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ATWT Thursday November 8

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WHOA! Let me clear that up for ya. :lol: Chris is Bob and Kim's son. Tom is Bob and Lisa's son. Chris and Tom are half brothers. Chris met up with Emily in Paris when she fled the country over Dusty's sex with Alison. They had a relationship before, but this time it looks like Emily is using him. She has a child with Tom too, Daniel.

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Ohhhh I meant Bob and Kim - not Tom. lol - I know Tom and Margo are together.

Ok, so has Chris always looked this young...or how old is he supposed to be? So does he have any other brothers in town besides Tom? What would he be to, say, Casey and Adam Hughes?

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Chris has no more brothers in town. He's Casey's uncle, but not Adam's, because Adam is Hal and Margo's child. Andy, Frannie and Sabrina are his other siblings, being Kim's son with John and her daughters with Bob. He looks a bit young compared to Bailey Chase, who last played the part. But I'd say he should be pushing 30.

The tone of writing is shocking me. Who would have thought that a priest would recommend more consideration to Jack before getting married again so soon after leaving Katie? It's great that Bob and Chris' prickly relationship has been revisited too. Just last week the roles were reversed and Chris was reluctant to covet a job at Memorial while Bob hoped he'd consider it. Now Bob is concerned about nepotism hurting them both, and having a real disagreement with Kim in the process. PLEASE don't let this be a dream when sweeps are over. :)

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To clarify...

Bob's children...

Tom--with Lisa

Frannie--with Jennifer (Kim's sister and Barbara's mother)

Sabrina---with Kim (due to an affair she and Bob had while he was married to Jennifer, they thought the child was stillborn and didn't meet her until she was an adult)

Chris---with Kim

Kim's children...

Andy--with John Dixon

Sabrina and Chris, with Bob.

Chris made a little mistake...Kim and Susan's rivalry goes back to Dan Stewart, Emily's father. But otherwise, it was nice seeing a family get together. I'm still a little worried about Helen Wagner, she always seems to be seated in her scenes. But I think she looked better, in her last appearance she seemed really frail.

sigh...oy, vey....y'almost expect lightening to strike with Carly sitting in a church, talking about "new beginnings" and such. It was amazing to see couple counseling before a marriage...where was this caution before we were forced to sit through the dripping sweetness of the Kack wedding? Oy...this is not going to end well...BUT the PREVIEWS looked gorgeous! I'm stunned at another mini-remote for Carjack. Shocked even!

Ick...Katie's back tomorrow. In all her smirking glory. :(

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Well, sometimes it's easier to see a list, especially with all the half-siblings. Your post made it seem (to me) that Frannie and Sabrina were Kim's daughters with Bob. That's not true. Kim helped raise Frannie (from what I remember) and Betsy too (Em's older half-sister...), but she isn't their biological mother.

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Chris only has one brother in town, but he does have cousins Paul, Will and Barbara. Barbara's mother (Will and Paul's grandmother) was Kim's sister (Chris's aunt).

I loved the Hughes family gathering today. Too bad Margo wasn't there. I have been really wanting something like this for a long time. And when announced Chris was coming back, I really hoped for a scene with Nancy. To see Tom and Chris with their "Gram" was a real treat.

I'm so tired of the Carly stuff. I really hope after this next phase is over, they give this story some time off.

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I think the last time we saw Nancy walk was at Katie's cottage and I noticed Henry always had a hold of her arm and was helping her and she looked frail. I too thought Helen looked better today and you better believe at almost 90 I would be seated also!

I was thrilled that we got to see Nancy with her family! I have waited for this for a long time and was not the least bit disappointed! This really felt like the ATWT I loved for so many years.

I too almost expected Carly to be struck by lightning :P Previews did look gorgeous but we are in for a very bumpy ride.

I did have to wonder exactly what powers that be Emma was talking about because somehow it didn't feel like she meant God to me :lol:

Great show today!

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