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Fox News calls Olbermann 'over the line'


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Bill O'Reilly is disgusting. He lies. He uses false information and faulty figures. He gives himself credit for things he never did (he claimed he won two Peabodys for Inside Edition...except he kinda, you know, didn't). His show is absolute [!@#$%^&*], and I have no idea how his viewers are able to sit through his diatribes and viscious haranages. He really does deserve the flack he gets from Countdown.

IMO, there is a big difference between Clinton and O'Reilly's sex scandals. O'Reilly constantly sexually harassed that producer against her will. At least Monica Lewinsky was willing participant. Also, Clinton eventually came clean. O'Reilly just sent his Fox News goons to pay off his former producer.

I'm not a regular viewer of Olbermann's program, although I do watch occasional clips of it online. He is totally right about O'Reilly. You go, Keith!

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Bill O'Reilly is an ignorant turd who kisses the ass of the worst Presidential administration in American History. He's also a lying hypocrite. Funny how he and his fellow right-wing nutjobs always bring up Clinton, yet he's a horny pervert like him too. At least Clinton didn't come close to ruining our ecomony and turned America into this nation of intolerance towards anything that isn't Christian, white, married, and straight.

Bill forgets he started out as a tabloid journalist on "A Current Affair," salivating over redneck sex scandals. He needs a reality check, and I support anyone who gives it to him publicly.

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I have no problem with what Keith says or does. For the most part, his show is more aimed at entertainment, which he does really well.

The Factor is more based on news and opinion. I think Bill has very valid points on many things. His way of expressing things can be a little distasteful from time to time. I do not see how he is right wing when all he has done is come down on Bush, but thats neither here nor there.

Keith is an entertainer, he does things for a laugh. I think he should move on from his grudge against real news, but thats just me. I enjoy his show.

I think the right wing attacks are again off base, but everyone has the right to speak their mind.

Fox news is still the only cable network to always, well at least 95% of the time have someone from BOTH sides...which is considered balanced. To me, that is a breath of fresh air. They talk about issues in a mature manner, unlike, lets say...Lou Dobbs. etc.

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Bill O'Reilly was on "A Current Affair?"







That's the problem I have with Keith and all those other TV personalities who put themselves behind a desk and use news themes, on a specifically news channel, no less, and PERVERT that image of the unbiased newsman because it uses that imagery that should connote: unbiased news reporter. If you want to do standup, please, be my guest. Just don't do it on a news network, where your free-for-all has no place.

I fail to see the point when liberals argue this. How is Bush and others intolerant to gays? Just because we oppose gay marriage doesn't mean we're "intolerant." You can be tolerant of others' lifestyles without supporting their issues. A different word should be used to argue the right's beliefs toward alternative lifestyles, because 'intolerant' isn't one of them.

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Bill was on "A Current Affair." I watched that show every afternoon when I got home from school, and he was the host of the show. Believe me when I say he treated these cheesy sex scandals like it was pressing news.

And those people who are opposing gay marriage are intolerant. They don't support their lifestyle and consistently demean them based on their narrow-minded beliefs. Anyone who says certain individuals don't deserve to have rights simply because they date someone of the same sex is intolerant. I would think you would agree JSF, considering you apparently used to be gay.

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I really think it's time for some people to get something new to say. You really look silly when, no matter what B.O. and everyone at Fox News does, always bring up Bill and Monica.

You all act like he is the first president in the history of this country to ever bang someone OTHER than his wife. Right now, there are rumors that Georgy Boy is getting it on with Condi. Now, if proven true, do we moderates and the left get the chance to bring that up in every conversation?

A horribly ran war. High gas prises. The attack on the middle class and the poor. Medicaid and medical insurance going through the roof. And the response to Loofa Boy O'Reiily?

Well, what Bill Clinton?

Only in America.

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Kind of funny, the economy is doing very well.

Gas prices are not the fault of a President.

His stance on marriage of gays is his opionion, he tried to do something, it failed.

I fail to see why it is ok for one group to have a view that NEEDS to be accepted by all, and those who oppose it are wrong.

Anyone who thinks that is just plain wrong.

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I wouldn't count on all the chickens before they hatch. If the Republicans keep up on making gay marriage and abortion restrictions their most pressing issues above crime, drugs, poverty---the stuff that only affects "poor minorities"---who they won't and don't speak for, then they will have a good shot at getting re-elected. That's how Bush and his GOP cronies were able to win another term. By scaring their supporters into thinking if they don't get in office, they can't uphold the law by thumping their Bibles.

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