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As The Babies Turn: Week of Feb. 2 - 6

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Do TIIC know how psycho they're writing Paul??? I mean, he's even more psycho now than he was in the hospital "talking" to Jennifer. Does the average viewer want to hear him mutter "I'd rather be dead with Eliza than have her raised by Dusty", or whatever the precise line was? Or this classic..."Eliza's my daughter. Meg can go have other babies with Dusty."

It would be one thing if it were just an isolated emotional outburst, given his world's crumbling around him. But Paul goes over to the dark side about every other week.

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Did anyone watch Tuesday's ATWT? They are going the GL route, which is scary. They shot scenes in the lobby of the ATWT studio and in a break room at the studio. ATWT obviously doesn't have a budget anymore, either. They're shooting on the roof of the studio and in hallways.

I still say that ATWT and GL are a package deal. If one goes, the other does too. Why would they cancel GL and keep ATWT on, only to spend the next year shooting in hallways and offices?

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I honestly think the "Paul, Josie and Eliza hide in a tv studio" is more due to just being creatively bankrupt than just short on funds. I mean, I swear, someone gets kidnapped every month on the show, and EVERYTHING seems like it's been done. PLUS, this time, there's an infant involved and it's winter. You sure as heck can't count on taking a baby out on a shoot in winter.

Yes, it's stupid. (It's making the Oakdum Three tour look like Shakespeare in comparison.) But this "location" shoot is still better than 99% of GL's sets. It's not as if everything's suddenly being shot in stairwells. I'd say at least 50% of the time, the location shots add to the show. Sure, it's not exactly how I imagined the Snyder farm, but it's nice seeing a real pond, not some hole with fake cattails around it.

GL's location shoots are weird. I watched an endless sequence last week (or tried to) of Bill running around the woods.

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I actually miss the old studio version of the Snyder Pond.

That scenic pond they use now has been referred to as the Snyder Pond and the reservoir. And now, I'm not even sure which it is. :P

P.S. I also have a very strong distaste for Lilden's new home set. The old one was much more airy and Lily-like. This new set reminds me too much of Cal's place meets Lucinda's guest house.

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