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ATWT: Luke/Lucinda/Brian Spoiler

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Dear goodness. We have this college-aged gay male in a committed relationship, without any clear religious affiliation. I cannot believe in 2008 we can utter the phrase "I hope they don't have Luke losing his virginity...".

This is NOT a slam against you! I agree totally with your point! It is my ongoing sadness about CBS/P&G and this unnatural storytelling.

That said, I actually like the plot. It is the kind of intergenerational mess that is STANDARD for soaps. It is nice to see a genuine soapy story with Luke and Noah. In the scheme of the artificial obstacles that have been thrown in their way, this one feels much more real: A closeted middle aged male (exists!) marrying an older woman as a beard and for money (exists!) finds a hot young twink sexy (exists!) and preys on his relationship problems (exists!). Luke may keep his mouth shut...either because he is threatened somehow...or because he doesn't want to hurt Lucinda. Appealing actors, relatively realistic but soapy story. I'm on board. Even as I grown that Luke is a "virgin".

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Ummm....not being hateful or condescending. And certainly not wanting to antagonize a hatred-filled 8-page thread filled discussion, BUT...

When is this considered a "standard", "acceptable", "routine", "fitting", etc. storyline? Especially since the characters involved are gay and most homosexual soap stories in the past have included: coming out, hate crimes, lust for the straight, and/or sexual experimentation.

IMHO, I think I find this storyline just sickening given the fact that Luke is in a love quadrangle with A MAN TWICE HIS AGE, IF NOT MORE...let alone with his grandmother!!!!!!!!!

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Because you can only do the same cloistered "gay storyline" such as those you have mentioned so many times. It's not 1992 anymore. And not all gay characters have to be saintly victims.

And let's face it: A young ingenue being seduced by an older relative's partner is a classic soap opera tale.

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What I'm saying is how can you say this is a standard soap storyline? Its not. Never before has there been a story where a gay male character has an affair with his grandmother's husband.

That's not standard.


Why? Because homosexual characters never have storylines like this.

I know, I know, Technical Timmy.

But it's the truth. :P

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Well I must be a sick fcuk, because I FLOVE this spoiler. I haven't been interested in Luke, Noah, or Luke/Noah (or ATWT) since last year tbh. Their storylines were stale, to non-existent. I also like the chemistry that Luke & Brian have, and that Brian was not brought on, shoved in our faces as Luke's love interest. I don't care if he's middle-aged, or old enough to be gramps. He certainly doesn't look it, and it's a good soap storyline. He's already much more interesting Noah, so it's a win. If I had it my way, Noah would be written off, and then Luke, Brian, and Lucinda would be in a triangle for a short time, and then Luke would try out a relationship with Brian. Again, a little sick? Maybe. But I love this kind of thing on my TV. :D And the age difference alone would give way to a multitude of storylines.

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