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ATWT Discussion: Thursday September 12

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*snort* Line of the day from Fluffy...."I'm out of sympathy for Carly." 'Cuse me...I must have missed that five minutes of compassion Katie's had for Carly since....well, EVER. What she meant was..."now that I've won, I can quit pretending I'm trying to get along with Jack's ex-wife." Prepare to eat those words, Katie Peretti Frasier Fraiser Colemn Kasnoff never-to-be-Snyder. Other than that, the party was stupid. So, the engaged couple got 10 of those questions right? Big hairy deal....that's probably out of 20-30 questions. And I think they made a mistake. I'm pretty sure Jack started his career in the Chicago PD, then went to the FBI.

It was nice to see Lily get to voice her friendship to Carly, instead of having to kiss Katie's ass and pretend Carly doesn't exist. Poor Kim...her lips must be velcro'd there. :rolleyes:

I felt so bad for Carly, having to tell Sage she wanted her to "love" Katie. Then getting in an accident. On the upside, I'm liking Brad more.

Cole is an ass. Doesn't surprise me though, he's acting just like Gwen. :)

Why is Alison's hair like that? It's not very flattering.

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I thought today's show was fantastic!

Not only did we get to see more members of the cast, we actually got to see them interact with each other too!

Loved the scene with Brad and Kim. Henry keeping score with olives on a stick was priceless!

The scenes with Carly and Sage broke my heart.

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Thank God, Lily finally stuck up for Carly to Katie. It's about time someone made Katie speechless. I feel like poor Carly can not win in today's situation. If she decided not to take Sage because she didn't feel good, you know KACK would read her the riot act complaining she was trying to keep Sage away. But also, I'm sure Jack is going to rip into Carly for driving when she didn't feel well. Like I said...no-win situation.

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So I decided to watch today (I figured it was safe since there was no mention of Meg in the spoilers lol) and wow, I have to say, the Katie propping (save for Lily today) is just about equal with the Meg propping.

They should really should dispense with trying to hide it anymore and rename the show "As Meg and Katie's World Turns".

Jack sucks, his initial reaction to hearing Carly is in an accident is she staged it?

Cole and Sofie are complete FF material and I'm STILL trying to find out WHY they are here in the first place.

PJ - totally agree on Ali's hair. BTW is that the first time Ali/Katie have even spoken onscreen since Ali has been back?

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I don't even know where to start with todays show. My god please make the pain that is Jack and Caty stop. I don't know how much more I can watch of them. Can u say sickening??? The highlight of my day was Lily's attitude with Fluffy. The crap she was spewing about Carly....that just took the cake. She is so insecure it's not even funny. That look Lily gave her when she went to talk to Margo was priceless.

Man, I couldn't believe Jack's reaction when he heard Carly had an accident. He is such an ass lately. I am liking Brad more and more though. I am really looking forward to this storyline of Carly's though. I really hope they don't have Kack get married because it would take away from the scenes that Jack and Carly are going to have. Maybe they could postpone the wedding, for the kids sakes of course, until Carly recovers. Then have Jack and Carly get back together as he cares for her duing her illness, or something like that. I don't know exactly just get Jack away from Fluffy ASAP!!!

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I did notice the new shots during the bumpers. *sigh* Can't P&G ever spend the money to make the updated pics look as good as the originals? I remember new Henry and V, and Aaron/Ali shots...breathed a sigh of relief there was no Kack pic.

Marnie is such a pretty girl...I don't know why the show makes her look so hideous, in too tight clothes and the stick-straight hair.

I'm amazed TIIC even bothered to acknowledge Ali and Katie's friendship. 'Suppose it's just another example of the endless propping of Katie...while Carly can't even get more than the perfunctory "catch up" scenes with her sisters.

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