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Detailed article on upcoming Doctor Who season


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I liked some of his earlier stories, up to Blink. I think eventually he became too much into trying to create catch phrases, and trying too hard for atmosphere, and trying way too hard to create forced romances between the Doctor and various women. I love Alex Kingston and I was so let down at just how poorly written and how abrasive River Song was. She was extremely in your face, based solely on backstory we would never see. The ending she got was probably one of the worst and most condescending endings I've ever seen on a show. Oh look, this born adventurer is running around in a computer for all eternity, in a flowing white nightgown, reading to children. How "happy".

I did enjoy Blink, although more for the characters than for any "scary" element. I thought the characters were beautifully drawn. I also thought that the Empty Child/Doctor Dances was very good.

I was much more hesitant about him taking over until last year, when Russell Davies butchered Torchwood, said ridiculous and defensive things to the press, and proceeded to give that very self-centered and sloppily written Who finale which basically told viewers to stop watching now that David Tennant was gone. Since then, I've decided to support Moffat and support his vision -- I'm not entirely sure, and some of the other fans I know are very very unsettled, but I will hope for the best. I think that Doctor Who has peaked as a commercial enterprise and no matter what the quality, it's going to decline in ratings and buzz. The question is whether the BBC will still support the show if that happens.

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The specials and that finale in particular would be enough to make you lose interest but I mostly just try to watch some of the old episodes, the ones from the original 63-89 run. That is my show, although I do appreciate some of the new Who and I enjoy the spinoffs (or did).

I do wish they'd given Matt Smith a better haircut. Sometimes he looks like he's in an 80s pop band, other times he looks like Eric Stoltz in Mask. He's a handsome man but the hair I don't care for.

Here's an interview with Matt and Karen, and a clip from the first episode.



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I still haven't seen the finale. I found the earlier specials a chore to get through (that said I don't think DW has ever done good specials--their annual specials try to shove too much into one ep--sad death of characters we dont' care about, light character stuff, etc). Regardless about the "de-gaying" controversy--Russell's Torchlight miniseries was much better.

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I wouldn't even call it de-gaying so much as treating Ianto like an afterthought and just trying to get attention with a shock death (there's a scene with Jack and Russell Tovey in Tennant's last episode -- have you seen that part?).

I don't blame you for not rushing to see the finale, although there were some good points. I know what you mean about the specials, but I did like the Christmas special. Not because of the Cyberman/crazy suffragette from Ballykissangel stuff, but because of the David Morrisey character who thought he was the Doctor. I thought Morrisey was absolutely superb.

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My favorite of the specials were The Next Doctor, The Runaway Bride (mostly thanks to Catherine Tate), and the first one, the one where David Tennant first appeared. I didn't care much for the scenes where he all but beats down Harriet Jones, I just liked the scenes with Jackie and the Doctor. I got a kick out of Jackie.

The Water of Mars was also good. Not quite as good as the hype but it's very very stark and sobering and is a huge slap in the face to the Doctor. It's like the opposite of what you correctly describe most of the specials as being.

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Do you ever stay on topic in your own threads, or is this all performance art where you pretend you are actually in the industry and know anything about anyone you've never met or spoken to?

I'll do you one better, though; I love Moffat's work and I love his Who work, thus far, in prior seasons.

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