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Interview with Tina Sloan

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Here is a new interview. Hope you enjoy it ;)

CZ: You first came to soaps with the role of Kate Thornton Cannell on “Somerset” from 1974 to 1976 months before the show was cancelled. How did you arrive on soaps? What could you say about your character? She was a vixen, wasn’t she? You played alongside late Joel Crothers (best known as Miles Cavanaugh on “The Edge of Night”, what could you say about him?

TS: Cedric, you certainly have my past well documented - ...I auditioned for "Somerset" and got it and what a wonderful show. Bibi Besch and Joel Crothers : Joel did the crossword puzzle in ink and had gone to Harvard. He was brilliant and funny and so kind to me as a new member of the cast. He always watched out for me. He and Bibi and I had the same bdays Feb.1 (bibi and me) joel on Jan 31. I had been doing commercials before the soap.

CZ: - Soon after the cancellation, you moved to “Search For Tomorrow” from September to December 1976 where you played Mary Stuart (Jo)’s daughter, often-recaster Patti Baron? Was it hard to take over the role?. I think Patti was having an extramarital affair. Do you remember why it was so short term?

TS: I was Patti Whiting on “Search For Tomorrow” and I came to bring Mary Stuart a grandchild. That was why I was on for only 6 mos. But my husband came with me (Dino) and dont think I was involved with anyone else.

CZ: Your next role was in late 1980 on “Another World” as Olivia Delaney, a doctor unable to have children. What do you remember about her?

TS: I loved Dr. Olivia Delaney as a nobel prize winning cardiologist. She was so smart and loved her clothes. She fell in love with the other doctor on the show It too was a short role and we shot it out in Brooklyn with Paul Rauch as producer.

CZ: Of course, your next role is THE role: Lillian Raines on “Guiding Light” that you’ve been playing since 1983. How did you arrive on the show?

TS: Gail Kobe hired me - she knew me from “Somerset” and I didn't audition just came on for 6 months to do the rape storyline with Bradley and 26 years later I am still here.

CZ: How would you characterize Lillian? She has changed a lot since being Bradley Raines’ wife, hasn’t she?

TS: Today she’s very different from original Lillian who had no nerve and was so subservient to Bradley and so fearful of living. Lillian today is a no nonsense honest woman (fans tell me I say to the other charactrs what they want to say to them) who can really have fun with Buzz. He has brought a lightness to her soul and laughter to her life.

CZ: Is there any storyline of scene you remember most fondly about Lillian? You were involved in one of the most “shocking” storyline of GL: Maureen Bauer’s death. What do you think of it today?

TS: I loved the time of breast cancer as we helped so many people and I really enjoyed that story. Since I was a great friend of Ellen (Maureen Bauer) I was so pained to be the cause of her leaving the show. The letter I wrote Ed that I put in the kitchen that Maureen reads I just couldn't write. I knew it was the end for her. I would sit down to write it and have to leave the set in tears. She came up to me and said Tina just do it as the writers did this story not you. so finally I wrote it but I was nearly sick doing it.

CZ: Which other character on the show would you have enjoyed playing?

TS: I guess my daughter Beth would have been great fun to play. Of course I know her part so very very well that I would have fun doing it.

CZ: “Guiding Light” is getting cancelled. How would you like the soap to end? Especially for Lillian? Tying the knot with Buzz? Can you see a future for daytime soaps?

TS: I am hoping we will be picked up by a cable station. Look on my facebook page and go to fans of Tina Sloan facebook page to see videos about the cancellation where I talk about it : you will find the link from Andrea Berry on my facebook page. Of couse, I want to tie the Buzz knot IF we are going off. Lil and Buzz are great together.

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You have proven, once again, that you can find anyone and everyone on Facebook. Thanx for such a great interview Frenchfan.

It really amazes me in a way, how Lillian, in a way, has become tentpole character for the show now that Ross, Holly, Ed, and even Maureen are gone.

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