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Days:January 10 2008

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Great episode.

Nice Bo and Hope scenes with them working together. So Hope's a cop now eh?

Great confrontation between Sami and Philip.

I really loved the scenes with Stefano and EJ. He's really seeing the light where his father is concerned.

It's great to have Drake back.

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Another great episode.

Loved Marlena looking through pics of her and John and how skeptical Roman was of John being alive. Roman comes off so pathetic with Marlena though. You know he is just dying for a chance with her :lol: . Also liked Nick being brought into the mix and how Marlena and Nick dealt with what they were discussing. I was shocked that Marlena had him cremated. It was such a secret and was never mentioned so it makes me wonder if that will play into how his death was faked. I understood her reasoning for doing it though. I remember when John "died" they mentioned how he was buried so I guess when they opted to bring Drake back they went the way of cremation. Interesting. Good ending with the Marlena/Crystal confrontation.

The Stefano/John scenes were great. Drake had more speaking today. He is doing a good job. I am thinking he is having shock treatments or something with that hair :lol: . Loving Stefano too. Joe looks like he is having a blast. The Stefano/EJ faceoff was great too. Nice tension and reminded me alot of the faceoffs Tony and Stefano used to have. Scott and Mascolo were awesome in the scenes.

I am also liking Sami too. Ali has been great. Loved her confrontation with Philip and her mentioning how far she had come and how she would have to regress if she did what they asked. I enjoyed the sniping between Sami and Kate and even Sami's interaction with EJ. Loved Kate's line about her being a Dimera now and her reaction to EJ saying Sami was in the bedroom :lol: . EJ's reaction to his furniture being moved was pretty funny too :lol: .

Nice to see Cameron again and that idea was quite clever to try to get Lucas off. I am enjoying the interactions the Roberts/Reeds are having. I am even enjoying Lucas right now. Philip is great and gotta love Kate in mama mode.

Bo and Hope as homeless people was hilarious :lol: . The way Bo acted like he was sleeping while Hope took pictures. Loved it. I would've loved someone to walk by and asked how a homeless person afforded a cell phone :lol: . Loved them picking up Crystal and interrogating her. Days is really giving us every detail of every story now. Everything is just so cohesive and has a direction now.

Can't wait for tomorrow.

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^LOL at the Hope comment ^ I swear she looked like she played most of the scene with her eyes crossed and the way she played trying to figure out what the phone was cracked me up. Love it when Bo and Hope team up since it usually brings out the best in both of them.

WTF is up with John's hair?? I hope they undo whatever they've done to it asap!! As for the acting, the little bit we've seen feels like normal John but not - guess it's the missing squint and eyebrow; but so far so good. I seriously wish I could watch scenes with John and Stefano without remembering the interview when DH was asked if he was enjoying having JM and TP back and he responded with some comment along the lines of he wasn't paid to have fun. That hit me all wrong then and still does. I love it when the actors are clearly enjoying their work and imo it makes the scenes more entertaining to watch. One of my more recent favorites was Bo's reaction to EJ cleaning his fist and it went off. PR's eyes were twinkling like a Christmas tree and his laugh sounded so genuine. I guess it's not a requirement that an actor has to like what they're doing, but it sure does seem to help.

Anyway, I enjoyed the episode, loved Stefano/EJ; Sami/EJ as well as Bo/Hope. I also liked the insanity of an insanity plea for lucas and Sami's reaction to it. It will be interesting to see if she stands her ground - and I hope she does!

Looking forward to todays episode - looks like it'll be a true cliffhanger Friday :)

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