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In The Zone Radio: Season 2

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Let Your Voice Be Heard....

Call-In #: 347-996-5978

E-Mail:[email protected]

Topics for the May 30th, 2008 Edition of ITZ

We're turning the reigns over to your guys tonight. Besides what we have in store for discussion, we're taking your requests for topics and discussions. You can either respond to this thread, send us an e-mail or come into our chat room to share. Whatever you want to talk about...it's ON!

- Host Chat

- Ratings for the week of May 19th

- Y&R: Jill vs. Gloria; Nick/Phyllis/Jack/Sharon dynamic; Restructuring underutilized cast; Possible affect Hogan Sheffer will have on the Y&R writing team

- AMC: With the regime changes at AMC, what do you want to happen to the show? What characters should go? Who should return? What writers should join the team?

- DAYS: EJ/Sami, Sami/Lucas, or Sami by herself. What should happen?

- GH: Guza's gotta go, Couple Pimpage (Liason, J-Lex, Scrubs, Naudia and LuSam)

- Open Discussion


June 6 - Josh Duhon (Logan, GH)

June 11 - Tyler Christopher (Nikolas, GH)

June 18 - Kent King (Lainey, GH) and Minae Noji (Kelly, GH)

June 27- Natalia Livingston (ex-Emily, GH)

Scheduling/Re-Scheduling: Justis Bolding (Sarah, OLTL), John-Paul Lavoisier (Rex, OLTL), Sonya Eddy (Epiphany, GH), Seamus Dever (ex-Ian, GH), Connie Fletcher-Staton (Connie, IB; ex-Erin, AMC)

SHOW: 10PM/EST - 11:30PM/EST

Call-In: 347-996-5978

BlogTalkPage: In the Zone

Myspace: Official In The Zone Myspace

AIM: In The Zone Radio

E-Mail:[email protected]

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Let Your Voice Be Heard....

Call-In #: 347-996-5978

E-Mail:[email protected]

Topics for the June 2, 2008 Edition of ITZ

- Host Chat

- Interesting Blog by Tom Casiello

- OLTL: Dorian Takes Over Buchanan Enterprises; Todd vs. Blair

- Y&R: Praise for Judith Chapman; Ready for Gloria to be taken down; Paul vs. David

- GH: Who will be the first to go? Guza or Phelps? Apathy towards the show

- PSNS: What will the cast do when the show is over?

- DAYS: Behind the scenes changes, things you'd want to happen

- Open Discussion


June 6 - Josh Duhon (Logan, GH)

June 11 - Tyler Christopher (Nikolas, GH)

June 18 - Kent King (Lainey, GH) and Minae Noji (Kelly, GH)

June 27- Natalia Livingston (ex-Emily, GH)

Scheduling/Re-Scheduling: Justis Bolding (Sarah, OLTL), John-Paul Lavoisier (Rex, OLTL), Sonya Eddy (Epiphany, GH), Seamus Dever (ex-Ian, GH), Connie Fletcher-Staton (Connie, IB; ex-Erin, AMC)

SHOW: 10PM/EST - 11:30PM/EST

Call-In: 347-996-5978

BlogTalkPage: In the Zone

Myspace: Official In The Zone Myspace

AIM: In The Zone Radio

E-Mail:[email protected]


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Let Your Voice Be Heard....

Call-In #: 347-996-5978

E-Mail:[email protected]

Topics for the June 4, 2008 Edition of ITZ

- Host Chat


- AMC: What a town of hypocrites Pine Valley is. Adam Chandler is public enemy number one?! People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

- Primetime Soaps "Out soaping" our soaps

- What does the future hold for our soaps?

- Open Discussion


June 6 - Josh Duhon (Logan, GH)

June 11 - Tyler Christopher (Nikolas, GH)

June 18 - Kent King (Lainey, GH) and Minae Noji (Kelly, GH)

June 27- Natalia Livingston (ex-Emily, GH)

Scheduling/Re-Scheduling: Justis Bolding (Sarah, OLTL), John-Paul Lavoisier (Rex, OLTL), Sonya Eddy (Epiphany, GH), Seamus Dever (ex-Ian, GH), Connie Fletcher-Staton (Connie, IB; ex-Erin, AMC)

SHOW: 10PM/EST - 11:30PM/EST

Call-In: 347-996-5978

BlogTalkPage: In the Zone

Myspace: Official In The Zone Myspace

AIM: In The Zone Radio

E-Mail:[email protected]

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Just checking if this is my computer or something. But the last couple of times that I started listening to the show on archives, it seems to stop at about 40 minutes into archive and it seems like the overtime is still going. Then I get an error message when I try to download the show. Is this just my computer or do others notice it as well?

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Let Your Voice Be Heard....

Call-In #: 347-996-5978

E-Mail:[email protected]

Topics for the June 6, 2008 Edition of ITZ

Note: Our scheduled interview with Josh Duhon was pushed back due to him taping tonight.....

- Host Chat

- OLTL: OMFG! (Gossip Girl fans get the reference) - The fallout from Nash's death, the amazing Bree Williamson, coming full circle, Cramer vs. Cramer...OMFG!

- GH: Sonny must die; Claudia vs. Lulu; Sam/Elizabeth growth; Quarantine alert

- AMC: Greenlee Hypocrisy; Zendall conflict; Why the Kendall/Greenlee friendship is stupid

- SOAPnet: How we'd change the network

- DAYS: To watch the show? Or not to watch the show...that is the question

- Open Discussion


June 11 - Tyler Christopher (Nikolas, GH)

June 16 - Brandon Barash (Johnny, GH)

June 18 - Kent King (Lainey, GH) and Minae Noji (Kelly, GH)

June 27- Natalia Livingston (ex-Emily, GH)

Scheduling/Re-Scheduling: Josh Duhon (Logan, GH), Justis Bolding (Sarah, OLTL), John-Paul Lavoisier (Rex, OLTL), Sonya Eddy (Epiphany, GH), Seamus Dever (ex-Ian, GH), Connie Fletcher-Staton (Connie, IB; ex-Erin, AMC)

SHOW: 10PM/EST - 11:30PM/EST

Call-In: 347-996-5978

BlogTalkPage: In the Zone

Myspace: Official In The Zone Myspace

AIM: In The Zone Radio

E-Mail:[email protected]

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Let Your Voice Be Heard....

Call-In #: 347-996-5978

E-Mail:[email protected]

Topics for the June 9, 2008 Edition of ITZ

- Host Chat

- Tyler Christopher Fan Event Ticket Giveaway

- OLTL: Topics we didn't discuss last week: Jessica mirroring her mother's life; Dorian gaining BE (aka CE) but losing her girls; Natalie being the outsider again. And also, One Life's decision to focus on familial scenes after emotional times instead of letting it happen off screen; Plans for the anniversary

- GH: Little left to look forward to at 3PM....

- AMC: Kendall's self-destructive nature kicking in; Greenlee moves on with her life; What's next for Tad?

- SOAPnet: How we'd change the network

- ALL: Stories you wish never happened or wish were done differently

- Open Discussion


Note: More Y&R, AMC and OLTL guests are in the works over the coming weeks.

Wednesday, June 11 - Tyler Christopher (Nikolas, GH) at 10PM EST/7PM PST

Friday, June 13 - Josh Duhon (Logan, GH)at 10PM EST/7PM PST

Monday, June 16 - Brandon Barash (Johnny, GH)at 10PM EST/7PM PST

Wednesday, June 18 - Kent King (Lainey, GH) and Minae Noji (Kelly, GH)at 10PM EST/7PM PST

Friday, June 27- Natalia Livingston (ex-Emily, GH)at 10PM EST/7PM PST

Scheduling/Re-Scheduling: Mark Lawson (Brody, OLTL), Justis Bolding (Sarah, OLTL), John-Paul Lavoisier (Rex, OLTL), Sonya Eddy (Epiphany, GH), Seamus Dever (ex-Ian, GH), Connie Fletcher-Staton (Connie, IB; ex-Erin, AMC)

SHOW: 10PM/EST - 11:30PM/EST

Call-In: 347-996-5978

BlogTalkPage: In the Zone

Myspace: Official In The Zone Myspace

AIM: In The Zone Radio

E-Mail:[email protected]

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