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OLTL Todd/Marty II: Exactly Why Soaps Are Dying!

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As someone else pointed out, Todd isn't supposed to be a good guy. Even TSJ has said Todd shouldn't be a good guy. He's not interesting as a good guy and he shouldn't be. I don't want Todd redeemed. I do agree though that, Todd's never been this disconnected from his family before..

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Todd has never been a good guy, nor rootable, but he's never been so completely crazy before either. Higley's pincushion made the character seem rather inept whenever he even tried simple revenge. Now, with the strike writers, he became both a coward and a bully. I can't say he's never done anything like this before -- he even had Nora for a little time after her memory loss ordeal, but that was offscreen. From the getgo, his even holding Marty captive seemed crazy, and the audience wasn't clued into his plan for awhile. Then, most people thought he was crazy if he thought he could pull it off. Now we are to believe the sudden change of heart?

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Todd has never been a good guy, nor rootable, but he's never been so completely crazy before either. Higley's pincushion made the character seem rather inept whenever he even tried simple revenge. Now, with the strike writers, he became both a coward and a bully. I can't say he's never done anything like this before -- he even had Nora for a little time after her memory loss ordeal, but that was offscreen. From the getgo, his even holding Marty captive seemed crazy, and the audience wasn't clued into his plan for awhile. Then, most people thought he was crazy if he thought he could pull it off. Now we are to believe the sudden change of heart?

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Todd has never been a good guy, nor rootable, but he's never been so completely crazy before either. Higley's pincushion made the character seem rather inept whenever he even tried simple revenge. Now, with the strike writers, he became both a coward and a bully. I can't say he's never done anything like this before -- he even had Nora for a little time after her memory loss ordeal, but that was offscreen. From the getgo, his even holding Marty captive seemed crazy, and the audience wasn't clued into his plan for awhile. Then, most people thought he was crazy if he thought he could pull it off. Now we are to believe the sudden change of heart?

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Todd has never been a good guy, nor rootable, but he's never been so completely crazy before either. Higley's pincushion made the character seem rather inept whenever he even tried simple revenge. Now, with the strike writers, he became both a coward and a bully. I can't say he's never done anything like this before -- he even had Nora for a little time after her memory loss ordeal, but that was offscreen. From the getgo, his even holding Marty captive seemed crazy, and the audience wasn't clued into his plan for awhile. Then, most people thought he was crazy if he thought he could pull it off. Now we are to believe the sudden change of heart?

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While this particular story may not be the death of soaps, the overall misogyny and degradation of pretty much any and every female character in daytime is at the core of it as is the other side of the coin: the romanticizing of abusive sociopaths on one level or another like Todd Manning, Sonny Corinthos, and Ryan Lavery.

Todd & Marty were very different from any other rape story ever told. The brutality, the fear, and fact that the audience was there for almost the whole thing rather than getting a fade out and coming back after. We saw what happened and how deeply it affected her.

The fact that Marty currently has amnesia doesn't mitigate the horrific nature of what's happening here, nor does it make Todd's actions any less abusive. Quite the opposite. As disturbing as it would be for Marty to choose to get involved with Todd of her own free will, at least she wouldn't be his victim again. That's all she's ever been on this show. Todd's perpetual victim and here we are again. He's already raped her again, only even more brutally this time because it also involved her mind. Her entire identity. Her relationship with her child. Everything about herself. He didn't take that before, but he got it this time.

Does anyone honestly think that Todd Manning is gonna pay for this? Really?

He'll get shot or stabbed which will set off some lame murder investigation/trial that will wrap up just before he's revealed as being still alive and Todd & Marty will be "reunited" as the next Luke & Laura and we all know it. There are no limits on the depth to which they can sink now, they've crossed the line and for what? Really, aside from Carlivati's obsession with recreating '80's-'90's OLTL in his own image and failing miserably what was the point of all of this anyway? To show that Todd is a bad man? Anyone who didn't already know that is probably too dumb to figure it now too. That Todd's insane? Again, not a big secret. Regardless of the intent, the net effect is insulting and offensive to women and I'm sorry but if you're not a woman, you just plain don't get it.

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Apparently, I'm the only one in the world who sees this story NOT as a twisted romance, but as an unbelievably heartbreaking tragedy.

When Marty gets her memory back, just IMAGINE what that woman will be feeling. Just imagine for a moment. Not only will Todd have violated her AGAIN, this time in a truly disturbing, emotionally repulsive way, but she'll (probably) also be left with a feeling of affection for him. What the hell does she do with THAT?

And Todd... how can he go back from this? Like always, his intentions are good, but he goes about them in the WORST. POSSIBLE. WAY. No one will understand him. No one will support him. He'll be adrift and alone again and all due to his own misguided choices.

This is rich, psychological storytelling that we haven't seen in ages on soaps, and I say bring it on. This is gutwrenching, uncomfortable, thought-provoking, controversial stuff. You know, the stuff we claim to WANT on soaps in lieu of another love triangle or baby switch.

I love Marlena, I really do, but I find it hard to believe she'd praise a show like Passions and then claim THIS is what is bringing daytime down? Nah, I'm not buying it, with all due respect.

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Thanks Michael. I guess we're in the minority here. Not to say that others haven't made GREAT points, I guess I just see this story differently than how others are perceiving it.

As for Passions... that show was everything WRONG with daytime, wrapped up in a really ugly package. But apparently some find that to be clever, inventive and wickedly satirical. That just goes to show why nobody in a suit knows what to do with daytime when they receive such mixed messages from their audience.

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