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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. OC and ATL know when to get rid of wives that don't work. BH unfortunately has stll kept Kim around. I also think BH has lost its identity. Before it was the franchise based around glamour. Rich and lavish style which put the others to shame. Brandi was amazing as a friend but I do feel things went downhill when she got the diamond and they lowered their standards for her. She's so trashy and not what the series was originally about

    I agree with that to a point. OC took too long to get rid of Gretchen/Slade and the show is all the more better with them gone and Shannon/David in their place... wonder if Tamra will be cut? ATL should cut Porsha but I doubt they will.

    On paper, Joyce and Carleton were great choices. Joyce being married to a producer, being an actress and her beauty queen connections. While Carleton was married to a well known investment guy while she was a designer. However, I do think having Brandi on the show and demanding all the attention hijacked any potential for the show to evolve. The fact that Andy Cohen and co. awards bullying/racist behavior like Brandi's makes me sad. TBH, I think when Taylor's husband Russell killed himself before season 2 premiered is what started the unraveling of the show.

  2. That's so funny, I was thinking this last night while watching NYC... this was a boring trip, but it comes nowhere as close to NJ's Arizona trip. That trip was TERRIBLE.

    Lizzie continues to still be a non-factor. She's less integrated and involved than Lydia was...

    Could you have imagined how this season would have been had Lydia not quit right before filming started? I could have imagined Lydia's mother Judy sprinkling fairy dust all over Shannon, or perhaps trading past lives stories.

    Shannon is a great fit, and she seems to be the main focus this season. I'll excuse Lizzie for still being a non-factor since she was bought on so late in filming. Kind of reminds me of how Quinn was a non-factor in season 3, but the difference was that in season 3.. it wasn't important to be integrated as it is now with the other cast.

  3. I'm thinking that Lizzie is projecting her guilt over wanting a career onto her husband. I'm sure her husband says he'd prefer she stay at home because what husband wouldn't want that fantasy, but he seems capable of handling his two boys on his own. I thought the oldest was approaching three not four so I'm curious about the diapers at such an older age. I think there is an interesting story with Lizzie and her homelife, but given that she was selected weeks into filming, there might have been less footage to piece together the story. I do think Lizzie is caught between her desires and what is expected of her as a woman and mother. An interesting sociological portrait especially given that she was in the beauty queen circuit and feels regret over things not working out for her acting/fame wise. I did like the scene between her and Heather because Heather did offer good advice to rethink the baby thing a few months down the road.

    I guess Vicki was the lucky winner of the collective brain in this episode since I thought she was very logical in regards to shannon and David's marriage. I do think Vicki likes Shannon, and you can tell the two of them seem close to one another. Although, when watching them, it makes me miss Vicki and Jeana when they used to be friends and I even miss Tamra and Tammy K, who also were real friends as well.

    That's why even though Shannon is a walking contradiction, she is also fascinating to watch. She is quirky, but very sheltered. She does come from old money, and I think whoever cast her as a housewife deserves a promotion.

  4. Do you think Bravo would really do a major reboot and fire several housewives again? It didn't really work when it was done the first time, so why would they be stupid enough to try it again.

    I do think that how the OC introduced Shannon and Lizzie this season was perfect. Perhaps had NY did that in season 5, things would have been different.

  5. Also love seeing Vicki without such a dark and sad storyline. She needs to stay in the sidelines for a while and be more of a talk to. They do need to find her next big rival though.

    I do like that next week Vicki tries to teach Shannon how to woo hoo :)

    I have a feeling Lizzie was supposed to have filled the gap Gretchen left. Especially with her being snipped at by Vicki, but the problem is that Lizzie is more intelligent then Vicki and especially Gretchen so the feud was basically over before it started.

    I do like that LIzzie is friends with Heather but did state that she could see why people would be bothered by Heather's tone of voice. Me thinks it would be fun to see Heather and Lizzie go at it. I think Lizzie could wipe the floor with Heather.

  6. So far, Shannon seems to be the only housewife on the OC bringing any sort of storyline to the show. It seems like Tamra, Vicki, Heather, and Lizzie haven't bought anything to the table except to talk about Shannon.

    I actually like Shannon. She's fascinating and so far she doesn't seem to be hawking a product like the other housewives in the past have done. She seems authentic and at least she owns her flaws which is more then I can saw for Ms. Whoville Heather. What a witch.

    I'm curious to see 'fame whore' Danielle in action since so far, she seems nice.. if a tad boring. Tamra had gone on and on about her before the season started so I'm wondering when this side of Danielle comes out.

  7. I'm thinking LIzzie hasn't gelled yet on OC is because she was included so late. If what we are seeing thus far of Lizzie is why she was picked over Danielle to be the fifth housewife, then Danielle's scenes must of been boring :)

    With that said, we do need a normal/boring housewife given that we have mean spirited Tamra, Spastic Vicki, consecending Heather, and kooky/neurotic Shannon.

  8. I agree Courtney isn't the strongest actress, but she has a likable presence that has served her well since Melrose Place. In fact, her first tv show where she made an impression was Day By Day. I know she was the mean girl in Lucas and did another short lived tv show, but Day By Day was where I remember her from.

    She has done pretty well going from Melrose to Ally Mcbeal to According to Jim and finally Two and a Half Men. Pretty impressive twenty plus year presence.

    I do agree that Allison was a major presence in the first three season, but by season 4 her dominance over major story started to diminish and season 5 was just the Jake/Allison show separate from everyone else.

  9. I thought the first half of season 5 was pretty good, especially with the back to basic approach the show was doing. However, I think the show was somewhat islanded, though not to the extent that season 4 was.

    I think Allison would have fit in well at D & D especially with the going ons with Billy, Amanda, Sam, and Craig. I did detect a bit of chemistry during a brief introduction between Allison and Craig that wasn't followed up on.

    I'm not sure what could have been done with Jake especially after Jane left the show, perhaps involve him with Sydney and Kyle?

  10. I thought the writing for Beth improved in the last year or so of the show. I think I understood what they show was going for with Beth and Coop, but the execution was all wrong.

    I did think Lillian and Buzz was interesting choice as a couple, but I always thought that the coupling was due to the fact that both characters were single. Though I did enjoy Hawk being jealous of Lillian and Buzz with a few scenes mentioning their former relationship and the graveside visit by Lillian to Maureen was long over-due and needed. Wasn't there a scene where Buzz's temper got out of hand and he accidently hit Lillian? I often wonder if more was suppose to come out of that given Lillian's past marriage to Bradley, but then they were cancelled so it was forgotten?

    I do think Billy and Holly were an interesting mix especially with the opposites attract possibility. However, it would have seemed like Vanessa/Billy part deux. I thought Vanessa was on the show during that brief attempt at a pairing, but married to Matt? That would have been an interesting foursome given that Holly helped saved Matt and Vanessa's daughter's life, plus Vanessa/Billy were formerly married.

    I do think the Nursery Rhyme Stalker story was a little too over the top especially when rumours originally had Holly becoming attached to baby Maureen and kidnapping her. That would have seemed more character-driven, and not so over the top plot heavy.. imho.

  11. I think the Labine's were bought in to write up the mob stuff since they wrote it heavily into RH and GH. The problem was that both of those shows took place in NYC or the NY area where you could see mob activity happen. Had GL taken place in Chicago, it would have made sense to show mob action.

  12. LOLOLOL I LOVE PETER! And it's true! People who say Cynthia is boring are haters IMO. She ALWAYS has had a storyline independent of Nene. Peter is a great supporting character to have and Malorie is icing on the cake.

    Both Cynthia and Kandi have had storylines independent of Nene.. and I don't see that changing in season 7. Porsha's main story was Kenya.. but Kenya has a bigger story with Nena so Porsha isn't needed.

  13. I am curious about the new upcoming previews for the rest of OC's season though I'm hoping Shannon's meltdown will still be included.

    Based on the first two episodes of Danielle and Lizzie, I can see why Lizzie got the housewife spot and Danielle didn't. Perhaps Danielle realized she needed to bring it and picked Tamra to bring it with since there were reports that the two go at it in Bali.. hence why Tamra is saying Danielle is a fame whore and such.

    I also see that OC will not be on next week, and I'm wondering if the producers are re-editing some episodes since reaction to the first few episodes were lukewarm to intrigued.

  14. Based on watching moments of the Atlanta reunion, it is too toxic. While Atlanta is doing well ratings-wise, Jersey used to do stronger ratings as well but after three seasons of no cast changes, it became stale and boring. Atlanta does need to shuffle the cast a bit, but not too drastic. They used to change cast members out, but the ratings weren't as high as they are now so it will be a little dicey cast changing. One wrong housewife, and the show can falter... look at BH.

    The only show that can get away with cast shuffling is the OC, because they have never been a clear ratings winner nor loser. They seem to always fall in the middle, and for a 9 season show.. that's pretty good.

  15. I was surprised that aviva wasn't in the credits either. Ramona missed two episodes, but she was still in the credits.

    I did hear Aviva didn't go to the Berkshires, and I also read somewhere during filming that she didn't go to Montana either due to allergies. I have allergies myself so I could believe it to be true.

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