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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. 18 hours ago, kalbir said:

    B&B January 8 Eric and Brooke get married. The wedding episode was rebroadcast as a holiday classic in the 2000s. The honeymoon episode was rebroadcast in 2020.

    Also on B&B Stephanie has a stroke while preparing for a trip and she ends up on the Los Angeles streets.

    Guiding Light HW change from Pamela Long to Nancy Curlee. Three cast departures: Kassie DePaiva, Robert Newman, Michael O'Leary.

    Also the debut of "Hold Onto Love" as GL's new theme and opening sequence. Plenty of changes were taking place on GL at the time, ushering in the new era of the 90s and leaving 80s era GL behind. 

  2. I can see a writer wanting to introduce a new character (probably a young one who's in their teens or 20's.) who may have lost a parent in 9/11. Or a police detective who may have lost a wife in the 9/11 attakcs, and is afraid to move on until he meets someone related or close to the Ryan's. Of course this would have taken place 10-15 years after the attacks.  

    Having a soap who's backdrop is New York City is so fascinating, I think it would've flourished in the mid to late 90s. 

  3. Taking a break from the show, as I was disgusted with the show playing fast and loose with Linda's rape. I'll probably tune in once Denise returns and we get more of the Jack/Sam/Denise/Ricky/Lily story, but the Linda/Dean story is losing me. Panesars story is as well. 

    Still looking forward to Christmas though.



  4. Really loving all the focus on the Beales. Introducing the Knights were the shot in the arm that Beale family needed. 

    Hope we get a fancy new cafe set. 

    The show has done wonders in regards to Alfie's character, and him and Linda make great friends. I'm not completely sold *yet* on making them romantically involved. 


  5. 12 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Oh? I didn't know that. I wish Robert would've stayed at WT. Long's second stint was too much Reva. She even added an annoying family around here. There was a lot of white characters too. By white I mean all goody goody....or her characters were annoying like Alan Michael, Harley, Dylan etc etc.....and she brought back Roger and had no clue what to do with him.

    She did create Hamp Speakes. I'm not sure if it was Curlee who created Gilly, but as an educated guess I would credit Curlee and Co for bringing on the Grants and etc and making the cast much more diverse. 

    12 hours ago, kalbir said:

    It seems like I'm the only person here that liked Robert Calhoun era GL.

    Negative. LOL I honestly think for SON, Robert Calhoun is widely known here as one of those underrated EP's. The ideal pairing IMO would be Calhoun as EP  and Douglas Marland as HW at any soap. 

    For GL in 1989 really enjoyed watching the Phillip unraveling/Blake marriage/Beth being alive story, the writing and production was pretty good (I remember loving the episode where Phillip dug up Beth's grave the directing was on point with the mood, lighting, etc.) I even enjoyed the whole Alan-Michael/Harley/Dylan/Sam quad. Wasn't GL named most improved soap by SOD in 1989? Honestly things didn't really start to pick up or become cohesive until mid 1989 and by the fall/winter I thought the show was firing on all cylinders. (Possibly having to do with Curlee and Jones having more influence on the writing as associate head writers).

    11 hours ago, Khan said:

    The truth is, I loved when Robert Calhoun was EP'ing GL as much as I loved everything else about GL from as far back as I can remember to '95, when I think the show really started falling apart.  One reason for that is because GL always had, IMO, the best cast on daytime, second only to AMC'sAnother reason is that you had a core group of writers - Nancy Curlee, Stephen Demorest, Trent Jones, N. Gail Lawrence, Pete T. Rich, Melissa Salmons, etc. - who were there throughout to maintain some consistency in the writing.

    This is true, such a talented bunch of writers. Off topic, but despite JER's faults, I will also commend him for keeping some of these group of core writers employed in the late 90s early 2000s.

  6. Dems would be better off running on the fact that if Trump is elected again, there will be a national ban on abortion. Bring the topic of a national ban on abortion to the forefront and watch potential voters easily go over to the Dems side. 

    Got to hand it to conservatives they got what they wanted with the striking down of Roe v. Wade and they assumed that was the green light to go ahead and curtail abortion rights. Give that party an inch and they will take a mile; and it's playing in the Dems favor, I love it. 



  7. 1 hour ago, I Am A Swede said:

    Well, this "murder mystery" is another spectacular failure for this show. All this hype, a whole week of Dingles (🤢) with flashbacks and whatever, and it turns out none of them actually did the deed. It was Kim's horse who killed Craig.  :rolleyes:


    Such a lame murder mystery. And to have a murder mystery where all the Dingles and their counterparts are suspects? 🤮

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