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OLTL: Discussion for the week of June 13

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I agree completely.

But overall, if RH isn't Todd, then he's nothing more than a nuisance. And what a rip that would be. And let's be real, the people that keep saying that are fans of TSJ's Todd who WANT him to "stay" Todd... It's not like a reasonable, objective debate going on there. We can go on about someone's long-ago flashbacks... but this is a soap. People can be resurrected after making ghostly appearances, and abortions can be undone. A liftetime-flashback possibly being swept under the rug is small potatoes.

Truly, I don't care personally who is better / who "should" / who "deserves" to play the "real" Todd. I'm an objective voice on that issue. What I care about is the actual story. And if RH just turns out to be some irritant there to "confuse" people, what a TURKEY of a storyline that would be. So completely dumb, and a big waste of everyone's time.

I've said it before. The real story is what happens after RH is revealed IS Todd... and which of the two men is "real" as a father to Starr and Jack, and is "real" to all his loved ones like Tea, Blair, and Viki. It's a gold mine of possibilties with a finite amount of time to explore. THERE is the story. And if RH's character is not Todd, they can't go there. And to not go there simply because of anyone's fears over TSJ not being "the real Todd" would just be stupid. It doesn't make TSJ any less viable or any less important.

I'm just waiting to quickly move past this eye-roll-worthy crap over "who is really Todd" to get to the actual good part.

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It's been rumored that Bree Williamson wanted to play her alters because Jessica became to soft. And if Jessica's too soft, it's almost as if she's not integrated. So this was really good to see - Backbone Jessica. While Brody rationalized things well, there's one thing you really can't get past: You don't boink your girlfriend's sister... and for Natalie, you don't boink your sister's boyfriend. Now I know they think they already share a baby together from their first mambo, so "hey, might as well!"

Natalie still irks me. She can justify her actions being OK because Jessica burried herself in her own psychie (and try to ignore that she actually hepled CAUSE that on multiple occassions dating back to Nash's death). She probably won't hold herself to the same standard when she finally remembers that Liam isn't Brody's... and please, I don't want to hear that she forgot because she bumped her head. The truth is that if Natalie actually concentrated with her brain first instead of her vagina, she'd probably have recalled it by now.

Anyway, I used to have love for Brody, but the last year of story has him on my who-cares list (boinking siblings and hiding it, threatening to Marty that he'd have something "done" to her if she blew the whistle on his & Nat's tryst). I could be interested to see him go postal once he finds out he's not Liam's father. (Natalie: "Oops, Brody! I literally forgot!") With the kind of reaction he had to losing Shane & Gigi, not to mention his sininster-sounding threats he made to Marty, Natalie better make sure they're in a very public place when she tells him. Otherwise, I almost expect he might go Mickey Rourke on her Lisa Bonet!

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For Starr, a tree stump has more possibilities than James. The only sort of energy that Starr can generate with him is the kind that Cher Horowitz did with Christian in Clueless. Nic Robuck (nee Smith) cannot, at least not yet, convincingly play this angle. Many actors can... but this is coming off more like an unintentional version of The Object of My Affection. The problem goes way beyond him playing a Miata Ford.

Time to cut losses and move on.

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Jessica was never soft when Bree played her. She was cold and fake, because Bree generally can't play emotions beyond campy/smirky/bitchy.

If they felt they needed to spend years destroying the character just because Bree did not want to play her, then why not just write Jessica out for good and have Bree play some evil double.

The last year of story was when the character ceased to exist beyond being an endless prop for Ford and John. It's a credit to ME and David Gregory that both men are still so unlikeable even after all this hard work.

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This wasn't so much the jist of what I was posting, but to comment, I think Bree's pretty good. I know she's not Helen Mirren, and I'm sure she knows that, too... but she's shown herself very capable of giving some good performances. I think Bree is at her best when she is Jessica with a backbone. For some weird-ass reason, though, the writing seemed to often marginalize Jessica as the "sugary, naive" counter to the more "edgy" alters. Here's to hoping we are soon past that, and we get a multifaceted, single character.

And in regards to Brody, ironically, I only liked him when he was first with Jessica. Prior to that, I couldn't understand why the heck they were keeping him. Now I'm back to thinking he has sort of "reptile in disguise" look about him... those tiny pupils strangely never get larger... I swear I half-expect him to suddenly reveal himself a "V" and eat Natalie!

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That's how I feel about the Fords. They always look like they are melting.

I don't care about his appearance so much as, when he arrived, I felt he was the only younger man on the show who could really act, except for John Brotherton, sometimes. Incredibly, they have managed to get an even worse male cast since then, probably because every new "actor" hired in the last year generally seems to have been chosen based on how they look with baby oil on their chest.

She has her moments when Jessica is written as being a completely cold and nasty person, but I don't think Bree can play multi-faceted. She has pretty much blown so many chances with Bess, Tess, and Wes. My guess is that unless they wrote Jessica to be exactly like Tess, she wouldn't try. The problem is that Tess herself has been rewritten and trashed as a character so many times, what with the murder attempts and the need to use her to glorify sexual abuse.

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