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Y&R: Week of March 16, 2009

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I don't know what "future" storytelling people expect. They're never going to do something extremely innovative that touches on all parameters of society, sexuality, politics, and overall culture. Soaps are an historically based narrative and have been telling the same stories for years, it's nothing new - whether that's good or bad, who knows.

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I do realize that, and as I said before I am very happy with the show. I don't like the naysayers one bit because they probably won't admit Y&R is good in 10 years or whatever. I like the production, like the storylines and can even endure the boring ones (Winters). The show is the best on daytime right now.

I am just a bit skeptical.

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When did I say there's only one right opinion? I guess I need to automatically put it in my head to write down IMO after every single line.

Of course there is nothing wrong in believing the show isn't as good, and it is OK. I think that many fights here prove that it's OK for other people to have their opinions; they certainly won't stop saying them if someone else thinks otherwise.

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Not exceptional, just better than the last few years.

Sorry if you got it that way; as much as I know English, there still might be times when people won't understand what I'm saying just because I'm not from the USA and this isn't my native language.

But sometimes it seems that there is just not way to please a person, they will complain even when a certain show (any show) is good. It's what years of writing torture does, I guess.

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I am REALLY loving Y&R more and more. Sure, there are stuff I hate (Winters, Sharon/Billy affair..), but oh well.. nothing is perfect.

Sharon's storyline is amazing though. And Sharon Case is doing a performance of her lifetime. Sharon/Phyllis fight was great! Hope we get more of those! And I'm sure we will, since Phyllis now knows about Billy and Sharon. Yay! Although, I simply don't care anymore who Nick ends up with.

Kay's storyline has been one of the best on any soap in year's, IMO. I didn't mind the motel thing being a bit dragged. It's not like it was Jim Reilly dragged. God forbid..

They are really making it hard for me to root for Billy lately. Although I still loathe Cane. And I am disappointed in Jill that she is choosing one son over another. Although, Lily did show signs of insecurity, so maybe she breaks and leaves Cane? Nah, never gonna happen...

The affair between Neil and Tyra didn't help the storyline one bit. Not even Devon finding out (Devon confronting Neil will probably be Bryton's next year's Emmy reel). That storyline just needs to end and they need to do something different about it. Although, right now, the only one I like in that storyline is Karen. I wish she would dump boring Neil and move into someone else's orbit. Neil and Tyra can hook up and leave town together with Ana.

I totally missed the scene with Adam and Frank you guys are mentioning here. I was sure Adam was not lying. I mean, sure at moments it did seem he was faking it, but they showed how he saw things (blurry), so I just thought he was not lying. I just hope Ashley and Adam don't happen, like some of you are speculating.

Anyways, loving Y&R now. Miles away from other soaps, and miles away from what Y&R was a while ago. And now that a certain someone is coming back, hopefully it gets more interesting. And hopefully I like the actress playing her...

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I'm having a "closet from Hell" flashback right now. It ain't pretty.

No way, they are the "amazing supercouple," minus the super and definitely minus the amazing.

Isn't it funny how he has to make a handful of appearances and win an Emmy, while others that seem to be doing better and having more storylines don't get any?

There are two possibilities:

1) Adam and Frank plotted to get Adam momentarily losing his sight so Adam could get out of prison.

2) Adam asked Frank to get him that product so he could handle the rash that he already had before or maybe he just wanted to have the rash so he would have a reason to call Heather and tell her he needs help with his eyesight, which he is losing naturally.

Croatian. ;)

I used to think it was good, but from time to time I find myself in doubt.

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Your English is perfectly fine, nothing wrong with it!

It is better, I agree, m+much better that LML's horror stories, but at the same time I feel as if it's just a matter of time when we'll find ourselves in a situation before LML took over: fans bored with the managements and writers and wanting something different. :D

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