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AMC: Friday

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O Brother Ryan, Where Art Thou?

Now it is come down to the time to identify Annie's little brother and to see if he is the mastermind behind the down low and the dirty ho tricks that are going on with Ryan and Annie. But then again Ryan can also identify him since they have so much in common...they are losers, have a connection to a woman who might be going over the edge, got a huge ego, con games, and so much more. Gosh Ryan must be thrilled to see if Ritchie could actually be like him. They can go out drinking grogs and playing pin the tail on the con and imitate British accents with Aidan. Talk about having a whole lot of fun between two of these convicts. Who knows maybe they will race to be the next Secretary of Defense and put Donald Duck Rumsfeld to shame. Who knows but so far Ryan is just still boring me and not having any excitement in his woe is me Dynamite Kiddo life. Let's spice it up by having the superhero wannabe go up against a three v@gina barracuda who can whistle like Scott Peterson jumps a convict to get out of San Quentin. Yep this is one that will be ugly and not so strong but hey they describe Ryan so there is nothing wrong with that description. Now it is time to go in for the kill since Ritchie is still out there and alive and there is only room for one con ho and that means Ryan has to bite the dust by being swallowed by a four foot giraffe who gets a stiffy every time he sees William Shatner and Whoopi Goldberg use their phazers. Yep this will happen quite often.

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Loved that AMC brought on Jason. I really liked those scenes and they were good for Kendall. I wish Kendall would accept Spike for who he is now and move forward. He can lead a healthy and productive life being deaf. I hope Jason can turn her around. Speaking of which, is he completely deaf in real life as well? I know he's deaf, but not sure of the severity of his case

Loved taht Tad admited to being in love with Krystal. I loved them as a couple and hope they get a 2nd chance. Yuck to Adam possibly having a thing for her. Please dont go there again

So Richie is dead. Im wondering now if Annie killed him especially with the freaky preview

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I think this is on eof AMC best weeks we had in a loooong while.

Yes. I loved how they incorprated Jason on AMC. It's great too see Erica was the one behind this. I think this helped Kendell alot and thats what I love.

Loved the Tad scenes! I loved Tad/Krystal pairing! :D

I also loved the ending where Annie faints. Thats was GREAT!

The previews with Annie holding the knife and singing looks good!

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I loved the Tad/Adam scenes except at the end when Tad admitted he loves Krystal. Please, it's bad enough that Adam still has feelings for the hobag, but Tad deserves better!

Kendall's reaction to Jason was fantastic. I knew she'd blame Zach & Erica for setting her up but I hope she listens to more of what Jason's life has been like. I can't wait for their scenes on Monday!

The suspense of whether the corpse was Richie was great. I'm still not sure why Annie fainted but it looks like she's starting to unravel.

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The Annie stuff would be good if the story was actually about her, why the freak is Babe even involved in this? Ugh, Annie's story highjacked by a Carey :angry:

Cheap, JQ DePaiva was born deaf, he had implants at 18 months. What Kendall is going through is mirrored after Kassie. She said she had to go "kicking and screaming into acceptance"

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those scenes arent so much as to make the story about Babe but set up a possible Wes/Babe romance. Babe has absolutely no storyline and hasnt had one for months. She's been supporting for quite some time and still is as she hasnt upstaged Annie. Its about time they start throwing some crumbs her way

Thanks for the info on the DePaiva kid. I wonder how Kassie feels about this storyline. I really like that she got her son into it.

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