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On-Air On-Soaps Names The Best and Worst Of 2013

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I think the Matthew/Michelle thing was meant to be a brief plotline, but at 2 days a week it had already been going on way too long by the end of that run. And it was a waste of Amber Noyes, who was actually really good. I wish they'd fulfilled my suspicion when I first saw the Noyes siblings at the premiere, and just had her do a short run as Sarah, with her surprisingly handsome brother making a cameo as Bigfoot C.J. According to Noyes herself she was approximately the age of the Sarah they had on the show back in the '90s and she spent a lot of time on-set playing around with her brother and Nathan Fillion, so it wouldn't have been a stretch.

The Todd/Triskelion arc was horribly paced for a lot of the season, except for the beginning and then around the time RH exited, when it suddenly kicked into high gear. At the end it was left hanging on some very, very interesting stuff which was obviously Thom Racina through and through. But before that it was a problem. I don't know who was responsible for mishandling how RH's screentime was parceled out in the middle stretch of the season, but it was so poorly cut together; FV would never have allowed him to be slotted in so haphazardly throughout air shows. He didn't have to be on every single day when his airtime some days was sometimes thirty seconds, and the whole stupid business with faking Victor's death from Hotel HQ was so pointless. After a certain point Todd's hotel room began to resemble Hitler's bunker; he never left. And while the Todd/Blair reunion worked and was written reasonably well and performed better, I have to say that they would never have had the story context within which to do that reunion as quickly as they did had RC and FV not kept the tension and the thread between those two going during Blair's three guest stints over the last year on GH, where she remained a constant in his life, with the push-pull, the will they or won't they. By the time Todd returned to Llanview for good it was a foregone conclusion, and it's because of those guys and their writing staff at GH. The OLTL team did a good job with them under extreme time pressure and conditions, but they were working from a good springboard. That's sacrilege to some people, but AFAIC it's the truth.

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