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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest

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MsQ says: :lol: :lol: :lol: I wish.

Glad to see her mentioned though. :)

remos, I enjoyed the missing scene (though I skimmed a certain part, but I'm sure you're sure what part that was... Nothing against you). GH missed the boat by not having the landing take place onscreen. What kind of soap opera has 2 characters (that aren't day players - though it might seem that Tracy is sometimes) in a plane that's going down and does NOT follow up with that? Oy...

So, Luke is on Halloween but not Tracy? That seems weird to me. If LuNacy land on Thursday at the end of the episode is Luke not going to resurface until the end of Friday's? You know that Luke and Laura glance is going to end the show. Plus, we know that Tracy

. So, do we just have Luke onscreen searching for Laura in LA on Friday while Tracy is hiding out in a hotel room or something??? Strange.

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I suspected as much. :P I'm choosing to believe it's $$ related - a huge plane crash for just two characters probably wouldn't fit the cost/benefit analysis. Even Sason has more people involved when they have something exploding.

Remember, we didn't have her listed for Friday but there she was in all her glory. I think we will see her. But even if we don't we have Laura confronting Luke about lying to her and staying with Tracy. And then Monday we get to see Laura confront Tracy - that I can't wait to see. I really hope ewcbo remembers Tracy saying she loves Lulu. That will carry drag if nothing else does.
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wait you guys are all confusing me...

The deal is Tracy is on this TH....with luke and the medianet photos leaving for LA

Luke gets a glance of Laura on Friday--now could she be on--sure..but TMI said only TH...she hasn't steered me wrong yet. If we get her gravy--she might not have seen her in breakdowns or something...

last week we didn't have any definitie dates--we were just going by the spoilers for the day...

But Laura and Tracy dont' see each other this coming Monday the 3rd---it is not til the 10th

And Tracy is not part of this car chase...she is on M W F of next week but must not be with Luke...seems from teh SOD stuff that she fears the worst when she hears about the accident...and so do the kids....she is probably at the hotel getting a pedicure or something...


It appears that this car chase happens on Monday the 3rd--and then luke saves the teetering car and pulls scotty out..then teh car goes over the cliff...then it is laura rescuing Luke...then they take shelter somewhere and she makes him sleep out side and then confronts him or whatever about lying to her....that supposedly happens on TH....I guess on Friday it is more of that or the outcome...then Monday the 10th is probably when Tracy finds them--maybe she is with Scotty...

SOW and SID are coming out this week too--maybe we will get more airdates as SID is for the next two weeks...

at least we know that Tracy will only be missing or offscreen from two weeks of sweeps tops if she isn't on again after the week of the 10th....

sweeps ends the 26th!

Oh I did see someone say the breakdowns were two days off--not sure what that means...

I got th TH and the MWF from the week of the 10th via PM...not posted on the dish...

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Wow... let me see how that breaks down...

LnL - 26 years; LuNacy - 3 years

LnL - huge PR; LuNacy - little PR

LnL - huge story; LuNacy - little story

LnL - on regularly; LuNacy - on realtively little with large breaks every 3-6 months

... and LnL can STILL only pull of a 2:1 over LuNacy (when their diehard fans don't even KNOW about the poll).

Yeah... I think we're okay.

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From Serial Drama's latest bit... (this is the link)

This Show Really Makes Me Inquisitive

I feel like a toddler sometimes when I watch General Hospital, and not solely because early childhood television programming shares GH's fondness for simplistic dialogue and repetition. Granted, that is a large part of it, but...have you ever spent time with a toddler who is just filled with wonder and asks all sorts of questions about what things are, why they are that way, and how they came to be? That is me during General Hospital. "But...why? How did that...what is...????"

I have either regressed to the mentality of a nursery schooler (possible), or suffered a traumatic brain injury from when I walked into a branch (more likely; hey, it was a really big branch), or nothing about General Hospital makes any sense at all (most likely).

Jane Elliot and Tony Geary have, like, 147 Emmys between the two of them and THIS is the kind of story you write for them? For Luke Spencer and Tracy Quartermaine? Really?

Really? The word "hack" doesn't do it justice.

Edited by remos
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From SOW....


Tony says what makes Tracy and Luke work, first off, is Tony and Jane. He first auditioned to play Tracy's lover back during the Punic Wars. He didn't get that part but Gloria Monty called him into her office and had the part of Luke written for him. So he and Jane have been waiting to work together for more than two decades. They have a lot of history together. The characters both live by their own codes and are both ruthless. He doesn't think anyone expected it to wind up in a love relationship, including the writers, given that they started off with Luke tricking her for money. But when they started to work together, they realized they worked really well. And about the wacky nicknames, he drops them and the writers go with it. He likes Luke having specific relationships with people and the nicknames are the quickest way to establish them.

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Is is just me, or is everybody sick to death of this same "quote", as it were. Everytime Tony or Jane talk about Luke and Tracy they always seem to mention their original audition 30 years ago. I think even non-Lacy fans know this, and it's time they come up with a different story. Sorry I'm a bit cranky today.

Anyhoo, here are Monday's clips.



Credit goes to Trudy, edited by me.

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Thanks Nex!

A Closer Look: Luke

Luke “borrows” a taxi when he sees Scott drive off with Laura.

TG says he drags the driver out and yells “CIA” while taking off in the car.

Scott crashes during the chase.

TG says that Scott is unconscious on the driver’s side and the only way to get to Laura in the passenger side, which is hanging over the side off a cliff, is to drag Scott out and then he gets in to remove the seat belt that’s stuck. Before he can get her out the car goes over the cliff.

TG says Luke is always conflicted about saving Scotty. He doesn’t really have any need to save him but he has to get him out to get to her.

TG says it’s a steep and danger fall. Laura is thrown into the back seat and he’s in the front. When he wakes up, he wakes her and she gets out of the car because he’s pinned in it. Then she gets him out.

She gives him a hard slap and says “how dare you!” Laura has found out from Scott that Luke is married to Tracy and was married to her when they remarried two years ago. She marches off to a canyon and they end up in a cabin.

SOW notes that Laura makes Luke sleep outside before she’s willing to talk to him.

When they finally do talk Luke is very direct with her because he loves her enough to tell her the truth. He tells her what the doctors told him about having a limited amount of time with her and she wanted to remarry him. Rather than wasting that little time they had, he wanted to give her what she wanted. He loves her enough to be honest. He’s not a weasel. He’s not a man who doesn’t know what he wants. He tells her he’s married to Tracy and has feelings for her. He’s very honest with her.

Laura can see his point, though she’s upset about it. Laura feels it was disrespectful to not tell her the truth while Luke feels he was respecting her. People have different ideas of what’s appropriate in a stressful situation.

SOW notes Laura’s reaction is to give him an ultimatum, choose between her or Tracy, right?

TG says more or less. Laura asks him if he loves Tracy and he’s say yes. He’s married to Tracy, he’s not married to her. If you recall the story, Laura divorced him. Luke has worked very hard to get on with his life.

SOW asks how Tony/Genie’s relationship has evolved over the years.

TG says it’s always the same. In 30 years every time they work together, it’s like the first time. It’s always full of support, trust and respect. They have a very special acting relationship.

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