Members AMCHistory Posted November 12, 2007 Members Share Posted November 12, 2007 With the writers strike, it gives me hope AMC will switch writers again because the current ones have no idea what they are doing. AMC has worked best the writers understand the show's history. Here is how I would approach giving resolutions to the current stories, and what stories I would propose to make AMC the character driven drama that we all knew and loved: Saving All My Children: The Bible Closing out old Storylines: The Richie Saga: Richie/Annie/Ryan/Jonathan/Babe/Zach/Greenlee/Kendall Walter sends Annie a note asking her to come to his home. When Annie arrives, Walter is nowhere to be found. It was Richie's trap. Richie reveals his motivations: he thinks Annie is an unfit parent and wants to take Emma away from her. The leukemia, it was all a lie. Richie breaksdown and blames Annie for his incarciration, and the death of their mother. Noticing Annie has not brought Emma with her, he makes plans to kidnap Emma and tells Annie that there is nothing she can do to stop him. He leaves Annie in the abandoned bomb shelter with Greenlee and Zach. Zach and Greenlee argue about their past, they know they have to put aside their differences to escape. Zach wants to know Greenlee's motivations to stay in town, and she admits she wants to be a part of Kendall's life. Zazh begins to understand Greenlee. When Annie is dropped in the shelter, they know they must do more to escape. Richie breaks into the Penthouse, but cannot find Emma who is at Wildwind with Julia. Richie overpowers Rachel. Little did Richie know, Lily was at the Penthouse. When he spots her, she quickly barriades herself in Ryan's bedroom and calls Jonathan. He does not pick up. Ava is holding his phone, and is screening Jon's calls. Richie is resolved to kidnap Spike as his way of getting Emma. Lily falls into a fugue state again, only saying, "Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan..." When Ryan finds his home has been broken into, he calls Jack and Derek. Jack finds his daughter and she is rushed to the hospital. Everyone wrongly deduces Jonathan was behind the incident. Ava remains mum so as to not incriminate herself. Jonathan is carted off to prison. He assures Ryan and Amanda he has nothing to do with a missing Spike, but Ryan in his fury is unsure if he could believe Jonathan. Amanda on the other hand believes Jon. She is determined to proove his innocence. She turns to Babe for help. As Jack, Ryan, Derek and Aidan look into Spike's dissapearence, Amanda and Babe launch their own. They find Lily's cell phone and see that she had called Jonathan. They track Ava to the FUSION office and confront her about what really happened. Realizing Lily had witnessed the kidnapping, they look for Jonathan's phone. Kendall arrives, she knows Ava has the phone. When they listen to Lily's plea for help they realize Richie was the kidnapper. The women turn to Ryan, who is again worried about Annie. Zach, Greenlee and Annie in the meanwhile find their way out. Annie calls Ryan and tells him Richie has done something to Walter. Ryan thinks Richie is at Walter's home. He puts the team together to storm Walter's home, where as luck would have it, Richie is barricaded inside. He demands to see Emma, less he hurt Spike. Zach, Derek, Ryan and Jack try to negotiate. In the meanwhile, the girls (Annie, Babe, Amanda, Kendall, Greenlee) take matters into their own hands. They sneak in the back entrance. But they make the situation worse. Richie takes out a gun and begins shooting, Amanda is shot. Greenlee, Annie and Kendall run upstairs, but Babe stays behind to help a bleading Amanda. Spike is crying now. Babe makes pleads with Richie to stop. She knows there is a good person in him. As Kendall and Greenlee fight about what to do, Annie becomes determined to stop Richie. She goes to her father's desk where she knows there is a gun. Greenlee and Kendall tell her not to take the law into her own hands, but Annie, on the brink of a psychotic breakdown, does not listen. Babe's words are getting through to Richie and he begins to put his gun down. Annie makes her way down the stairs with the gun, with Greenlee and Kendall behind her. Kendall swoops down to hold her crying son. Greenlee tends to Amanda. Richie grabs Babe and holds her at gunpoint. Annie and Richie hae another confrontation about their past. Annie says she is sorry, but it is not enough for Richie. Richie wants Annie to admit she lied. Annie begins to scream, "I lied! I'm guilty! It's all my fault! It's me fault!" At that very moment, there is a gunshot Richie falls to the floor. Ryan had broken away from the police barriacades. There are emotional reunions, but it is clear relationships are not as they were before the event. The Fallout: - Richie is not dead, he is taken to the hospital in a coma - Jonathan and Ryan have the deal with their broken brotherhood. Jonathan also leaves Ava. Ava is furthur isolated. She blames herself for Lily's fugue state. She contemplates turning back to drugs. - With Greens and Zach now at an understanding, Kendall begins to push Zach away. She becomes more protective of her children. She decides to take time off FUSION to become a full time mother. - Amanda is hospitalized. Jonathan keeps watch over her. He arranges for Janet to viist the injured Amanda in the hospital. - Aidan and Greenlee's relationship grows distant - Annie's mental state continues to deteriorate. She voluntarily checks herself into Oak Haven. Julia offers to help Ryan care for Emma. The New Stories: Amanda's Drug Addiction: Amanda/JR A recovering Amanda tries to ween herself off her pain killers. After her prescription runs out, she beginds taking Janet's drugs that she finds in one of the boxes from their old home in Colorado. JR recognizes something is wrong with Amanda based on his own history with addiction. He tries to take on the task of Amanda's recovery on his own, going so far as to lock Amanda in a room to push her into withdrawl so she can bottom out. Richie's recovery: Babe/Richie/JR/Krystal/Adam Babe believes she saw Richie's true nature in the few seconds that she was able to make him put his gun down. JR and Krystal are not so convinced. Babe continues to defend Richie. JR worries about Babe's welfare and how the strain will affect their son. Krystal wants Richie out of town and turns to the one person she know will be able to help her: Adam. The Search for Kate: Adam/Hannah/Tad/Krystal/Kathy/Julia/Zack/Livia Hannah confides in Tad what Adam has on her. He promises to help Hannah break free of Adam's influence. He encourages Hannah to use her clout in the Chandler home to dig something up. As Krystal and Adam grow closer, Krystal grows weary of Hannah. Hannah stumbles across Kathy's birth certificate in Adam's study. Krystal catches Hannah and she tries to play down the situation. Krystal fights for the certificate. Then, she realizes what it is, what the paper means. Kathy is Kate. When Adam finds out Krystal knows the truth and it is Hannah's fault, he threatens to tell Zach about her affair. Hannah intercepts Krystal again and tells her the certificate was false. It was Adam's plan to hurt Tad. She presents Krystal with Kathy's real birth certificate. On it, it states that Hannah is Kathy's mother. Krystal wrongfully believes that Hannah had returned to Pine Valley to claim Kathy. Hannah tells Krystal to keep quiet because Adam has a secret that can really hurt Hanah and the people she loves. Krystal agrees, but turns to Zach behind her back knowing that he may be able to influence Adam. Zach wants to know what influence Adam has over Hannah and begins to look into it. Meanwhile, Julia and Tad grow closer as Tad spends more and more time with Kathy. Krystal worries about Kathy's growing connection to her new parents. Finally, Krystal cannot keep the secret and tells Tad Hannah is Kathy's mother. Tad turns to Hannah and she agrees to sue for custody of Kathy. Zach is not convinced still. Threatened, Julia mounts her defense and hires Livia who has a history of fighting biological parents (with her her fight for Jamal in 1994). Kendall's Struggle: Kendall/Zach/Ryan/Erica/Jack/Greenlee Kendall's proctivness of her children goes too far as she even refuses to leave her home. Greenlee takes over FUSION in her absence. Greenlee tries to reach out to Kendall, per Zach's request, but her presence only stresses Kendall out more. Greenlee goes so far as to promise to leave town if that is all Kendall needs to feel safe again. Erica worries about Kendall and confronts her daughter. Kendall refuses to let go of her sons. Erica knows she needs an intervention. She, Jack, Ryan, Greenlee, and maybe a recently returned Bianca stage an itnervention to save Kendall from herself. In the end, Kendall lets Erica hold Ian. In a startling move, she lets Greenlee hold Spike (This can only work if Greenlee is played by Rebecca Budig). The Kane/Montgomerys are a family once again. The Boarding House: Colby/Sean/Myrtle/Petey They all move into the Boarding House. Petey is now attending PVU. Sean wrongfully think Petey has a crush on Colby because of all the time they spend together. Petey tells Sean about how they are just good friends because they grew up together at Martin Christmas celebrations, etc. Sean heres kissing noises from Petey's room one day and thinks it is Colby and Petey together. When he opens the door, he spots Petey with another boy. Petey struggles to come to terms with his sexuality. He becomes close to Myrtle. Myrtle reminds Petey about how Opal and Palmer cared for Kevin Sheffield. Petey knows he can trust his mother, but worries about his relationship with Palmer which is already strained. The Martin Family Tragedy: Tad/Joe/Ruth/Opal/Palmer/Josh/Former Martin Guest Stars (Jeff, Tara, Charlie, Jake) The Martins return to celebrate Joe and Ruth's wedding anniversary. Ruth and Joe throw a dinner at their home and reminisce about their past together. Tad tells them that he has planned a large party at the Valley Inn with their friends, this dinner was only for family. The next day, their a huge storm. Joe and Ruth are happily getting ready together. Their should be just one episode of all Joe and Ruth (hopefully briefly reprised by Mary Fickett). They get in their car to head for the Valley Inn. Joe is driving, and though the weather is rough, the couple is still happy. Out of nowhere, a car swerves and runs right into them, both cars fall off an embanckment. The other car was Julia and Kathy trying to make a run out of town. Kathy calls out to her mommy just like she did the Christmas she lost her other mother. Julia crawls out of the car holds Kathy. Then, she realizes who she had just hit: Ruth and Joe. She calls and ambulance. Joe regains consciousness, but somthing is wrong with Ruth. At the Valley Inn, all of Pine Valley is gathered. Tad begins to worry, but Jeff (John James who is still recurring) assures him everything is ok. Jeff is paged to the hospital. When he arrives, he sees Ruth and Joe wheeled in. Tad gets the message and storm to the Hospital with the other guests in tow. The guests are praying for Ruth and Joe. Joe is given a good bill of health. He makes his way to Ruth's bedside for her final moments. They say how much they love each other as she slips away. Fall out: - Tad blames Julia for his mother's death. One her defender in Kathy's custody trial, he switches sides to Hannah's. - Opal cares for Joe. As they become closer, Palmer grows jealous. He admits his love for Opal to Erica. - Joe begins to have lapses of consciousness at the hospital. Jeff tries to cover for his father. Palmer sees Joe's weekness and decides to use his position on the board of the hospital to hurt Joe. - Seeing how much pain and tress Jeff has been under, Josh decides to return to PVH to help out. Jeff and Josh begin to build a real relationship as father and son. Brooke's battle: Brooke/Jeff/Erica Brooke is reintroduced as she left, without any fanfare. It turns out she had been missing from the Pine Valley social scene because of a secret. She has felt a lump on her breast. She turns to Jeff who delivers the bad news: it is cancer and it is malignant. Brooke has decided to undergo treatment alone. As she gets ready for the Martin party, we see Brooke put on a wig, she has been going to chemotherapy alone. Erica sees Jeff spend more and more time with Brooke. Wrongfully thinking they are having an affair, Erica goes to confront Brooke in her home. Brooke reveals in a startling moment her bald head. Erica remembers the pain that Mona went through with cancer. She insists on helping out Brooke, though Brooke questions Erica's motivations. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NYC123 Posted November 12, 2007 Members Share Posted November 12, 2007 Dang! YOU ARE HIRED! Those would be great ideas! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members CassieFan Posted November 12, 2007 Members Share Posted November 12, 2007 OMG! I WOULD SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WATCH THAT!!!! :D :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members AMCHistory Posted November 12, 2007 Author Members Share Posted November 12, 2007 My main point in writing this, is that it is not far fetched. Pretty much all the players are still on the canvas, with the exception of Brooke. It is so attainable at this point to capture this form of family drama, which drawed many of us in the first place. There is so much more fallout that can happen after these storylines. This period will give the Lavery's a break. What of Annie and Ryan now that she is checked into Oak Haven. Jon and Ryan cannot be estranged forever. Jon and Amanda's relationship can be revisted especially if Jon leaves Ava, and I am sure Jon would not be happy about her blossoming relationship with JR. I can see a lot of blow out emmy moments from this: Annie admitting to her lies to Reggie, Richie and Babe (if Baker can step up to the role) with the gun, JR and Amanda as Amanda goes through withdrawl, all the player's in Kendall's intervention, and if they get two time emmy winner Julia Barr back, Joe's breakdown after Ruth's death, the confrontation between Tad and Julia, her confrontation with Erica over Jeff and her cancer is a sure bet. I know this is so out there, but I see this as a winning formula for the show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members AMCGio83 Posted November 12, 2007 Members Share Posted November 12, 2007 sounds good to me...except for the Ruth dying. Maybe she can just be injured and in a coma. I got goosebumps thinking about how good Erica and Brooke's scenes would be, Reunite her with Adam and find a way to kill off that deplorable Krystal:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members AMCHistory Posted November 13, 2007 Author Members Share Posted November 13, 2007 My justification for killing Ruth is the fact that she never should have been recast in the first place. Mary Fickett was open to doing brief runs in the early '00's, if they can convince her to come back, they can give her a proper send off (therefore: the Martin family dinner with past cast members, the hoopla at the Valley Inn, and finally her death at PVH, where she had dedicated over 38 years of service). Imagine the flashbacks we can use if it were MF in the role (my favorite would be of course the one of a very married Ruth asking Joe if it was fair to find true love twice in ones life). The funeral can bring back some more quick cameos, or lead to long term returns. Imagine if Sam Grey returned and revists his relationship with Lily, or if we finally meet Charlie and Cecily's child: a possible love interest for Petey? (In my mind that child is named Tyler Brent, after Charlie and Cecily's beloved Phoebe). Plus it would give Ray the material he deserves. I think Jill Larson's Opal is poised to become the next "matriarch" of the Valley. She has the spunk that can replace Phoebe's wild and outlandish ways. I would love to see Palmer try his best to win her away, especially from such a stand up guy. The hospital politics alone would a be a great corperate v. medical story. I think Brooke's story can open it up for Adam to come back into her life. When he finds out, he can be the one to sit by her and hold her hand. Jeff can be the "Benny" or Brooke's life, warning her not to get involved with her ex. Jack and Erica can be back on track after Kendall's intervention, and Erica's continued need to harass Brooke and control Jeff can lead to some great marital tension (if written well). All the while, Brooke and Adam fall back in love. I would love the scene to go like this: Brooke is alone in her house, starring into her vanity mirror when she gets a phone call. She knows it is Jeff, and she fumbles with her words. Jeff has good news, she beat the cancer. Jeff asks Brooke if she come over the celebrate, and Brooke tells him no, she needs some time alone to proces what has happened. She looks back in the mirror and as tears swell up in her eyes, she wipes them away and quickly stands up. She walks into her closet and finds a sexy, elegent dress. She looks at herself and says, "watch out Pine Valley. I'm bacck." The next scene is a big party somewhere, maybe a b-day party for Little Adam at Chandler Mansion. Adam and Krystal are together. In mid sentence, Adam spots Brooke walk in. He notices something has changed. He walks up to Brooke and asks her to dance. The episode ends with a music montage of Brooke, smiling in Adam's arms. Of course Brooke's relationship with Adam can lead to to tension with Hannah, and Brooke can begin her own investigation into Kathy, evenetually the learning the truth and going to Tad (thought I think there are even better ways to do this reveal.). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members AMCGio83 Posted November 13, 2007 Members Share Posted November 13, 2007 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members AMCer Posted November 13, 2007 Members Share Posted November 13, 2007 If I was to save AMC, I would do it this way... Minor plot points- Skye returns to town and Stuart is revealed to be her real father A sane Janet returns to Pine Valley Tad discovers Kathy is his daughter and he adopts her and begins a family with Julia, much to the chagrin of Krystal New Begginings is canceled and Erica restarts Enchantment Ava disappears Annie loses it- she develops a pill addiction and a thurst for booze and during one hazy night bludgeons Ryan to death with a frying pan. Jonathon finds Ryan dead on the kitchen floor and confronts Annie, she tells him what happend and that she can't go to jail, so she seduces him and professes her love for him. Jonathon, in love with her, takes the fall for Annie and ends up in jail with a life sentence. Annie soon runs out of money and sets her sights on Adam Chandler. Adam complies, he is lonesome and takes in Annie and proposes to her. Gloria Marsh, with terminal breast cancer re-enters Pine Valley and wants Adam back. But Adam is with Annie, who Gloria despises and has ill-feelings toward. Annie notices that Adam is falling for his old flame once again, and goes to a sperm bank and gets herself pregnant. Adam happy to be a father once again decides to marry Annie, but Gloria interrupts the wedding and tells all that Annie went to a sperm bank to get pregnant. Adam dumps Annie and kicks her out and then proposes to Gloria. A furious Annie storms back into the Chandler mansion the next day and takes everyone hostage. Babe always the hero tries to wrestle the gun away from Annie, but Babe is fatally shot in the abdomen. Krystal then throws BBQ sauce on Annie's face and JR knocks her out with a fire poker. Annie is arrested and carted off to death row. Gloria and Adam eventually marry and are happy until Gloria succumbs to breast cancer in his arms. Erica fresh off her divorce from Jack is happily enjoying the single life and spends a lot of time with her friends Janet (Robin Mattson version), Opal, and Skye. Nick Davis ventures back into town and wants to re-kindle the twos realtionship, Erica eventually agrees to with Opal's urging, but Skye develops an eye for Nick herself. Skye begins dating Jack to try to make Erica jealous, but Erica is nothing but happy for her and Jack. Opal learns of Skye's deeds and tells Jack, who breaks it off with Skye. Skye then tries to take over Enchantment by buying up avaible stock and makes life miserable for Erica at Enchantment. Skye joins the town pariah club with (backburned) Greenlee and Krystal. Mark and Ellen also come back home with grandchild Michael, Julie died years ago. The two provide support for others and are seemingly well off until Ellen walks in on Mark and Krystal in bed. Ellen pulls off the sheets and calls Krystal every name in the book. Mark tells Ellen that he needs a new passion in his life and Krystal is it. Ellen is heartbroken, she still loves Mark, she calls in former father in-law Palmer to help her destroy Krystal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DevotedToAMC Posted November 13, 2007 Members Share Posted November 13, 2007 You have some good ideas! I would still like for Kathy to be Tad/Dixie's daughter rather than Tad/Hannah but what could happen is Hannah lies about being Kathy's mother and admits in court that she is not even related to her and therefore since Tad is the father they agree to let him raise Kathy. But I would definitely hire you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members AMCHistory Posted November 13, 2007 Author Members Share Posted November 13, 2007 I should have made it clearer about Hannah, Dixie is Kathy's mother. The Hannah part is Hannah's lie to protect her secret affair with Alexander from coming out. Hannah is trying to throw everyone off the trail about Kathy, especially Krystal, and she and Adam concoct this lie. Only Adam and Hannah know Kathy is Kate, Tad and Dixie's little girl. That is until Zach, Brooke, and Julia launch their individual investigations. It would also give the oppurtunity for Zach and Julia to work together again. I could even see Zach referring Livia as an attorney helping Julia flee Pine Valley, which will lead to the car crash that kills Ruth. In the end, I think Ethan will be revealed to be Alexander and not Zach's son. Hannah was always protecting Ethan from Alexander, and not Zach. The truth would in some ways alleviate Zach's conscious for abandoning his son, and kill some of the demons that haunt his past. The confrontation between Zach/Hannah would be AMAZING, just like Hannah's "last day" episode in July. Stacy Haiduk can really deliver and is smouldering opposite Thorsten. The final reveal about Kathy as Kate will come later on. I think Kate's revival can usure Dixie back onto the canvas. Palmer was conveniently missing from Dixie's bedside. The twist can be that Dixie hadn't died, but was in a coma. Palmer swept Dixie away to protect her from the Stalker to be treated in his own facility in New York. Palmer's absence from Pine Valley were trips to care for his beloved neice, unknown if she would ever wake up. Di eventually caught on, thus her abrupt departure as well. She wanted to make up for her sins against Dixie by caring for her. One day, Di realizes Dixie is waking up. She calls Palmer who arrives. Di wants to call JR & Tad, but Palmer stops her. The doctors say the recovery is temporary. The poison has affected her weakened kidneys. Palmer does not want to subject JR, and Tad to a lesser extent, the pain of loosing Dixie again. But Dixie has learned from her last resurrection. With Di's help she sneaks out of the hospital and makes her way back to Pine Valley, revealing herself at a grand event (a Crystal Ball in her honor? Another birthday party for Little Adam)? After seeing Tad, she falls into his arms, her kidney has failed. At the hospital, Jeff and Joe know only a transplant can help her. Di and Del cannot do anything becase of their own kidney conditions. Plus, Dixie has a rare gene that only runs in her family. JR is tested, but his alcoholism excludes him as well. When all is lost, the hospital database runs across a match: Kathy. Joe and Jeff know a match like this is impossible. They tell Tad, and he begins to put things together. He confronts Hannah about Kathy, and with a life on the line, she finally reveals the truth. Next, Tad must convince Julia about what he has discovered. Julia was still defensive about Kathy because of Hannah's custody suit, she cannot believe Tad. After an emotional plea, Julia finally relents. She agrees to let Kathy get retested. A DNA test prooves that Kathy is Tad and Dixie's child. Julia reluctantly signs off on the surgery, saving Dixie. When Julia sees Dixie and Kathy in beds side by side, and Tad holding both their hands, she realizes she has lost daughter. The Fallout: - With all of Hannah's secrets out in the open, she claims he revenge on Adam by telling Brooke, Krystal and JR that he was blackmailing her, keeping Kathy's real birth certificate that named Dixie and Tad as Kathy's parents. JR cannot believe his father could keep his away from his own sister. Brooke reflects on how she can love the man that hurts so many people. - Dixie and Tad begin the piece their lives together again. They plan to remarry to give Kathy a real home. Tad insists Julia play a role in Kathy's life, but Dixie is relucatant. Tad remembers the pain of loosing his child, Kathy, so many times and does not want Julia to go through the same pain. - Julia deals with the potential of loosing Kathy. Zach reaches out to Julia, having lost his own son (Ethan) after learning the truth, much to Kendall's dismay. - Di moves back to Pine Valley. She is put into a strange position because of her love for her sister, Dixie, and her friendship with Julia. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DevotedToAMC Posted November 13, 2007 Members Share Posted November 13, 2007 Ahhhh okay that makes much more sense. I pretty much thought you would have her be Tad/Dixie child but just had to make sure Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members knowjack Posted November 13, 2007 Members Share Posted November 13, 2007 Lots of good ideas there. MY ideas to save AMC? Richie plans an explosion that kills off Ryan, Del, Jonathan, Ava, Hannah, Babe, Krystal and Aiden. Annie can't take the guilt and leaves town. Josh finds out he's NOT the fetus and leaves town. Brooke, Petey, Dixie, Reggie, Dani, Liza, Scott, Julie, David, Trey, Laura and Jamal all return. *Just when it looks like Tad and the newly returned Dixie are getting Kathy-Kate back and Julia is in despair...Noah returns from the dead (he'd been still in hiding to save her)...they leave town together. *Dixie goes back to being a teacher. We see other women in Pine Valley working at something other than Fusion (which is GONE)...Liza retakes WRCW. Greenlee and Scott are both working there again. * The idea of Adam and JR being involved with a mother/daughter pair isn't a bad idea, but not the horrible Carey women. As it should have been, they are now involved with Brooke and Laura. There's more but like the original posting in this thread...we all want the same thing. Characters we CARE about and a balance of humor, drama, romance... Why is that WE all get it but TPTB don't? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ANDREA LOATHES REILLY Posted November 13, 2007 Members Share Posted November 13, 2007 1. Rid the show of anyone remotely related to Fusion... 2. Don't use David Canary, Thorsten Kaye and Michael E. Knight as handmaiden to the town whores. 3. Kill off Ryan Lavery. As long as this animal sets the moral tone of the show, the audience will always be furious with any character w/in a 2 inch radius of this jerk! 4. Kill off Jonathan Lavery. Make it painful as possible! 5. Make Jacob Young get a hair cut, and have JR man up! 6. Get on hand and knee and beg Julia Barr for forgiveness and bring her back. 7. Get some female power actors to match the 3 male power actors. 8. Tear up any script and forget any idea for the next year and get a real writer to get these characters going. 9. Redeem Aiden and keep him shirtless. 10. Redeem Aiden and keep him shirtless. 11-20. Redeem Aiden and keep him shirtless. 21-100. NO MORE DAMN BABY STORIES! I watched a few minutes of this show over the weekend, and I think the 1.9 was rounded up. That was just too high! Perhaps AMC will be joining Trassions soon... ANDREA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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