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AMC: Monday, April 14, 2008

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I am surprised no thread was made yet. Today is what Zendall should be. It was magnificent. Thorsten and Alicia continue to dazzle. I have been so sick of the way this couple has been raked over the coals the last year, and was to the point where I wanted them to break up. Whoever wrote today sold me. It was exactly how you would expect them to react. Totally character driven.

Gotta love Annie and Greenlee and the animosity they have towards each other. I bet it will be Annie who reveals the ONS to her, in a vindictive way of course B)

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Zach and Kendall were my highlight. Loved those emotional scenes...actually got goosebumps. LOL! The kiss Zach gave Kendall :wub: Bravo Thorsten and Alicia! Bravo whoever wrote their scenes! I can't wait for tomorrow's Zen scenes

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Yep Adam this IS Zen! This is the Zen they haven't been since before the hacks took over with their poison pens.

I think today Zen was ALL Joanna Cohen!!!

TK and AM were freaking amazing, I was bawling my head off. Majorly intense and well acted. Zen haven't had scenes this magnificent in forever

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Just the whole opening teaser which had Zach and Kendall not say anything to each other and various flashbacks of them since all of this has went down. They played the same music they played the first day of CRASH as Kendall was wheeled into the hospital going into premature labor.

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ITA, Adam. The opening sequence was fantastic. I noticed the music right away too, and I'd LOVE to believe that was an intentional way to tie what went down today back to the event that started all this--the crash. Because really, none of this would have happened had it not been for the crash. The stress and strain of dealing with their sons' injuries, which led to their respective revenge plots, which led to them having that big fight in the hospital, which led Zach to walk out and end up being hit by a car, Greenlee on the run discovering Zach which led to 6 weeks in the bomb shelter, which led to the Kaidan grief sex, which led to what happened between Zach and Kendall today. If they did that on purpose, I say bravo to AMC. Joanna Cohen did a fantastic job with the dialogue, and Alicia and Thorsten simply blew me away. I cried several times. It was character-driven, realistic, and ugly (in a beauitful, angsty way, LOL)---just the way it should have been.

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Whomever wrote today deserves a promotion or something LOL! B&E aren't capable of anything but plot points so I doubt it was them

Wow that is all so true, one event had a major domino effect. I doubt that was what anyone was going for, but it ended up being like that

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What do the Hubbards have to do with what went on today?

I hope B&E are gone. Watching the show the last 2 weeks, it feels similar to how it did in the months between McTavish and B&E. It feels like stories are being cleaned up....

Ryan visiting a therapist? A little late but wow.

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I loved the Zen scenes! It was actually character driven. Are you aure B&E are still writing. Besides Michelle Patrick and Kate Hall Joanna Cohen can WRITE!!!

I loved the Annie/Greenlee scenes. Can we say Catfight.

Ryan fianlly visiting a theripst. How long did that take.

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The biggest thing different about AMC right now opposed to a few months ago..... the Sextet aren't as annoying....... and I am fast forwarding less and less through their scenes. They are still all connected to each other, but it seems each story is sort of only relying on its self and not a group thing.

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