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Episode 84

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Mexico- Baja Police Station) ---Eden, Julia, and Kirk arrive at the police station and are told by Angel that Marta was just taken down to see the lineup. Eden warns him that his daughter had better do the right thing and identify them. Angel shoots back that he won't have her attacking Marta when she comes out, nor will he allow her to pressure her in any way. "You are in no position to be giving out orders



SONBC Interview with A Martinez

Note: unfortunately, like RTSB, this interview is entirely fictional When SONBC's Return to Santa Barbara killed off it's central hero, Cruz Castillo, we smelled a rat. After all, RTSB had already fooled us once with Sophia- were they going to play that game again, just a few weeks after her death? Fast Forward to April- Months have gone by and we have yet to see Cruz or his portrayer since the fateful day that boat exploded. Is this for real? Or just another clever trick? We sat



Episode 83

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: Gina's Condominium) ---Lily sits on the phone, talking with Gina. Someone knocks at the door & little Channing crosses to answer it. Lily reiterates to Gina everything that she's found out about Angela. When Gina apparently questions her about proof, she assures her she has it, having photographed & taped the two of them together on her cell phone. She asks Gina's advice on what to do about the situa



Episode 82

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ---Eden walks down the stairs with her suitcases. Rafael sits on the couch reading the newspaper article about Marta's kidnappers' arrest while Carm makes breakfast in the kitchen. Carm pours Eden a cup of coffee and asks if Adriana is coming home. She explains that she stayed the night at Samantha's but should be by any minute for breakfast. Rafael is reminded that Chip calle



Episode 81

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Augusta forcefully tells Pamela to let go of her but Pamela refuses. Augusta warns her that she's not someone that Pamela wants to screw with, to which Pamela says the same for herself. "Oh come off it Pamela, really, you've always been weak. At times, borderline insane, a border you've crossed on some occasions in the opinion of some. I could tear you apart before you could squeak



Episode 80

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office) ---Keith walks up to his wife and attempts to greet her hello with a kiss, but she pulls away. "Are you crazy?" "Why so frigid, sugar plum?" Elizabeth tells him that she just came from CC's office and the two of them, together, figured out exactly what Keith did. Keith plays dumb, but Elizabeth refreshes his memory, detailing how he played CC and learned intim



Episode 79

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Kirk & Eden arrive at the offices and ask Kathleen if Joann is in. They're told she's in a meeting with CC and instructed her not to disturb them. Eden explains that it's an urgent matter and she's sure that her father won't mind. Eden reluctantly brings Kirk with her and bursts into CC's office. "Baby, what is this? What the hell is he doing here?" "I'm sorry daddy but we n



Episode 78

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Elizabeth walks into CC's office, telling him she has some things she needs his signature on. He asks why she didn't just leave the papers with Kathleen, and she says that she wanted to deliver them personally. "I heard about your son-in-law CC and I just wanted to offer my condolences. This is an awful time for you and your family, what with Sophia gone and now Cruz.... If there's an




Through the past week, fans of the SONBC drama "Return to Santa Barbara" have been left hanging. Is Cruz really dead? Will Mason & Mary find their child? Will anyone ever find out the truth about Sophia? Or is it Edmund & "Soretta" forever? All these questions hung in the minds of RTSB fans, but there was one that particularly stood out- "Will we ever find out?" We tracked down RTSB exec producer and headwriter juniorz, who's been a bit of a recluse of late, and got the ans



Episode 77

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England) ---Edmund and Sophia lie in bed, listening to Augusta rant downstairs. Sophia is curious as to who this woman is and what she wants. Edmund tells her it's someone he knew long ago, from when they lived in Santa Barbara. Sophia asks if she knew her but Edmund insists she didn't, as he puts on his robe. "Where are you going?" she asks him. "Downstairs to get rid of tha



March Episode Counts

A total of 13 episodes Aired this month. Actor (Character)- Episodes for the Month (Total Episodes, out of 77) 1. Nina Arveson (Angela)- 9 (42) 2. Judith McConnell (Sophia)- 8 (44) 2. Marcy Walker (Eden)- 8 (45) 4. Michael Brainard (Ted)- 7 (40) 4. Lane Davies (Mason)- 7 (50) 4. Charles Keating (Edmund)- 7 (24) 7. Grant Aleksander (Warren)- 6 (27) 7. Joseph Bottoms (Kirk)- 6 (12) 7. Jessica Dunphy (Adriana)- 6 (34) 7. Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia)- 6 (46) 7. Harley Jane Kozak (Mary)-



Episode 76

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ---Many of the attendees of Cruz's funeral have gathered for a late luncheon at the Capwell house. Rosa and some of the caterers from the hotel staff set out all sorts of intricate platters of food for the guests to enjoy. The Castillos arrive and Eden immediately goes to the family, apologizing for her outburst at the end of the funeral. "It's quite alright, Eden. It's a painful time.



Episode 75

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ---Julia finishes putting on her earrings as Eden comes down the spiraled staircase. Her hair is pulled back tightly, her makeup and her dress subdued. The only jewelery she wears is her wedding ring. "Thanks for staying with me last night. I don't know what I would have done without you the last few weeks, Julia," Eden says. "Don't think anything of it- I wouldn't ha



Episode 74

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: The Capwell Hotel- Banquet Room) ---Chip explains to Eden that he wanted to be home as soon as possible and the only way for that to happen was to bring Victoria with him. He tells her that he hopes she isn't upset. Rafael and Carm spring from their chairs and greet their grandson, admiring how much he reminds them of Cruz at his age. He thanks his parents for the compliment and everyone takes their seats




SONBC's Return to Santa Barbara will be back this week with 6 Brand New Episodes, the first of which to be posted late tonight or Monday morning. Lots is happening this coming week, including part 2 of the family dinner in the next installment. Here's a preview of what's in store for the week: Edmund continues to lavish Sophia with extravagance! Edmund & Sophia play a game of cat and mouse with Augusta! Santana leaves her patient for the memorial service! Cruz's memorial service ta



Episode 73

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! No spoiling the fun- start at the beginning- NO JUMPING TO THE END!!! (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ---Kelly directs the catering staff in the banquet room, instructing them that she wants everything just so for this dinner. Kelly explains that the entire Castillo and Capwell family are going to be there and, because of the solemn occasion, she doesn't want any problems for the family and as little disturbance as possi




......happens TONIGHT at 9:15 PM when the NEW Victoria Lane makes her debut. For the first time ever, I'm posting an episode at an EXACT time- Be there!!!! This is an episode you DON'T WANT TO MISS!!!! I'll be in the Chat Room LIVE from 9:15 through the radio show tonight, so be sure to come & join me to discuss this historic RTSB event!!! RTSB CHAT ROOM!!! Of everything we've done on RTSB- The Mud Fight, Sophia's Collapse & Subsequent Death, Mary's Return from the Dead,



Episode 72

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England- Heathrow Airport) ---Augusta drops her purse, her mouth gaping open as she watches Sophia and Edmund say their good-byes to Pamela. They begin to walk outside. She instructs her driver to quickly pull up the car, keeping an eye on Sophia & Edmund. The two of them pull of in their car. A few seconds later, Augusta's driver pulls up, getting out to put the bags in the trunk. He takes h



Episode 71

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND) ---Edmund wakes up in bed and sees Sophia sleeping peacefully next to him. He gently brushes her hair out of her face, causing her to twitch and flutter her eyes. She is pleases to wake up to the site of her husband staring adoringly at her. "Good Morning, my love." He leans in and softly pecks her on the lips. She smiles back and asks him if he slept alright, which he assures her he



RTSB MANS UP!!! ex-PASSIONS star joins the cast!!!

RTSB ADDS TWO HUNKS, LOSES 1 It's OFFICIAL! The roles of Brandon Capwell and Chip Castillo have been cast! This week, RTSB welcomes Justin Hartley (ex-Fox, PSNS) as Brandon and Jay Hernandez (Six Degrees/ Crazy/Beautiful) as Chip Castillo. Though both are returning to town for Cruz's funeral, there's a bit of mystery surrounding each character.............like where the hell have they been? "Chip has been taking care of his mother, Victoria Lane, who has been recovering from a terribl



Episode 70

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: The Ramirez House) ----Carla tries to insist to Eden that Angel & Marta haven't come home yet, but she doesn't buy it. She storms past Carla, calling for Angel & Marta, opening the doors to each and every room looking for them. "They're not here, Eden. I don't appreciate you tearing through my home, disrespecting it and me. Now I told you they aren't here....." "If they're not here, then where



Episode 69

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ---CC stews at the dining room table, reading the newspaper article on Cruz's death. Rosa comes in from the kitchen with his breakfast and peeks over his shoulder to see what he's reading. "I feel so terrible about Cruz.......I've known him since he was a small boy- was like another son to me.....Have you heard from Eden?" "This morning. They're coming back today. Frankly, I'm not s



Episode 68

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: West Palm Beach, FL- Sherri's APT) ---Mason, Mary, and Maureen hurry up the stairs to Sherri's apartment. When they get there, they run into the superintendent, who's locking Sherri's door behind him. "What's going on?" Mason asks Where are the people that lived there?" "Moved out this morning. Interested?" "The only thing I'm interested in is the people who lived there and where they've moved to.



Episode 67

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England) ---Edmund, Pamela, and Sophia finish up the steak course of their meal. Sophia asks Edmund if his steak was cooked right for him and he insists everything was fantastic. Pamela remarks that "Loretta" seems to cater to Edmund's every whim. "He's my husband, Addie. I haven't been able to take care of him like this for some time- he, in fact, has been the one taking care of me, day in and




MEADOWS BALKS!!!!!! In what came as quite a shock to executive producer/creator juniorZ, Kristen Meadows declined an offer to join Return to Santa Barbara for a short stint. What was the breaking point? Word around town is that Ms. Meadows reps were more interested in her taking the role than she was. While Meadows loved the cast and crew, she's the first to admit that she didn't have the best rapport with the fans and unfavorably recalls the letters she received from many and the re



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