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DAYS: Auditions for possible new roles posted

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Here's an audition posted to Vimeo three months ago. As always, the role could be for a character named Jada, or a "code name" for a different name. The audition could also change storyline details mentioned to hide what the scene is actually about.
JADA: You could sue, but you'd lose.
MAN: What?
JADA: I'm sure Commissioner Hernandez explained that he had every right to bring you in. You'd been in possession of stolen property which was connected to a murder. Even the most junior attorney would have no trouble arguing that.
MAN: This is a private conversation.
JADA: Well, I could hear you from across the room, and since I know something about the law, I thought I'd save you a ton of time and money by telling you it's a lost cause.
MAN: Money?
JADA: Lawyers are expensive and you have to miss work to appear in court, so, technically...
MAN: I was wronged and I intend to hold the department accountable.
JADA: Fine. Bring your suit. Just know that if you do, what you did to your old cellmate will most likely be dragged into it.
MAN: How do you know about that?
JADA: Admittedly, it's your word against his, but a good prosecutor could build a solid case against you. And, from what I hear, Melinda Trask is desperate for a win and will do anything to get it. So instead of borrowing trouble, maybe you want to back off.
MAN: And just who the hell are you?
JADA: Jada Hunter, pleasure to meet you.
MAN: Wish I could say the same.
Edited by JAS0N47
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Here's another Vimeo audition posted five months ago. As always, the names and storyline details could be changed to hide the actual storyline:
ADELE: Go away.
ERIC: I'm delivering something for Rafe.
ADELE: Why don't you have your girlfriend drop it off?
ERIC: You know why.
ADELE: Am I supposed to be flattered?
ERIC: Look, ever since you came to town you have been cold. I know you're all about the job but...
ADELE: But what? You find it impossible that I'm not falling all over you.
ERIC: You used to be...
ADELE: Yeah, well, things change. And I don't know, maybe the whole you getting a girlfriend a week after we broke up thing kind of killed it for me.
ERIC: Adele, don't do that.
ADELE: Don't what? Don't lie? Oh, right, that's your department. Lying and leaving.
ERIC: You were the one who asked me to. You said you didn't want a relationship. That you wanted your freedom.
ADELE: I'm not doing this right now. You know, I came back and tried to track you down. Yeah, I even stopped by your old place. Tried to find some clue as to what could have happened to you. But when I got to your place, you weren't there, but someone named Nicole was. She was wearing your shirt. Are you going to tell me that she was just a friend?
ERIC: So that's what this is. You're jealous.
ADELE: Jealous?! Seriously. Okay, look, I thought I would try being honest in hopes that maybe you might return the favor but obviously that is too much to ask. You know, maybe I did start to care for you more that I wanted to admit but I sure as hell don't now. You're not nearly as interesting as the job. You may pray over people, Eric, but I protect lives. I alter people's fate. Even on your best day, you don't hold a candle to that kind of rush.

She said her last name is Hunter, so I thought of Marcus right away.

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