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OLTL: Todd.

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AMC has Cameron Mathison, GH has Maurice Benard, and OLTL has Trevor St. John. Please, just recast him with someone else! His approach to the material is so insincere and so aloof, as it's been since he arrived at the show. It's as if he is actively defying the script and their writers? I am no fan of Roger Howarth either, but he at least took the show seriously.

In other news, Melissa Archer's Natalie is STILL acting like a sixteen year old asked to play Natalie in her high school's school play. What's odd is that she used to be really endearing and fun to watch.

Can't SOMEONE give them some direction?

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Hey, if it'll get him out of Oakdale, PLEASE take Howarth back. I never saw an ounce of what made fans hope he'd return to OLTL. It's funny you mentioned Mathison too, because these are definitely guys who phone in the dreaded SOAP OPERA ACTING people hide small children from. Any time I've seen St. John, he seemed like the type who got a raw deal, and meant to play something deeper than bad soap plots.

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I somewhat doubt that too. Then OLTL would have to deal with a third actor in the role. And they've built up so much momentum for Todd that they won't do without him for a while to get the casting right either. It's such a prominent character that I don't think a decision is made about it without the involvement of many people. It probably isn't solely the EP's call to make a change if the actor subtly sabotages the work.

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:rolleyes::angry: Trevor St. John is a very good actor. He's one of ONE LIFE's best actors and IMHO, one of daytime's best actors. Trevor's approach is very sincere, not aloof and very good as it has been since day one. If his acting was as poor as you describe, Trevor St. John would have NEVER made the role of Todd Manning his own and been in the role for as long ashe has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa Archer is also a very good actress. Your statement about her contradicts itself, you say "Melissa Archer's Natalie is STILL acting like a sixteen year old..." but in the very next sentence state "she used to be really endearing and fun to watch". It can't be both ways! She's still a great actress as she's always been. I've not liked her attacking Marty and think it's stupid for her to continue to do so and it would be a serious mistake on tptb's part for them to revisit a pairing of Natalie & John. TPTB should axe John & his brother Michael and forget the McPains ever graced Llanview!!!!!!!!!!

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I think Melissa suffered largely from a LONG period of crap writing--and she just hasn't sprung back for whatever reason. It' sprob unfair but I don't hold her responsible.

I ADORE Trevor and his portrayal--he's also one of my fave soap crushes. I NEVER liked Howarth though particularly when he became a leading man/anti-hero. And apparantly he was very hard for Star to work with--quite cold to her.

Trevor's acting is very idiosyncratic (sp? lol it's been a long day) but that suits the role I think and I don't find it lazy the way John McBaine's acting is for instance--b ut in character

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I don't understand the hatred & dislike towards Roger Howarth? He was great as Todd Manning, and started out very good (now he's okay) as Paul Stenbeck (the false heir of the Stenbeck fortune). I'm sure the horrible writing is bringing him down. It's too depressive to act out.

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