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Fox News calls Olbermann 'over the line'


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Keith rocks! He doesn't fall victim to the right wing conservative hypocritical mouthpiece for the Bush Administration. I love it how O'Reilly ends up on Keith's "Worst Person In The World" list, lol. It's so fitting.

O'Reilly is full of [!@#$%^&*] and is ruining the minds of America's youth with his conservative, right wing agenda propoganda.

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Amazingly, those phone sex calls don't even rate to the massive sex scandal between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, the infamous blue, "soiled" dress and all those taped conversations. Yet, many liberals would support Clinton in that instance, and crucify O'Reilly for VASTLY minor indiscretions, in comparison. Why is that?

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Because O'Reilly is hypocritical.

It's funny how you bring Clinton into this, especially since he wasn't a part of this conversation. We all know Clinton was a perve.

O'Reilly just needs to admit that he sucks the hypocritical scrotum of the Bush Administration and drinks the corrupt juices that flow from it.

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What does getting a BJ from an intern have anything to do with how someone runs the country?????????????? I love how Bush ass lickers bring this up when they can’t think of anything else. Because there are a million things that one can bring up about Bush – relevant things that have nothing to do with his private life.

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Yes exactly. While it may be wrong, what Clinton did was not the first time a U.S. President did the same thing. But it really didn't affect his running the country. He was a pretty good President. We were a lot better off in this country from 1993-2001 with Bill Clinton than we have been since 2001 with Bush.

Just look at the all the idiotic things he has gotten us involved in during the last 5 1/2 years. There have been so many it would take all night to list them. If Bush and the Republicans are so great, honest and popular...then why have they been abandoning their own President and why has Bush's approval rating been hovering below 35 percent? And why did it take him 5 1/2 years to talk to the NAACP?

Many things have gone downhill in this country since 2001, and we have a shi*load more to worry about these days than who the President is having sexual relations with.

Thanks to Bush this country is going to hell in a handbasket.

And now, to quote Forrest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that." LOL

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I agree, but I think private matters such as that are irrelevant. It obviously pales in comparison because getting a BJ from an intern doesn't affect the country. I mean, I could bring up the fact that Bush was a drunk and did cocaine, but I think how he runs the country (or doesn't run it) and how he's wasting billions of American dollars and thousands of lives on an unnecessary war are more important.

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