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Bright Eyes

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Everything posted by Bright Eyes

  1. Bright Eyes

    Ep. 001

    Great first episode. Nothing seemed out of place. It flowed really well. Can't wait for more
  2. Bright Eyes

    Novi: Summary

    Sounds intriguing. One question though, which actors and actresses will be playing these roles?
  3. Amazing Ending. Every minute was interesting. Great Ending, very classy and just in case you decide to bring TWOO back you still have many things to go on form the finale. Great Job not just for this episode but for the whole blog. P.S Thanks for Secrets We Share mention. Really Appreciate it
  4. Bright Eyes


    holy [!@#$%^&*] he just stabbed her. that's freakin awesome lol
  5. Another great episode. i really love emily and amdy together, they are such a good couple and thanks for mentioning my blog, i really appreciate it.
  6. that was great. smart way of pimping other fellow blogs. excellent
  7. Also love Dr. McCreepy and Pamela.
  8. Bright Eyes


    great eppy king. my #1 blog. but what did caroline get from the fury?
  9. king why is this so f'ing good. i wish to be a tenth as talented as you are . damn
  10. Bright Eyes


    s h i t king you got me intrigued
  11. juniorz this was another awesome eppy but i'm with tishy, the link don't work for the pic
  12. Sorry guys for not posting for awhile, but it takes so long to get updated on the blogs lol. Okay you asked for comments so i am going to give them to you. I am intrigued that belle and phillip are back, i really want to see who will be playing him and what they are keeping a secret. I do agree with others that the Eric/Nicole/Greta whoopla has gone on for a little too long. But love how nicole and eric will be getting married, no matter how short it is. I really hope eric doesn't die becasue i feel this blog has too much death, especially since you killed off jennifer which i never liked, but that's ok i feel i am slowly getting over it lol I am also happy Sami is going to take a liking to Roman finally, it's about time. Though i still love [!@#$%^&*]y Sami it's just time to change. Hopefully she'll still will be able to be snarky to other people. Since i really love the smart ass characters Hate to give you negative comments but i really don't like the doom aand gloom 24/7. So you better have christmas be the happiest thing in the history of life lol. I know it may be hard to write happiness and such without thinking your getting boring or what not, it's just that there has been way to many death or almost death and it's getting a little repetitive. Hopefully this whole Mob War things comes to a close soon. Lastly i feel you give a little bit much away in your SL Insider. When reading it i just think some stuff could be cut out and have the same effect. I'll end with a postive note and say that i surprisingly really like Maggie with Victor and just hope this mob war ends soon and they can be act like a real couple without worrying about revenge and death. P.S I still will continue to be an avid reader and hope to comment more often lol. Keep up the good work. And i hope you don't feel i was too harsh.
  13. robyn richards, or jessica morris, is who i want to see
  14. love mary.mason.julia mason and julia are my fav SB couple, anything with them i would probably love
  15. hell ya, i fuc.king love janice dickinson
  16. my speakers aren't wroking right now. but i am a bif fan of snow patrol so i already know how that song goes. great chocie, it defonately set the the right mood
  17. i don't no that much about santa barbara history and what not, but i do know everything that i have seen from it i loved wholeheartedly. this episode was your best one yet. great great job, loved it so much
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