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AMC: Wednesday, June 4, 2008

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I like Jake too so far.

Good Adam and Erica scenes. I love their friendship and how they can tell each other whatever they want :D

Babe, JR, and KWAK can all go to hell. Like they have never done another wrong <_< And spare me that Tad loves KWAK. I don't believe that for a minute so STFU Babe :angry:

Loved Erica calling Jack at the end to tell him she misses him :wub:

I thought Tad was supposed to tell Kate today? What happened?

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Nope, I'm still on Adam's side. What about JR/Krystal/Babe wanting Adam to keep Jenny as Charlotte, so Tad would never have to know FOREVER? If not for Adam, Tad wouldn't have EITHER of his daughters! And Krystal kept letting Adam believe that she was carrying Charlotte for 9 months! Where is HER comuppance? And how has Tad been punished for moving into Adam's house and tormenting him nonstop after Adam did the right thing by telling him about Jenny to begin with?

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Line of the day goes to Erica upon hearing that Adam had been talking to Dixie: "Dixie? Is she alive again?"

Show as a whole sucked today, although I was glad Krystal showed a little bit of understanding and that Jake could care less about the latest round in the Martin/Chandler feud. Unfortunately that was overshadowed by my hate for Babe reaching an all-time high.

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I loved the Adam/Erica scenes. I wish he had mentioned Maddie by name but at least he alluded to the fact that she's done the same thing.

Opal & Joe discussing Kate with Tad was the other good part of the show. Poor Opal still thinks she has a sixth sense. :lol:

JR's rants about Adam and Babe & Krystal's hypocritical talk about evil Adam were just ludicrous. Babe should have realized that she and Krystal are Adam's equals.

Jake earns extra points with me for not wanting to rehash Colby's paternity. I hated that plot!

I ff'd through Rylee, they were bad enough the first time around.

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That's what tore it for me concerning Jake. Regardless of Adam getting Allie to switch the sperm samples, JAKE WENT BACK ON HIS WORD. Liza only went to him because Jake insisted that it was nothing but a "simple clinical procedure." Not only that, he was engaged to Allie at the time, so that's all it SHOULD'VE BEEN (even though I question his judgment even doing a "simple clinical procedure" which resulted in his fiancee's best friend getting pregnant by his sperm... but he's a Martin, so they all play fast and loose with morals and the law). So, for him to want to claim Colby all because Liza was getting back together with Adam was heinous. It was a plot that completely soured Jake for me. I was into his friendship with Liza and even enjoyed his relationship with Allie... but the minute he went back on his word and started demanding he be a part of Colby's life, and then after she was born, threatened to take Colby away from Liza if she stayed with Adam... I was through.

I don't enjoy the Jake character in any formation and really don't see a need for him. Jake, Jeff and Jamie could die in Africa for all I care... and take Jinkies with them.

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