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Bright Eyes

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Everything posted by Bright Eyes

  1. Just found this blog and so far I have just looked at your cast list but I love the addition of Scott Clifton as Thomas Forrester. And having Jacob Young as Rick is great as well. I look forward to reading The Bold Ones.
  2. I was quite the fickle reader of Salem Lives, but there was always something I enjoyed when I read an epiosde. Your blog was one of the pioneers of SONBC and it will feel a little empty with Salem Lives continuing. I wish both of you all the best and I hope that in time SL can be revitalized
  3. Good to know that Alex is NOT the stalker, haha. Enjoyed Olivia and Alex moxking Josh and Reva. Entertaining first episode. I have a question though, during the nursery rhyme stalker SL, onscreen, was Holly mentioned as being the nursery ryhme stalker or did they not actually call her that title?
  4. Bright Eyes

    Episode #1

    Really want to know who "they" are. Nice to see Kim and Shane together. Great having Eve back as well. Wonder what Kim did that seems to be so wrong
  5. All of this sounds wonderful. Most excited for the ED/Holly/Blake/Ross sl. I miss them on the show and I'm glad I at least will be able to get my fix here.
  6. Well, that's weird, I thought I had already posted a comment lol. Anyway, I just want to say I know how strong your love is for Guiding Light and I look forward to reading your adaptation of GL.
  7. Good choice getting the best SONBC writer as part of your show
  8. I hope Bobbie isn't gone long. I have seriously loved how much you have significantly used her character. Regarding Carly, I know it's doubtful but I'm still crossing my fingers that you'll kill the bitch, or at least her devil spawn.
  9. I am greatly anticipating the first episodes arrival. I know you're a big Carrie fan so that makes me happy already. Very happy to see Kim and Eve on your show, though there area a lot of DAYS blogs Kim is one character that really hasn't been used, I'm intrigued by what you'll be doing with her character.
  10. Great choices! Can't wait to see what you do with them.
  11. Wow, that was a shock. I can't believe Mika went through with it. Can't wait for the season finale.
  12. Bright Eyes

    CUFFS - Episode 6

    Way to listen Jack, someone needs to learn some patience lol.
  13. Bright Eyes

    Cast List LEAKED!

    Wow Phil Carey as Mickey, that definitely would be something to see. An even bigger WOW goes to Charlotte Ross being back, I very much anticipate just what you are planning with her return. Also love that you brough back Shane and Kim permanately as well.
  14. Very excited for this. I will definitely be reading.
  15. I have always been a fan of Jax and Skye, so I was very happy to see them getting closer. Sonny's dream was very weel done as well. Let's hope he'll finally be mob free or at least start heading in that direction.
  16. Bright Eyes

    CUFFS - Episode 2

    I love your style of writing. I just wish you would write something other than mob related fics. Now question, on the show how was Zander and lUcky'S relationship?
  17. Happy to hear Elizibeth is dead. Forrest and Abby to marry? PEDOPHILE
  18. Great idea. If ever you want to do anything with All Our Lives I'll be up for it.
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