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Y&R Promo : Wk 27th Feb 2012

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FauxToria standing up to Victor is like watching a trapped fly stand up to a fly-swatter. Please recast this non-performing, dull so-called actress.

There is literally nothing to say about anything else featured in this promo. Another chance for Phick? Whatever. I can't even remember what the other thing was. Oh, yeah, Cliff and Jesse. Possibly the best out of the lot.

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I don't even think Heinle is the problem as much as it's the writing - viewers know nothing will ever change in this relationship, and that Victoria is a feeble character, as are all women on the show, aside from Phyllis.

At least that promo continues the alt. story of a love story between Cliff and Jesse. They already have more chemistry than Bergman's had with anyone since 1995.

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See I think Heinle is as much a problem as the atrocious writing. At least she gets some primo story (in MAB's mind at least). Avery/Jessica Collins, for example, is on intermittantly and the actress still manages to project confidence, dynamism, smarts, moments of vulnerability and ruthlessness -- all qualities which used to be associated with Victoria, funnily enough (and I wouldn't have said no to Jessica Collins as NuToria, now that I think about it. She looks like she could be related to Nikki).

Heinle, by contrast, has entire scenes where she is meant to chew out Victor and Adam and Billy and go toe-to-toe with Chelsea. Instead, the actress is SO lacklustre that they won't even give her stuff opposite Daisy Duke! How many scenes has she gotten the chance to call Victor out on her actions? Tons. Scenes that Doug Davidson and Beth Maitland, amongst others, DESERVE to get. But she flubs them all. If Marcy Rylan got half of what Heinle gets, she would make them memorable. I still remember when she called after a checked-out Eric Braeden "Don't turn your back on me and walk away!" -- brilliantly ad-libbing. If Rylan makes something out of literally nothing -- Braeden walking OUT of a scene with his back to her -- then Heinle makes nothing out of everything. Even Billy Miller looks more invested than she does. She is a failure in this role and has been for years. She needs to go.

ITA about Bergman and Darnell. Bergman has chem with many males (I particularly remember his energy with a newly-arrived Miller). I enjoy watching this SL even if TIIC have instantly categorized it as filler.

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None of Victoria's stories are about strength, because they're not about her being strong. They're about her being weak. Victor has to dominate her. Billy has to dominate her. She can't control any part of her own life.

Heinle has been a weak actress for a long time but honestly I think if an actress did try to play this as strong, she would be fired. The only reason Braeden put up with this in Heather Tom was due to the bond between the actors.

I can't think of one actress on this show who plays material in a strong manner since Sheffer arrived, aside from Michelle Stafford. Rylan basically plays a brat. It's easier to play a brat than a victim.

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Someone suggested a while ago that they just recast Victoria with Liza Huber (Susan Lucci's daughter, and Gwen from Passions)

I would personally love that since she is a top notch actress (even though i hated her on Passions) and really could stand up to Victor and make him feel small ( she was SOOO good at telling Theresa off, LOL)

And Eric would have to accept her because she is Susan's daughter. LOL :D

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