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Soaps Ten Most Fascinating People

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Tonight, Barbara Walters has her list of the Ten Most Fascinating People. I have complied my own list of whom I find as the most fascinating people in Soaps right now. Doesn't mean I like them, I just find them fascinating. Make up your own list, we all have differing opinions. I just thought it would be a really cool topic.

10. Lynn Marie Latham. How that woman can almost single handedly destroy the number one soap is beyond me.

9. Van Hansis/Jake Silberman (ATWT) The two young actors are the hottest couple on ATWT. The only couple IMO, that are worth rooting for. Any kiss that gets the number of hits on You Tube deserves to be fascinating. They are great actors and will continue to grow as actors.

8. Eileen Davidson (B&B) When she brought Ashley Abbott over to BB, she rejuvinated the soap. She portrays such a strong woman and Ashley, go for the boy toy!

7. Brian Frons. With all the power this man has and the decisons he makes, he can decide which soap to keep (AMC or OLTL)

6. Ron Cavalarti. OLTL is on fire lately. The scenes where Alex Olanav and David Vickers got married were amazing. However, Asa's funeral takes the cake. Thank you Ron, for breathing life into this soap

5. Drake Hogestyn (DOOL) From giving interviews that he shouldn't have to one of the best death scenes ever, Drake doesn't disappoint.

4. Ed Scott Days hasn't looked this good in like ever. The balance is coming back. Thank you Ed Scott, for listening to the fans and giving us story that we want. The story of the Vendetta should have been around Marlena, Stefano and Roman. Not Sami and EJ. Thank you for getting it back on track

3. James E Reilley. Love him or hate him, the man can write. What an imagination this man has. Watching the last fifteen minutes of Passions on NBC makes me wish that he wrote like that all the time. Although I am still trying to wrap my head around Vincent/Valerie being preggers by Julian (icky!)

2. Cady McClain (ATWT/AMC) From dying by PANCAKES! to falling comatose again, the outspoken actress tells it like it is. Daytime needs more actresses like her who will tell us all like it is....which leads me to....

1 Victoria Rowell. Alledgedly shunned by her castmates because she wouldnt hang out with them, the actress left Y&R for bigger and better things. She SHOULD have an Emmy (at least one) but she doesn't because she didn't even get a prenom. Victoria, we your fans miss you and you will always be the fierce Drucilla

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see, i still dont belive this at all. its pretty knowen that most peope on Y&R dont hang out with eachother (yes, there are exceptions like CLB & GR, TEB & LLB, etc..) I just think VR is a diva with an ego that thinks shes bigger and better than everyone else and im assuming on Y&R there are enough big egos already.

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I agree, the list is about people who are/were crucial, for better or worse. Thus, my list.

10. Ron Carlivati - He's great.

9. Deidre Hall - how she manages keep it fresh, if she does. I'm not convinced. She just lost her scene partner and the show is spiraling towards the axe despite its best efforts.

8. Erika Slezak - She is still something of an enigma after all these years.

7. Lynn Marie Latham - Nuff said.

6. Barbara Bloom - Tanking CBS.

5. Victoria Rowell - Self-explanatory.

4. Ellen Wheeler - is she purposely wrecking GL or doing her best with what little she has?

3. Cady McClain - Self-explanatory.

2. Ken Corday - needs to cut the bullshit. Is he responsible for the schizophrenic creative vision at DAYS?

1. Brian Frons - ...Why?

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1. Cameron Mathison-How he has a job over doing few emotions (bug eyes, looking constipated, beating his fists on his chest) is beyond me.

2. Susan Lucci-She is the queen of daytime for a reason!

3. Lynn Marie Latham-How she managed to convince someone to give her a pen and hack up a great soap

4. Brian Frons-To have a brain or not to have a brain. That is the question. I say not ;)

5. Megan McTavish-Being able to unabort a fetus has some icky fascination to it

6. James Harmon Brown-Writing worse than an unaborted fetus

7. Barbara Esensten-See #6

8. Ron Carlivati-Somehow convincing Frons to make him head writer when Frons tends to pick hacks

9. Jill Farren Phelps-It is fascinating that she does not wear a black hat, green makeup, and a broom to work every day

10. Thorsten Kaye-He is fascinating for managing to keep a straight face when acting with his holiness

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