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B&B: November 2024 Discussion Thread


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Listen... We all watched when Zende raped Luna... YES. Raped. He had sex with her when she was drugged, high, under the influence, say it how you want it. It's not possible to give consent under the influence. That's LAW. And we had multiple scenes before that where she gave him somewhat of a cold shoulder.

THEN... Bradley rewrote what we all SAW... months later. Or do you think Luna was fake-playing being raped while crying alone in her room... (before the horrible idiotic rewrite.) We all saw her distraught even when she was just alone. Forgive me, but psycho manipulators don't continue playing the role when nobody is watchin... They don't cry all alone, because they are playing being raped. This is ludicrous. 

SO... IT was A rape. The re-write doesn't change that fact at all. Tomorrow Bradley may write in that Luna is an AI robot for all we know. But we all saw... what we saw. And the consensus of most members has always been that it was a rape. 

P.S  And even if someone is hypothetically PLAYING being high... to make someone think they are under the influence, that doesn't change the fact that the rapist decided to do it, thinking she is under. Not changing that fact. 



  • Yes means yes. Consent is not the absence of a no. It is the presence of a clear, affirmative, expression of interest, desire, and wants. Consent involves all parties, with each person setting their boundaries or sharing their desires. Consent is respectful, mutual decision-making.
  • Drugs and alcohol impact decision-making and blur consent. When drugs and alcohol are involved, clear consent cannot be obtained. An intoxicated person cannot give consent.
  • Consent needs to be clear. Consent is more than not hearing the word “no.” A partner saying nothing is not the same as a partner saying “yes.” Don’t rely on body language, past sexual interactions, or any other nonverbal cues. Never assume you have consent. Always be sure you have consent by asking.
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Yes, I saw that scene too, and I believed it..at the time! As for Luna crying about being raped, Luna is a manipulative crier, at best. In fact, we just saw Luna crying & begging her mother for forgiveness. Not to mention all her crying scenes with Bill. 

Even if Bradley decided to re-write Luna to fit her current personality, IMO it's even more reason to believe that she faked the rape scenario. Apparently the audience loves Luna's machinations, so I wouldn't put it past Bradley to re-write that scenario (show and/or explain exactly what happened). I mean let's face, the girl is looney tunes. 

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I was not talking about Luna crying to other people, that can be perceived as being fake and manipulative, yes. But she cried and was distraught when she was all alone. Many times. We saw that. It's in complete dissonance to the later re-write... which was that she planned everything all along and was scamming her way up. 

All I'm saying is that EVEN if she was the manipulative b-tch that faked being drugged... to make Zende sleep with her... Even if this was the case (which it wasn't - we saw her all alone distraught)  that still doesn't make the man NON-rapist. He chose to sleep with a woman he didn't get a clear consent from, who he didn't check if she was drunk or drugged... he just saw her lying in his bed and proceeded to have penetrative sex with her. I mean... if that's not a rape... then I guess I'm crazy. But yeah, as a rape survivor of something very close to this scenario... (in my case alcohol was used to make me unable to give consent)... I just find it quite disturbing that people are still saying he was not a rapist.

He did not get a consent from her. Manipulative bitc-h or not, he did not. He chose to do what he did. That's all I'm going to say and I'm done about this. Not going to beat that dead horse one more time. 

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So let me get this straight...has this girl's name been Laney the whole time because I could have sworn she said her name is Amy? LOL. Outside of that, I'm glad to see her back and feeling a way about the way that Will looks at Electra. But alas, Will is already having only eyes for Electra. I wanted it to be a more even triangle. And per next week, Electra already has a secret. Too fast.


Well now that Carter and Hope have finally had sex, it does make a little more sense for Carter to go to bat for her. lol. I am still enjoying the ripple effect that Beyond the Gates Hope's firing has been gradually revealed. So seeing Zende find out and how it affects him was a good beat to play. And the hysterics between Brooke and Ridge will never not be funny. Hit him again, Brooke! Hit him for me!!


And as teased last week, Luna is back!!! I don't know where they expect this to go though. Something for Bill to do dealing with a stalker??

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I despise the character of Ridge...(especially when played by an actor that is... very talented, yes, but completely lacks chemistry with his leading lady - SFTV) -  he's symbolic of everything that is wrong with Bradley Bell's writing. 

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I totally agree. And it's nothing against TK who I like, but lord Ridge be...smh. It's why I said last week that it's telling that Taylee and Steffy even know how much of a flipflopper he is and yet still have to stroke his ego. 


Brooke was better off when it was her, KA Taylor, being single and against the world. Just add in some Hollis for her and Deacon for Taylor. 

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That would have been like a... new Gold (okay, maybe not gold... but something more alive) period for the show, honestly. It would have revived so much interest... Brooke had insane chemistry with Hollis. God, they had only 1 making out scene and it's still more memorable than thousands of scenes with her and Ridge. And Taylor should have moved on too - with Deacon or even... something fresher.  

God, this show should really be called Missed Opportunities and Unused Talent (maybe we should call it that after today), because every single week I see a glimpse of hope and some kind of storyline idea that gets completely lost in the same old bizarre Bradley Bell circus. 2024 is the worst year of the show in my opinion, and I'm not exaggerating. Even 2023 was somewhat better. At least... when it's been so low and so boring for so long... then even 1 good storyline will feel like it's a masterpiece at this point.

LOL. The bar is so low, I don't think it can be called a bar anymore. It's an abyss. 

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Yes. They should have been willing to explore that older woman/young man dynamic with Brooke and Hollis. Just the conflict of public opinion...or someone from Hollis's past...or what if Ridge tried to fight for her to find Brooke like THANK YOU, NEXT. lol. I felt there could have been some avenues there. 


With Taylor...SK and KA had great chemistry in the brief scenes they were allowed to have. Heck, Brooke could have been briefly (emphasis on briefly) irked by the idea of Deacon/Taylor herself, but in true friendship style, she...gets over it. Whether Deacon/Taylor would have to deal with Sheila lusting after Deacon or just bad boy/good girl dynamics, that is just the tip of the iceberg for a pairing with them. I could even throw in Dollar Bill wanting Deacon to pay for hiding Sheila so he tries to romance Taylor...only to fall for the woman who shot him. 



Yeah this show has errs and flows. To think we had a few times where it flowed beautifully and there was A story, B story, and even a C story. It almost feels like it's about to go there again. Until then, it feels like a crawl to get there. 

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I like your optimism! 

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I know I always sound like I'm hating or too negative, but I truly am trying to find a saving grace and something to love every day... and struggling. Maybe I had 2-3 scenes I liked in the entire year. And that's sad. For a moment I was thinking Brooke will be feuding with Steffy in a classic-style boardroom CEO clash. But nothing came out of it... I'm still sad about that. I liked one of their scenes. I still think JMW and KKL have a killer chemistry for a feud. 

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You should see me in the GH Thread.   Seriously, you are just fine. Sometimes B&B, like some other soaps, can be a chore to watch. And it IS November Sweeps so they should be kicking something into high gear. GH has a death. Y&R has a wedding. B&B has...Luna?? 


I would have loved to see that. I am also disappointed we have not seen Brooke vs Steffy in the boardroom. They do have that rivalry chemistry and as I always say JMW gives good bitca. Let her be one, Brad!!

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And KKL when given the opportunity... can give the Snake of all snakes... Like... Just watch her 1992-1993... That woman can turn board-rooms into FLAMES when she's given the material. I miss when Brooke was a manipulative viper and not this declawed boring housewife. And I think at this point Bradley has forgotten that Brooke is co-CEO... I think his mind has slipped this. Nobody is acting like Brooke is co-CEO. LOL. 

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This show is in dire need of new dialogue writers. The situation right now not cutting it. We all know the head writer will never change ever. But at least... can we get some cute dialogue from time to time? I miss Patrick.

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