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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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A lot of it depends on the breakdown writer/scriptwriter team-ups. A strong editor understands which script writers work better under which breakdown writer's outlines. Some breakdown writers are VERY general and VERY vague, because they're focused on the structure and want to give the script writer room to "play". (Which is where someone like a Culliton or a Courtney Simon is wonderful as a script writer). Other breakdown writers write VERY dialogue-specific outlines, and go into great detail, and while some script writers hate that because then they just feel like they're transcribing, other script writers really shine when given specific instructions.

That's why I'll never out-and-out hate a script writer based on their scripts (And I totally agree, R Sinclair - that Beall AMC dialogue is CRINGE-WORTHY), because you never know what a different style of outlines will bring out in them. Of course, some are just terrible no matter where they are. :lol: But it's all about finding the right match-up.

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Who am I gonna have to sleep with to get Guza canned? I mean I know he's got pictures of Frons with goats and all, but seriously? What's a little public embarrassment if you win the undying loyalty of the General Hospital fans?

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Thanks! :)

Maybe she's tired of writing scripts for horrible storylines? Tired of writing gangsters as heroes? Maybe Pratt's gonna give her a promotion and let her be an Associate HW?

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I should be hearing more from my source this weekend about what's going on there. She told me a doozy about Steve Burton that quite frankly, if true, will forever change my opinion of him.

I'll share with ya anything I get...

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Thank you. I deeply appreciate it when people take the TIME to give evidence! This is very useful.

Thank you. I deeply appreciate it when people take the TIME to give evidence! This is very useful.

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I've been lurking. Not much to add to the usual Y&R-hand-wringing and "What Will Pratt Do?" talk. At this point, we're all just biting our nails and waiting, hanging on every bit of gossip that gets thrown our way.

And I think both the Cullitons and CS are good dialogue writers. But that's just my opinion. I know not everyone is a fan, and frankly, I have issues with the Cullitons as head writers, but their dialogue doesn't offend me.

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I wish I knew the answer... I just want the best for all the shows and it pains me to see how these writers are treated! I mean, look at what soaplvr02 said - that is awful and unbelievable!

I'll probably stop watching all of them if this new Y&R thing turns out to be a flop.

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