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GH: Week Of Dec 31st

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I really don't think so. Liz and Sam since their time in port charles has started have slept with four men. I don't think that makes either of these women promiscious or unclassy. In real life they are probably considered chaste in relation to others. Both of these women didn't know who the father of her children were. Liz even cheated on her husband and had an affair one with Zander and the other with Lucky both of which resulted in children. She even repeatedly kissed Jason even when she was trying to "work things out" with Lucky.

So I have a hard time buying the fact that either of these women are "slutty". Even though I hate Liz I won't damn her for sleeping with four men in 10 years and I won't cast stones at Sam for sleeping with four men within four years. Especially since she was with Jason for nearly three years herself.

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I'm guessing you meant that Elizabeth cheated on Lucky with Jason since she cheated on Ric with Zander and got pregnant and then the ONS with Jason and got pregnant. If so then it's been hashed and rehashed that the circumstances under which she came to sleep with Jason aren't cut and dry.

Based on the fact that you put Elizabeth's four partners in a ten year span up against Sam's five in a less than half that time then Elizabeth would appear to be more "saintly" compared to Sam. It doesn't matter that she was with Jason the majority of the time because until she stuck with him that made it three men in what a year or two? Plus the perception with Sam and the way she dresses most of the time is different as well. They have also brought her past into consideration which adds to her coming across as promiscuous.

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