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Barack Obama Elected President!


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This is sort of interesting because there are some racist Democrats which will "apparently" be the reason Obama loses, if he loses in a close election, and "supposedly" absolves the Republicans since they only vote Republican anyway. Of course, I don't think it lets the Republicans off the hook if any of them are engaging in race baiting.....plus nobody told Chuck Hagel and others that they can only vote Republican.

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If either loses by a small margin (which is going to happen) there's going to be a scapegoat to blaim it on. In 2000 it was supposedly because of Nader. (Speaking of Nader, I talked to somebody today who would actually vote for Nader if the election wasn't so close).

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Fact Check: Did Obama vote 94 times for higher taxes?

Posted: 05:30 PM ET

From CNN's Josh Levs

Did Obama vote to raise taxes more than 90 times?

The statement:

"He said he won't raise taxes for most people, but he's voted 94 times in his short Senate career for tax increases and against tax cuts."

-Sen. John McCain, at a campaign stop in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Friday Sept. 19, 2008

The facts:

The effort to convince voters that Sen. Barack Obama would support higher taxes is a central part of Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign. McCain and the Republican National Committee have repeatedly cited 94 alleged votes by Obama to bolster their argument.

Factcheck.org, a non-partisan project of the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center, pieced through records to determine just what these 94 votes were. Key findings:

-23 were against proposed tax cuts

-7 were "for measures that would have lowered taxes for many, while raising them on a relative few, either corporations or affluent individuals"

-11 were to increase taxes on people making more than $1 million a year, to help fund programs such as Head Start, school nutrition, or veterans' health care

-53 were votes on budget resolutions or amendments that "could not have resulted by themselves in raising taxes," though many "were clear statements of approval for increased taxes"

- The total includes multiple votes on the same measures

Annenberg says a close look at the record reveals that Obama has "voted consistently to restore higher tax rates on upper-income taxpayers but not on middle- or low-income workers."


Misleading. McCain's summary ignores the fact that some of the votes were for measures to lower taxes for many Americans, while increasing them for a much smaller number of taxpayers. A nonpartisan examination also finds that the 94 total includes multiple votes on the same measures and budget votes that would not directly lead to higher taxes.

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Sounds to me like Obama voted 94 times for tax increases and against tax cuts...23+7+11+53...yep...94...Why try to spin the fact that Obama supports tax increases, when there is no denying it?

It doesn't matter to me, that Obama wants to keep tax cuts on the majority of Americans. The fact of the matter is that he wants to increase taxes on the highest contributing socioeconomic class to the economy, during an economic downturn...makes no sense to me..

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I actually agree with the article. It says Obama has voted for increased taxes (indirectly or directly) 94 times. I dont doubt that.

The spin is coming from the aspect of McCain being "misleading" by stating this....No one should be denying the fact the Obama will increase taxes and revenue to the US treasury...McCain's camp was pointing this out. It's not a lie.

I dont know what you mean by this. What is being said about McCain cutting taxes, leading to a word being needed from me?

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Palin draws crowd of 60,000 in The Villages


THE VILLAGES -- Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin told wildly cheering, flag-waving, chanting supporters that John McCain is "the only great man in this race" and promised Sunday he will fix the nation's economy if voters give the GOP four more years in the White House.

In a theme Palin would pound home, GOP Chairman Jim Greer Greer said Obama and his running mate, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, have records of voting for higher taxes and have said on the campaign trail that they would increase regulation of financial markets.

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Can Obama's 'girls' deliver the crucial women's vote?


WASHINGTON — Meet the new Obama girls.

Not the same as the old Obama girl, a scantily clad YouTube singing sensation given to watching the candidate on C-Span and caressing his photographs.

The new crew is an array of prominent Democratic women who plan an all-hands-on-deck effort around the country during the next six weeks.

But the Obama campaign, sobered by the polls and criticized by supporters for fighting McCain with mittens, has punched up the volume. Besides his tougher talk and more negative ads, his corps of women allies has begun to fan out across the country.

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Wow! 60,000! Good for her...That almost matches Obama's acceptance speech/concert!

Obama/Biden having a voting record for increasing taxes is apparently something the McCain camp has contrived in order to mislead...(according to Roman's article)

The recent events that have taken place on Wall Street are exactly what the Dems have been waiting for to excuse their ambition of increased regulation, government mandates, and government control.

The free market is not perfect, but it will certainly be better off without being under the boot of the federal government

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