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A New Version of the Defunct Soap

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Joseph Bottoms as Kirk Cranston, Marcy Walker as Eden Castillo, Clive Robertson as Ashton Lavery, Carrington Garland as Kelly Capwell Lavery, Judith McConnell as Sophia Capwell/"Loretta" (EXT: London, England) -Edmund heads down the hallway toward Sophia's room but stops when he sees Christine. Edmund asks her if "Loretta" seemed at all suspicious earlier, when she told her that their trip was going to be delayed due to an emergency with a patient. Christine informs him that she



Episode 98

Heather Lindell as Samantha Capwell, Justin Hartley as Brandon Capwell, Jared Leto as Steve Hall, Jessica Dunphy as Adriana Castillo Alisa Reyes as Marta Ramirez (EXT- Cruz & Eden's Beach House) -Eden explains to Rafael, Carm, and Adriana that Marta's kidnappers have been let out on bail and haven't given any information to help them find Cruz's killer. Adriana doesn't understand how such a thing could have happened and Eden tells her that they've cut a deal in exchange for t



Episode 97

Deborah Adair as Elizabeth Wayne, Jed Allan as CC Capwell, Robin Mattson as Gina Blake, Paula Irvine as Lily Blake (EXT- Gina's Apartment) -Lily walks up to the breakfast table with a huge smile on her face, remarking what a beautiful day it is outside. Gina snickers, wondering what it is that has her so chipper as she pours them each a cup of coffee. "Blackmail can be a powerful and beautiful thing," Lily muses. "Don't I know it....so, what exactly do you have on our good f




I'm thrilled to announce that "Return to Santa Barbara" is back- OFFICIALLY! And no, it's not going to be another tease like last summer and fall- this is the real deal! I'm so sorry that it's taken me 4 years to go back to writing, but I just couldn't get back into the RTSB frame of mind. That, my fans and friends, is no longer a problem. I diligently re-read the ENTIRE blog this weekend and all of the storylines and characters are once again fresh in my mind. I know EXACTLY what I want to



Episode 96

Gina Gallego as Santana Andrade, A Martinez as Cruz Castillo, Carmen Duncan as Pamela Conrad, Nicolas Coster as Lionel Lockridge (EXT: A Small Mexican Hospital) -Santana stands outside Cruz's room, conferring with the doctor about his condition. The doctor tells her that he's showing signs of improvement, though he still hasn't been able to communicate at all. He questions her about why she's so personally involved in the patient, to which she replies that she's known him all of his



Episode 95

Wolf Muser as Marcello Armonti, Louise Sorel as Augusta Lockridge, Lane Davies as Mason Capwell, Harley Jane Kozak as Dr. Mary Duvall (EXT: A black Lexus driving down the California coast) -Mary stares out the window looking somber, spotting a sign that says SANTA BARBARA 30 MILES. On the radio, they hear the report that Marta's kidnappers have been arrested and extradited back to Santa Barbara for a hearing in the morning. "Eden must be relieved that they caught the men who we



Episode 94

Joann Walsh- Kim Rhodes Dr. Edmund Lavery- Charles Keating Ashton Lavery- Clive Robertson Christine Gorrow (Edmund's maid)- Gretchen Oehler (EXT: London, England) -Edmund is completely shocked to see his Ashton and, more importantly, Kelly at his door. He tries to keep his composure as he invites them inside. He walks them to the living room and sits them down on the couch. "Why Kelly, you are even more beautiful than my son described you. I




Okay guys, as nervous as I am to do it, it's time. I have decided to bring back "Return to Santa Barbara" and finish what I started nearly 4 years ago. I know it's been a while and the interest may not still be there, but I'm gonna go for it anyway. For the next couple weeks, I'm going to re-read the blog from beginning to end to help refresh my memory about where I was in the storylines. I still have the same ideas in my head of how I want things to play out but I need to see how far I've g



my SB top 5s

without further adieu= I present my SB top 5s ACTOR: 1. Justin Deas 2. Lane Davies 3. A Martinez 4. Roscoe Born 5. Jed Allan ACTRESS: 1. Marcy Walker 2. Judith McConnell (tie). Nancy Lee Grahn 3. Robin Mattson 4. Harley Kozak 5. Carrington Garland COUPLE: 1. Cruz & Eden 2. Mason & Mary 3. Mason & Julia 4. Robert & Kelly 5. Keith & Gina




As I'm sure all of you have noticed, I've been pretty much MIA lately. I'm super-busy with my job at the moment and probably will be through the summer. Therefore, I've decided to hold off all new episodes until late August/early September. Thank you all for your continued interest & support and I hope to see you all here when RTSB returns. And believe you me, it will. Contrary to what you may have heard, I have NOT lost interest in the blog and it will continue!!! Look for som



Episodes Coming....

It's been a busy week, but there will be new RTSB episodes up today & on Sunday. Sorry for the delay- busy, busy!!! I promise to post more frequently. I pledge that there will be at least 3 episodes every week from here on out. Also, starting next week, I'll be updating the WEEKLY SCHEDULE every Monday, as I had in the past. I miss RTSB too and still have TONS to play out. Hang in there guys! <img src="http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_



Episode 93

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England) ----Edmund arrives home and immediately begins calling for Loretta. Sophia walks out and greets her husband, asking him what he's so excited about. He tells her that he's had a fantastic day and was able to put in for his vacation. He pulls out two tickets from his pocket. "What are those?" "Our airline tickets- I have a villa in Greece, beautiful, right on the beach. The most



Episode 92

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Baja, Mexico) ---Eden, Julia, Kirk, and Santana arrive at the station, where Angel is waiting for them in the lobby. He tells them that Vic & Paul just got there and are being briefed by the FBI. Eden asks him where Marta is and he explains that she's in back, giving another statement to the police. Eden apologizes for her behavior toward his daughter, but Angel is understanding, saying he cannot imagine



Episode 91

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND- Augusta & Lionel's Flat) ---Augusta sits in her living room, pretending to read a book but keeping an eye on the gossip program she has on TV. She's flabbergasted when she hears a loud banging at the door. "Who could that be? The rent's been paid..." The person bangs on the door again, even more loudly. "What THE?!-- If Lionel forgot to pay, another parking ticket...." The perso



Episode 90

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Baja, Mexico) ---Eden and Julia wait silently by their phones for an update on the investigation. Eden asks when Vic is going to be down there, to help with the interrogation procedure. Julia assures her he should be getting in soon, as his plane landed about 15 minutes before. Julia asks where Kirk is and she tells her the police actually had some questions they wanted to ask him, possibly about the frame-u



Episode 89

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Keith sits in Gina's office, watching CC & Elizabeth on the monitor. Gina comes storming into the room, dressed in her black shirt, pants, and sock hat. She demands to know what's going on. "Shhh, butternut, I can't hear them," Keith admonishes. "Hear who?" "CC & Elizabeth who, now will you be quiet...." "But we already know everything about their history together.



April/May Episode Counts

Episodes Aired in April/May: 12 Total Episodes So Far: 88 1. Louise Sorel (Augusta)- 9 (31) 2. Jed Allan (CC)- 7 (53) 2. Marcy Walker (Eden)- 7 (52) 4. Deborah Adair (Elizabeth)- 6 (21) 4. Lane Davies (Mason)- 6 (56) 6. Joseph Bottoms (Kirk)- 5 (17) 6. Justin Deas (Keith)- 5 (18) 6. Carmen Duncan (Pamela)- 5 (39) 6. Charles Keating (Edmund)- 5 (29) 6. Judith McConnell (Sophia)- 5 (49) 11. Nicolas Coster (Lionel)- 4 (16) 11. Carrington Garland (Kelly)- 4 (29) 11. Nancy Lee Grahn



Episode 88

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England- The DiMonde Estate) ---Edmund is bothered by the lingering stare that Marcello and Sophia are engaged in. He breaks it up by introducing himself to Marcello, but Marcello says no introductions are necessary. He's well aware of Edmund's work in the neurological field, being a psychiatrist himself. Maria remarks that she wasn't aware of Marcello's history with psychiatry. "It was many moons




2 EX-DAYS STARS AND SOAP VET LINDSTROM BITE THE DUST!!!! In a move that should come as no surprise to RTSB viewers, Matt Cedeno, Jon Lindstrom, and Renee Jones have aired their last episodes as Rafe, Mark, and Sherri, respectively. Cedeno was alerted over a month ago about his departure, though found his final scenes (with Heather Lindell's Samantha Capwell) on the cutting room floor. "We experienced a brief hiatus on RTSB and now that we've returned, there just isn't any room for those



Episode 87

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England- The DiMonde Estate) ----Augusta and Lionel are shown among many masked party guests, he dressed as Casanova, she in a boustier reminiscent of 1700s French women. Augusta quickly begins sifting through the people, pulling a reluctant Lionel along with her. Finally, he stops her, asking why she's in such a rush. "Easy for you to say, you're dressed as one of the great male romantics of his tim



Episode 86

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Mark & Sherri's house) ----Mason drags an irritated Mark back inside, throwing him onto the living room couch. Mason tells Mark he could kill him for what he's done to Mary. "What I've done? You mean saving her life? Or taking her away from you?" Mason stands up to punch Mark, but Pearl holds him back, reminding him that Mark needs to be concious for them to get the answers that they're looking for




Yes, yes, it's been a while, no? But not to worry SB/RTSB fans- RETURN TO SANTA BARBARA returns this weekend with brand new episodes. Curious about what's in store for you faves? Find out here! Gina/Keith/Elizabeth/CC Keith has been manipulating Lizzie for some time now. He's up and married her and has pushed to remain married to her. Just what is he up to? All will be revealed in the coming episodes, as CC & Elizabeth find themselves together in a moment of weakness



SONBC Award Nominations Announced!

I'm pleased to announce that the SONBC Award nominations came out last night. For those who don't know, the SONBC awards are for the fan fics here at SON. Not all participated, but many did. Here are the nominations bestowed on RTSB: Outstanding Supporting Female Character Carmen Duncan as Pamela Conrad Outstanding Supporting Male Character Tuc Watkins as Keith Timmins Outstanding Leading Male Character Jed Allan as CC Capwell Outstanding Leading Female Character




I'm so sorry about the lack of episodes lately everyone. It's definitely not from a lack of me wanting to continue writing it. Last week and this week are two very busy work weeks for me and those that I live with seem determined to keep me off the computer when I am home. Today, I work all day through fairly late tonight. Tomorrow, same story. I'm going to try to put out 2 episodes before late tomorrow night, but I can't guarantee I'll make it. Just know that next week, RTSB will r



Episode 85

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England- Messenger service) ---Augusta comes running into the small shop and startles the dainty young man behind the desk. She rants and raves about having made a terrible mistake and how Lady DiMonde is going to have her head. The clerk tries to calm her down but she's like a tornado. "You don't understand- the masquerade ball is tonight! Lady DiMonde wanted everything to be just so for sweet An



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