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GH: Week Of Dec 31st

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I loved the scenes with Maxie today. She was comical with diane and i loved her talk with Alexis. I loved it when Alexis told Maxie she lost her sister as well and asked her about the flea. Also Max flirting with Diane and Jerry asking Alexis out was great. I loved Liz & Lucky scenes as well. And is Spinelli underage? i was confused during those scenes.

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GH why must you keep teasing me with these amazing Maxie & Lucky scenes.

Maxies breakdown in Kellys was great. I loved her lashing out at Spin, blaming felicia, then blaming herself most of all. I loved that threw things and broke thing and full on lost it. When lucky came running to grab her i loved how she was backing away screaming "get away from me!" before crying about all she wants is to see her sister in luckys arms.

oh Felicia get the hell outs town again. stop acting like you care. ugh. i HATE her. HATE her with a passion. Tho i do really love her and always will, i just want them to dighn her and give her a story so i can invest again.

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i really didnt know it was possable to be a more worthless slutty spiteful selfish bitch than brooke on BB - until sam on GH.

god. please get my lucky away from her. he deserves so much better than this thing in his life. i love how she goes and on about being over jason and how happy she is now, yet her life revolves around him 24/7, shes more than a little jelous of liz, and is still an immature skank who cant own up to her own actions and what she has done but is all to happy to point of liz's.

jelous. stupid. skanky. selfish. pointless. spiteful. bitch. all these words can only be used to discribe one person!

ugh. hate, total hate.

on an upside her hair was curly and didnt look awful.

has sam and helana ever had a scene together? because that would be awsome. as much as i hate sam, its only right now in her current state.

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I concur about Noah Drake. RS is awesome!!!

GH is missing something....maybe cohesiveness among other things. I can appreciate some of the scenes but they don't seem to have any real direction. I don't mind that the Diane/Alexis plot is out of the blue since the purpose seems to be having them interact for comic relief and they'll probably either both win or both lose.

Last week Sam was gung ho about taking her family out of PC for their safety as a means of a useless scene with Jason but this week she can't babysit and protect her little sisters. Lucky and Elizabeth hadn't arrived at any common civil ground but he was hoping they were going to spend NYE together. They're all over the map.

I don't really know what category to put Lucky in right now. He's still poorly written and still comes across as stupid and having him in love with Elizabeth and sleeping with Sam isn't helping to improve his character. Neither he nor Sam is being honest with each other or maybe even themselves and that detracts from their relationship, unless someone finds the physical aspect of it to be more than enough. Elizabeth doesn't seem remotely interested in Lucky except for her contempt for Sam. Ordinarily Lucky would seem like a catch because he's good looking and not a bad guy, but his weaknesses don't make him attractive either so that even though he's good looking it means nothing.

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Why the heck would Jerry have Stan killed?

Yes they worked together! Those two rocked in scenes together and unfortuently they havent had a scene since it was revealed that Sam was a Cassidine. Sam and Helena interacted within her first few months on teh show as they were in the same storyline. Sam wanted her hands on the sunken Quartermaine treasure that was found and Helena wanted it as well. They ended up becoming temporary allies. Heres the video clip

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