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Days: SOD Cover

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Well, that is it for me. One person can only take so much. How can they fire him with all the story left to tell for Jack? I was so excited to have Hogie write for him. :(

Bye-bye Days! :angry:

**** Corday! Why is Matt always the first one to be canned when there are budget problems!

No more Jack/Steve! :(

Hell, Jennifer could have left with Frankie if we could have just kept Matt's Jack onscreen.

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Upsetting, but not unexpected. It's been said that the show took a huge budget cut with the new network renewal. They said that people would end up going. Matt Ashford probably get paid quite well, I'm sure. And unless they could get some sort of insanely GREAT use out of him (i.e. "Jack and Jennifer"), I honestly expected this to happen. Missy's leaving. Yes, he could've stayed around, but they probably didn't think it was worth paying out BIG bucks to an actor unless they're part of a supercouple.

Still a stupid decision though, IMO. Very frustrating.

At least Matt/Missy will be able to be written out together, though. No more J/J ruination, and I'm very happy about that.

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Probably what ticks me the most is that Matt is the only actor that the TPTB consistently think is expendable. When Kristian left, they kept Peter and paired him with Crystal. When Peter left, they recast Bo. When Dee left in the late 80's, they kept Drake and paired John with Isabella. When Steve left, they kept Mary Beth for a year longer.

What is amazing to me is that Jack is a character that just screams for attention. A character that is the type Hogie has always embraced. Makes me wonder if he was fired purely for financial reasons even though Hogie may have had plans for him.

I am just so sick and tired of being kicked in the face by this show. For my sanity, it is probably best if I just give up Days once Matt leaves. I could care less if J&J leave together, truly. She could have declared undying love for Frankie, had his baby, whatever. I just finally wanted to see Jack have a story, finally get a new love interest and be involved in the Steve story. I will miss the saga of Steve/Kayla but it just isn't worth it. :(

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Didn't Melissa Reeves say that KC didn't appreciate the show's history? I think this decision says it all. It's an incredibly stupid decision that gives me great doubt that the new writers will pay greater attention to characterization and Days' rich history much less turn the show around.

Meanwhile, Assdumb continues to "grace" my screen.

I will find it incredibly hard to watch Steve and Kayla's story if their *@$#!%!&! history is ignored...and their history includes more than just the two of them!

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I feel your pain. It's upsetting when your favorite actor/character is written out of a soap.

I'm just sad that this is really the end of the road for Jack and Jennifer, both as a couple and individual characters. I can't see Missy ever returning -- she seems to have closed the door for good. And after this door being slammed him his face for, what, the 10th time or so... I don't expect Matt to ever be back either, invited or otherwise.

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I'm not surprised Matt got canned again, but come on, Steve, Kayla, and Stephanie are on now, and Jack is part of that family! And what about Abby? Jack CAN exist without Jennifer, it's just TPTB don't want to realize that so they get rid of one of DAYS' most talented actors, but keep others who couldn't act if they were bitten by the bug? And you KNOW who I'm talking about, I'm not naming any names.

Also, what will happen to Billy Warlock? I'm sure DAYS will can him too. I don't think it's going to be cool that people like Matt and he will be asked to leave. We'll also probably see less and less of Suzanne Rogers and Frances Reid (well, I can understand her not having a whole lot of airtime). Still, it's the principle of the thing.

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Is this like some cruel joke?

I absolutely blame Corday for this. [!@#$%^&*] loved Ashford and Jack and I'm assuming Hogan would too.


It's not totally unexpected and when I saw the title of this thread, Ashford was the first person that came to mind.

This really does suck.

I fear it could get worse, folks.

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What is personally so sad for me is that with Hogie's hiring and the return of Jack, Steve and Kayla I was feeling hopeful for the first time in years.

Thanks Days for throwing a great big bucket of cold water in my face to wake me up!

I wish Hogie and the rest of the Days cast all the best but after Matt leaves that is it for me.

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