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Bright Eyes

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Everything posted by Bright Eyes

  1. Bright Eyes

    PCE: Episode 100

    Congratulations on a landmark, 100 episodes. Here's to hundreds more
  2. Very happy to hear Jack and Jenn are coming back to Salem. I love that Phillip and Belle will be having a full blown affair as well, very excited to see who cathces them next. I'm a big Phelle fan,. who hates Shelle so hopefully things will go my way LOL.
  3. Damn it, tell me who the secret child IS ALREADY LOL
  4. I love that you properly aged Susan to what she should be, also love that you have Morgan Englund back as Dylan. And I must say I'm very happy the DMM triangle is over. I hate that Dinah and Matt were ever thought to be a pair
  5. Bright Eyes


    Excited for the showdown in Italy
  6. I did not like Jack looking like an idiot in this episode, IMO. But, I am really interested in who Tony's new sibling will be. Have their been any hints that I missed, that I should know about?
  7. Bright Eyes

    Episode 5

    Can't wait to see what is wrong with Lizzie
  8. I love the strong sense of family this epiosde gave us. I also love your writing style. Good episode
  9. Bright Eyes


    Love Tony and Anna, so gald you're using them. Also was happy to see Marlena lash out at Kate.
  10. I love this writers corner idea, very original. It actually helps me out quite a bit.
  11. Bright Eyes


    This looks amazing.
  12. Loved Patrick toying with Robin. For some reason I thought it was hilarious Mac walked in and al he did was shake his head, I would have expected him to break it up lol. I also liked that it seems your Emily isn't a whiny twit.
  13. Bright Eyes

    EPISODE 26 (08/20)

    I really liked Annabella in this episode, good job!
  14. Long lost DiMera child eh. Interesting. Excited to see where you're going with this.
  15. I'm slowly trying to get back into SLl ol. I just read this episode and I'm totally confused but I guess that's expected. Still sad to see my Jennifer is still long gone. But I love that you're bringing back Liz Chandler, though I don't get what she has to do with the story lol.
  16. Bright Eyes


    Haha, Good to see Helena back on top lol.
  17. Who is it? lol. Is this the orignial Cal Winters?
  18. 1. Company, i'm guessing 2. I've got no clue 3. The Bauer BBQ
  19. Bright Eyes


    Wow King you made it to 400! Congrats. This as always was an awesome episode. Though i haven't been reading in awhile becuase of life but it was still awesome.
  20. You are doing a great job. If I had to a negative it would be Sami cheating on Lucas. Not because he's Lucass but because, to me, she would never cheat under any circumstances. but I won't let that get in the way of enjoying Strange Days. Keep up the great work.
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