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OLTL: Ron Carlivati IS coming back, right?

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I just had a scary thought. What if Gary Tomlin was the PERMANENT head writer? The show feels like it was punched in the gut since he took over. Now that the strike's over, is Tomlin going back to being a breakdown/script writer? I sure hope so...

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I figured that if Carlivati was fired, we would have heard by now. He's been back at work for a month so I'm not worried.

And ratings haven't been that great under Tomlin, not greater than Carlivati's were anyway, so I am sure they see no good in keeping him as HW.

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I believe RC went back to work the moment the strike ended. But I predict Frons is going to make Tomlin and Carlivati co-headwriters like he did with Higley. RC rightly walked out and Tomlin scabbed and we all know how Frons likes to play politics. One way or another he is going to reward Tomlin and kick RC in the ass. The only questions are when and how.

But, maybe we'll all get our prayers answered and it'll be Frons who gets walking papers.

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Carlivati comes much cheaper than Tomlin, and since Tomlin's ratings have been on par with Carlivati's, if not lower, then I'm sure Tomlin won't be replacing Carlivati. I just find the show so dull, whether Tomlin or Carlivati is writing. I don't know if it's the writing or the abundance of newbies, but it's just boring and doesn't compel me to watch. And given the latest ratings, I'm not the only one who feels that way. The show needs a creative shot in the arm, a la AMC's Jesse/Angie (yes, I know they haven't exactly set the ratings on fire, but the show definitely has a spark now that was missing until they returned). It needs some big returns that echo toward the show's past (and I don't mean Mitch Lawrence or yet another resurrection of Victor Lord). How about the return of Viki's nephew Dan Wolek who could be tied in to some mystery regarding the Lords/Buchanans/Woleks, a mystery that would draw in the vets as well as all the newbies in a story rooted in the show's history...just something that would tie the show's past to the present. I think these are the types of stories that viewers want to see, not these pointless, meandering stories full of newbies that have no ties to the show's past.

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Point taken. Although I do still consider him a scab in spirit. But you're right he went fi-core and I think Frons is going to reward him for that. RC went on strike and I think Frons is going to punish him for that. It's not about RC or Tomlin, it's about how Frons likes to do business. He doesn't care about talent, skill or popularity. He cares about playing dictator.

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Oh yes they probably won't be happy, and the OLTL actors are very vocal.

I just think that if Ron was going to be fired, he would have been fired already, and also if they let Gary take over that would mean all but one HW on the ABC soaps would be FiCore writers, which wouldn't look good on the outside for ABC IMO.

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Frons won't "punish" RC for going on strike with HIS UNION. LOL. The networks played hardball with the WGA, sure, but I don't think the networks are "pissed" at any of the writers for walking out. They got a new deal in the end, everyone's back at work now, and everyone's happy.

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Now those are pics I want to see! Slezak and Strasser being led away in cuffs on arson charges with big smiles on their faces and clouds of black smoke in the background. Those mug shots would rival Erica Kane's in fabulousness! Then video of fans protesting the police station with signs and t-shirts that say "FREE THE DIVAS" and "BURN BABY BURN!"

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Ron, as far as I know, is back to work where he belongs...writing OLTL. He has done a darn good job of being headwriter and working to correct Dena's crap. Why would they toss him for doing the right thing by striking? The ratings at OLTL need some rising with Tomlin not being able to bring them up...Ron can get the ratings to increase.

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