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DAYS: Will & Sonny Week Of Feb 4th

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the thing about Will/Sonny is that I'm not getting that either guy is particularly invested in them, so I'm like... if you don't care, how can I? It all comes across as this very casual thing they're doing, because they're gay and attractive - so why not? LOL What they need to do is create some flashbacks of Sonny confessing to (let's say, Brian?) someone that he's foolishly, dangerously in LOVE with 'this straight guy' which 'has never happened!!' to him before, and turns out Will's that guy. Sort of shedding light on how it's been for Sonny, and giving Sonny/the story a new dimension. Start SHOWING us what being in love with Will does to Sonny, make us start to care... have loads of people talking down on Will and telling Sonny he deserves better and have Sonny tell 'em 'DON'T CARE. I WANT WILL!' in no uncertain terms. I mean we've already been shown a lot about Will, and we know he's kind of a mess and a putz, but they need to have Sonny seeing Will as the Golden Chalice and pretty much forgiving him for all the crap he does, forsaking all others...

as for Will, can he freaking FIGHT FOR Sonny? When Sonny dumps him, for whatever reason of the week/month, can he run after him and show he can't/won't let Sonny go? Not have his hat in hand, head down, looking friggin' contrite? Just tell Sonny 'I love you, come on!' and at least appear to WANT HIM on a level beyond all else? Ugh.

show us, the viewer that loving each other seem to turn their worlds asunder, but they're each other's calm @ the eye of all storms: safe.

it's like... Will/Sonny behave like real people (majority of the time, IMO), but at the same time a bit of soap needs to be thrown up in there, otherwise it's all quite mundane (the coupling). They're like an arranged marriage with all this (supposedly) 'OMG, exciting!' stuff happening around them, when the excitement needs to be borne out of them.

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