Very happy to hear Jack and Jenn are coming back to Salem. I love that Phillip and Belle will be having a full blown affair as well, very excited to see who cathces them next. I'm a big Phelle fan,. who hates Shelle so hopefully things will go my way LOL.
I love that you properly aged Susan to what she should be, also love that you have Morgan Englund back as Dylan. And I must say I'm very happy the DMM triangle is over. I hate that Dinah and Matt were ever thought to be a pair
I did not like Jack looking like an idiot in this episode, IMO.
But, I am really interested in who Tony's new sibling will be. Have their been any hints that I missed, that I should know about?
Loved Patrick toying with Robin. For some reason I thought it was hilarious Mac walked in and al he did was shake his head, I would have expected him to break it up lol. I also liked that it seems your Emily isn't a whiny twit.
I'm slowly trying to get back into SLl ol. I just read this episode and I'm totally confused but I guess that's expected. Still sad to see my Jennifer is still long gone. But I love that you're bringing back Liz Chandler, though I don't get what she has to do with the story lol.
Wow King you made it to 400! Congrats. This as always was an awesome episode. Though i haven't been reading in awhile becuase of life but it was still awesome.
You are doing a great job. If I had to a negative it would be Sami cheating on Lucas. Not because he's Lucass but because, to me, she would never cheat under any circumstances. but I won't let that get in the way of enjoying Strange Days. Keep up the great work.