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Y&R: Week of May 18, 2009

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I don't necessarily think of Neil as a weak character I just think his stregths aren't played upon because it is easier or maybe more of an advantage (ifor dramatic purposes) to highlight his weaknesses. He is especially written that way when Dru is gone

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So if Thom Bierdz is back from the dead as Phillip Chancellor Jr., does that mean Camryn Grimes will come back in twenty years as part of a vengeful scheme to get back at Nick for leaving Sharon?

Why even show people on their death beds on soaps anymore? They all have this immortal soap gene, it seems.

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:lol: :lol:

OMG, can Lily have a Jesus tar Black baby, please?!?!?! I'd like to see the writers ignore that.

Maybe that's why Lily's never had any damn children. Can you imagine them trying to cast a PC interracial infant?

Way too much thought for the Black cast on Y&R.

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