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ATWT Thursday November 8

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It was so great to see all those vets in one eppisode. Very good show today.

Thanks for this list PJ, I needed that too. It certainly can get confusing. :rolleyes:

The CarJack scenes are like watching a train wreck. You can't stop watching but you know the fallout will be huge and they are very hard to watch. I hate what they did with this story. I remember when the spoiler of Carly's illness came out and a lot of you had such wonderful ideas of where this story would go and the things that would play out. Well, you all should be writing it because what JP did was a huge let down. :angry: It will be over next week and I can't believe I'm saying this because I love Carly, but I'm glad. The writers sure have ruined this couple and written them into a corner. I don't see how this can all be fixed.

Loved that Emma was available to talk to Jack even if she can't talk some sense into him.

I just loved the Hugh's family dinner so much. It's about time that we saw them all together. :)

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Maybe Jack can start dating men? He can ask Luke for some advice. :P Seriously, another great show. I loved the Hughes family reunion at the Lakeview. It was a treat to see Nancy included. Was it me or was Scott Holmes extra happy to see all the Hughes around. B)

Tomorrow's remote looks real good! Too bad it's seems like dooms day for Carly. <_<

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*AWESOME* show today!

Absolutely loved the interactions between everyone today. Of course, the Hughes family lunch at the Lakeview was great. I love it when vets are used in meaningful ways...not just to support the younger characters. The conflict between Bob and Chris spilling over into conflict between Bob and Kim and Bob and Tom? Wonderful. I like how it played out too. We saw the argument, then Chris and Emily (who I like together, a lot) go away and we see them talking it over, then we see the vets talking it over. Helen Wagner looked truly happy to be playing Nancy in scenes with her family again. Imagine being tied to Katie for 2-3 years. Awesome stuff, though. I love the fact that Bob's hospital ID has a picture that's at least 20 years old lol. I like Kim's new 'do too.

Emma was hilarious today. I love the dynamics between Emma and Brad. I think I love Brad period. I'm really not a Carly fan right now...I still think she's a pathetic loser who is just extremely desperate. I side with Brad in trying to get through to her dumb ass. HE'S MARRYING YOU BECAUSE HE THINKS YOU ARE DYING! IDIOT!

Don't know how I feel about Evan IV so far. He's very dull, but he'll get better I hope. Today's episode was just a barrel of goodness though. Ugh...this show can be good when it wants to be. If they just trimmed the fat of the play-out stories (Carly, I'm talking to you, and Meg too) and featured some good, multi-generational stuff everyday, balanced...it'd just be great.

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I wonder if these outdoor scenes are part of our new permanent outdoor sets that were coming in January, if so, this will not be nearly as bad as some people thought it would be, infact it might even be an improvement, when was the last time we got to see a limo for a wedding?.

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If that and Sophie hanging out in "Chicago" is what they're doing, it won't be so bad. I don't think it's a coincidence that this week has been light on the jarring "unsteady cam" shots either, and people seem happier with the show. It looks more polished-looking.

We had a limo when Henry and V steamed it up last winter.

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