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DAYS: Wednesday Sept. 12th

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Because I have stuff to do tomorrow... ;)

Wednesday, Sept. 12


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There isn't really a good reason I chose a clip of Bo ramming John's head into a vase for today's thread, other than my search for clips of Bo as the mime turned up empty. Enjoy.
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Quite a contrast between the way Sami acted when EJ hopped into bed with her and the way she's acting today when Andre did the same thing!

Loving Andre's evil psycho clown, but he's really scary. That eerie, hissing voice and Andre running his finger down Sami's arm and around her face...very chilling. TP is doing a great job with these scenes.

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I thought the same thing about the Andre-EJ contrast when Sami was sharing the bed with them.

Man, I didn't think Andre could get creepier than he was as the tranny at the gym two weeks ago, but now Thaao has to go and prove me wrong with today's episode. Wow. They are really giving him some crazy stuff but IMO he is selling the hell out of it and somehow keeping it intense rather than camp. At least not bad camp anyway. LOVED the music too when he came in. EEEEEEEEEEEEEk! Soooooo creepy. Especially because Andre wasn't just a creepy sociopathic stabby clown but a horny one too apparently the way he was all up on Sami on the bed. Now that said, I do have to wonder how the hell Andre is such a quick change artist that he went from the clown to the old lady in one commercial break.

Shawn needs to get over Belle sharing time with Phillip. So sick of their baby drama all the time. If they are going to torture us with this triangle forever at least give us something besides a baby to ignite its drama.

To my surprise, I like Stephanie and Max now I guess. My objection before wasn't the related/not related issue but I wasn't sold on their chemistry. The past two days convinced me maybe there is something there. I would like them better though if they acknowledged the elephant in the room at some moment either with them talking about how weird their situation is or Kayla not liking their relationship.

Yay for Sami calling out Roman for the BS about her needing to be a "good little girl." But man my Roman hate came on FIERCE in this episode. He knew that Andre was on the loose and had just tried to kill her so why exactly didn't he post a guard outside Sami's door before the clown held a knife to her throat? And would Andre putting a knife to her throat all if it wasn't for this whole convoluted fake funeral plot that stemmed from the Salem PD abusing their power to prevent EJ from legally and willingly donating his liver to Stefano? I wonder. Plus, I think it's total crap that he was going to try to lie to Sami that Stefano was really dead. Time after time, Sami's family does nothing but use her as bait and put her in dangerous situations where she becomes a victim of this feud yet whenever she makes the case that she wants to take an active role in ending it they always belittle her and pat her on the end and condescend to her. It's sooooo obnoxious. Stupid Bradys.

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While I'm not thrilled with the idea of a Max/Stephanie pairing (the uncle/niece thing is a problem for me even though they aren't blood relatives), if they are going to try to go this route, they have to deal with the incest issue. We have to see some kind of discussion/confrontation between Kayla/Max along the lines of "You're my brother; why are you having sex with my daughter?" I thought maybe we would get a scene with Bo and Max today, where Bo brought it up, but it didn't happen, unless it was off camera like so many important plot points are handled lately. Kayla needs to have a conversation with Stephanie about it, too--although I do realize Steve being in jail took precedence today, as she needed to explain all that to Stephanie. Which leads me to my next issue--why is the Salem PD letting everyone in Salem in on their sting operation? This was the big flaw in their plan...why didn't they just pretend Stefano died as a result of the surgery and then Steve, Kayla, Stephanie, etc. wouldn't have had to be told about it.

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Ok. That's it. I don't know if it was Hogan or Ed's changes but I am sold on Max/Stephanie. Between the chemistry, the acting, and the writing...I have come to like them. Now, hopefully, they keep this kind of quality up with them because their scenes today and the last few days were classic Days. It reminded me of past couples like J&J when they were in a cave stranded. Loved it. Also liked Bo and Kayla showing up and the reactions. Kayla letting Stephanie in on the Stefano plot was nice too.

Shawn/Belle/Philip is enjoyable right now because, finally, they are moving this story. It feels important now and this should really be the B story. Hopefully, with TTS over, it will be. I am glad it's getting more airtime. Nice seeing Claire and good acting and writing for these scenes. I love seeing realistic conflict. This isn't just your cut and dry triangle. Shelle just can't get out of their own way and it's a brilliant conflict IMO.

Loved Andre today. Thaoo is playing him flawlessly. The music was so creepy and went well with his voice and mannerisms. Good job by Ali too as she played just the right amount of fear in her scenes without going overboard. I like the look on Roman's face too after Sami told him Andre figured it out. He knew they failed :lol: . Andre as the old woman at the end was funny too. Love his disguises.

Pretty good today. The next two days look like the start of the big stuff. Oh, and for people who wanted a Anna/Roman/Kate/Tony quad...watch tomorrow. I SO see it coming now!!

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Pretty good show today..Andre has the clown was freaky..Thaao is really doing a great job with these disguises..And i enjoyed the Max and Stephanie scenes, especially bo and kayla's reactions when catching them together..

And if i were belle, i don't know who i'd choose..Phillip or Shawn..both are so gorgeous in different ways!!!

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Thaao as Andre has been so fun to watch! Andre in the clown suit had me cracking up and the music actually enhanced the scenes. :o

Seriously though, DAYS may not be must see right now, but with the changes in the lighting, improved direction and acting no telling what DAYS can be down the road when the vets get back on our screens. At least with each episode this week each eppy has been better as the week goes on and it looks to be the same trend for tomorrow's show. I was glad to see Hope in the previews. I am spoiler free, so I can't wait to see what Andre or who Andre tortures next.

I don't give a damn about Max and Stephanie being related, they have no blood ties and to me that is enough. Its not like they grew up in the same house or anything. Darrin and Shelly have great chemistry and look hot together, so I am all for Max and Stephanie.

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Kirk, i feel the same way..I really like Darren Brooks, and really want him to get his chance to shine on the show..He's had two potential love interests quit the show on him, and i would rather they went with Max and Stephanie (who have proven chemistry), over a new character or a recasted Abby..

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Up until today, I admit it bugged me. It didn't bother me to the extent of others but I still felt a little ick factor. However, their recent scenes have been so well-done in so many aspects that I am on board with them. I just hope they don't kick the familiar relationship under the rug. Just acknowledge it for what it is because it's not an actual blood tie. They really need to do something with Darin before they lose him when his contract is up. He is very talented and has had bad luck with love interests. I think that is why Days felt compelled to revisit this. It's much better then bringing on a recast or someone knew and, hopefully, that will be something that helps other fans get on board with this a bit. I have said since day one that Shelley Hennig is very talented and, potentially, can be great. She is starting to prove herself more consistently now when before she only showed her range in scenes with SN and MBE.

Days may have something good here and I just hope they do right by it.

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