicki will never be cut. She gives off the train wreck moments, and her meltdown on the ski slope last season bought the show to at least 2.1 or 2.2 million viewers last season while the other episodes hovered under 2 million. It was promoted in commercials, online, etc.. and when it had a ratings increase, Bravo talked it up.. which surprised me considering that it was in its 8th season.

    However, the constant rotation of housewives on this particular franchise is what's kept it fresh. We would have had more rotation if Heather's friend hadn't backed out of joining in season 8 and Bravo had to bring back Alexis.

    it's telling that even when they had trouble finding new housewives, and Lydia quit right before filming of season 9 that they didn't call Alexis nor Gretchen to come back.

  11. It'll be a throwback to the earlier seasons with more individual housewife scenes.. and even events where they came together and got along.

    From what I read, one of the new housewives is being introduced in the 3rd episode or so.. so I'm wondering if episode 2 will be when the other new housewife comes in.

  12. I think the closest Jo came to being herself doing the 4th season was when she had the short story arc involving Sydney's friend and her son. However, her tearful declaration of love for that dr was so not in character for her. The Jo of old wouldn't have done that, she would have decided to get on her motorcycle looking back at Melrose Place before riding off into the sunset. In fact, several episodes before had Jo talking to jake while the two admitted that there was no going back and she rode off on her motorcycle. If she hadn't come back, that would have been a great ending.

    I think Kristin Davis did well with what she was given. The Brooke of season 3 looked to be a character that could have stayed around long term, but once season 4 came and her character was gutted.. then I could see why she exited stage left at the end of season 4. I do wonder how she would have interacted with Taylor/Kyle.

    I've watched about 17 episodes of season 5 of Melrose Place, and color me surprised that Lisa Rinna is playing a character and isn't a cartoon. Shame they morphed Taylor into an idiot when I think she worked well as an East Coast bitch. I always wondered if Hunter Tylo had played Taylor if they would have morphed her into an idiot/cartoon character in season 6?

  13. Marissa would have been a good addition full time. Her husband is a producer, she works in real estate so we could have seen some small scale Hollywood parties (since he produced indie films) while we could have been treated to some house porn. She was friends with Mauricio/Kyle, became friendly with Brandi while having some tension with Yolanda. I wonder if she would have served the same purpose as Joyce or Carlton.


    One thing I like about Heather is that if she has a problem with you, she will straight up tell you. I can't wait for episode 5 where she has a verbal smackdown with both Aviva and amanda. I wonder if Ramona will be absent from episode 5 like she was from episode 4? I bet she might have helped Sonja not be a trainwreck?

  14. I agree Wendy Williams would make a better host for these reunions, heck Viveca A Fox was a host for a reunion on the Style network and she was pretty good as well. I think you need someone who isn't the producer to be host, someone that can objective, or more so then Mr. Cohen is. When I see him in action, I'm embarrassed to be a gay man and having to put up with the likes of him reinforcing every negative gay male stereotype.

    With that said, I do think Kyle was correct in saying to Carleton that no one cares about her, and I did think it was funny that Kyle said that she isn't listening a thing Carlton's saying.. though Carlton hit a nerve by calling Kyle trash. LOL The problem with Carlton was that she said too much and jumped the gun with Kyle. She should have made nice with Kyle and let Kyle's true nature come out.

    Yolanda is very disrespectful of Joyce, but I view it as Yolanda being jealous that Joyce actually has mastered the English language and landed a great guy who loves and adores her. Don't see Yolanda's 'king' coming to her defense LOL Finally, Joyce seemed to break the fourth wall a few times with explaining why she wrote about Yolanda's bad hosting, the tagline, and editing issues.

    Brandi.... certainly knows how to work those tears. Fake fake tears when she's in trouble. Shame no one other then Joyce will ever call her out on that behavior.

    Odd that the housewives franchise rewards bullying and makes mincemeat of the victim when they dare stand up for themself. People are focused on bullying in school, but I also think that focus should be on adults who bully too.

  15. In some ways, Heather is scarier then Aviva because you can see Aviva coming at you, but you never know when Heather will strike.

    Maybe Luann's refusal to do the taglines caused her demotion? LOL Still Luann as Greek chorus will be made of win for me. I just wish that Bravo had aired the first episode after Atlanta to get people a taste of New York and to remind them it is back. I just hope 1.4 million viewers on Tuesday is good enough for Bravo to order a 7th season.

  16. The Three Sister's is a very unusual episode for Knots Landing on the outside, but if you dig beneath the supernatural trappings of the episode.. it was psychological drama at its finest.

    At the heart of the story was Val's unfulfilled yearning to be a mother. Her baby was stolen from her, and the guilt she felt over not being strong enough to reclaim her child drove Val throughout her life. At the house lived three little girl ghosts missing their mother and Val's innate sense drew her to them and vice versa. What is interesting is that Ginger felt the same thing when they first got there, but because she was only away from her baby for a few days, she was able to withstand the pull of the house.

    From what I recall Abby was the comic relief, Karen had very little part in the going ons, and I think it was an interesting twist that Laura was able to figure out what was troubling Val and alerted the other women.

    The cherry on top of the sundae was Lilliamae and Val's scene on the roof where Lillimae finally stepped up and was there for her daughter for the first time. She was able to rescue Val thus helping her to overcome the guilt she felt at not helping Val when she needed her the most. I think this episode was truly the first step in repairing Val and Lillimae's rift. Plus, when Val had the break down a few season later after she's told her babies are dead.. it doesn't come out of left field.

    Later writers made it seem as if Val couldn't live without Gary, but she spent years on her own before reuniting with him.. and after she catches him with Abby, she throws him out and started dating the detective before dating Ben. What really made Val break wasn't losing Gary but the thought of losing another chance at being a mother.

  17. Do not care about their fitness, surgery or kids. Boring. I do wish we could see Brandi with her kids and as a mother tho because we only get one side to her.

    Man you so would have hated how the reunions used to be like back in the day LOL RHOC season 1 through season 3 reunions were very low key and light hearted with little to no fighting. In fact, season 1 just had the housewives sitting in the backyard talking about the season with no Andy Cohen.

    I'd much prefer that then to the senseless rehashing that Andy puts them through. What I don't get is why these women don't understand that Andy basically hates women and enjoys showing them in a bad light. While it's wonderful Andy Cohen no longer is in charge of development at Bravo, he is still going to run the housewives shows so no hope of them ever becoming less toxic.

    That said, I didn't watch the full episode of NY last night but Kristen is married to d-bag. I do applaud her for finishing the race, I certainly wouldn't have LOL

  18. It's funny that the show revolved around Reva especially in the late 90s through the end but I got three people to watch the show with me circa 1993 through 2002 (when I was in college).. and the one consistent thing these three people were interested in was Blake. One of them even was invested in the Tory Granger story and was bummed that she had to go to europe for the summer because she was totally hooked on it. When she came back in the fall, she was bummed that the story wrapped up so I sent her a detailed summary of the last few months of the story.

  19. Kenya maybe getting dragged on Twitter.. but she got Rookie of the Year in the RH awards. Like her or not, she certainly does know how to stir that big ole pot of drama.

    I certainly knew when i saw best hair as a category that Joyce would win it LOL

    Surprised BH got favorite housewife city over Atlanta.

    I don't recall any blow ups at the bridal shop, were there any?

    Even Nene would agree Vicki G deserves lifetime achievement award since she is the original.

    I agree with the best line category, but not sure I understand the category that Kim's 'faint' won.

  20. I think that Bravo has dropped the ball big time with RHONY. Not only did they bench it for over a year, killing any momentum the show was building at the end of season 5, but they placed the show on Tuesday which is not their best night for ratings.

    Why didn't Bravo place the show after Atlanta or BH? Maybe get some of those viewers?

    While the other Housewife shows have evolved into trashy behavior (yet Atlanta has enough fun and interesting characters to counterbalance any trashy tendencies), I don't see New York in the same boat yet. Maybe season 6 will be that season.

  21. FINALLY finished season 1. While I like longer seasons when I'm invested in a show, I found 22 episodes to be a bit much.

    Emmett: I never felt they really knew what they wanted to do with him. My boyfriend said he gets a little more direction going forward so we'll see.

    Ted: Despite Blake almost killing him at the start, I actually liked him for Ted. It was a shame he couldn't shake his demons, hopefully it works out in season 2.

    Dr. David: I went from loving him to being majorly turned off by what a control freak he is.

    Brian: Somehow he came out smelling like roses by the end and it baffles me. I do enjoy the character though.

    Justin:I hate him less than I originally did, but I'd still love for him to go away.

    Michael: [!@#$%^&*] Michael. [!@#$%^&*] his comic obsession. [!@#$%^&*] his Brian obsession. The only redeeming thing about Michael was his dislike of Justin and even that's gone now. If you're too obsessed with your best friend to have a functional relationship, then you shouldn't date. Point blank.

    What perfect timing, I just finished season 1 this evening. I'm curious about why season 1 and 2 had 20 + episodes and the final 3 season had more typical 13-14 episode seasons.

    Emmett: I do agree that he didn't seem to have much purpose except to be the whimsical voice of reason. Though I did like the conversion story especially episode 14 where he and lesbian heather tried to have a 'success' story together where Ted has a wonderful speech about God not making mistakes and didn't think God made any mistakes when creating Emmett. Plus, the final scene at Babylon with Emmett announcing that he saw the light and is back. I think that the actor took a campy character and infused him with warmth, comedic presence, and a touch of angst. From what my room mate tells me, he gets some good storylines in the later seasons.

    Ted= love. I'm totally 100 % Ted in personality and also am drawn to his character. I had no idea that he had a crush on Michael, but I think he realizes that there is no chance between him and Michael and moves on pretty quickly. I think somewhere doing the season Ted tells Michael to not hold out for the unattainable and to just move on and be happy with someone who is attainable.

    Michael: Too hung up on Brian and I didn't like how he treated his female co worker. She seemed so sweet and I liked that when she found out about him being gay, that she was angry that he lied to her and not because he was gay.

    Brian/Justin: dysfunctional... hated both characters

    Lindsay/Melanie: I liked that they broke up during the middle of the first season because Lindsay was too busy putting Brian above Melanie. I did like the few episodes of a single Melanie at Babylon especially Ted/Emmet's reactions at being at lesbian night at Babylon. I think they were reunited too quickly in episode 16 or 17.. when there were still a few more episodes left in the season. lastly, I think Emmet's friend Heather could have been a nice distraction for Melanie.

    To me, it seems like Brian listened to Lindsay the most especially compared to Michael and Justin, imho.

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