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AMC: Wednesday

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Erica: "Jack is the love of my life"...That made me smile :wub:

Jack looks incredible and so does Erica. I hope they have scenes together today :P

Awwww...Loved that last J/E moment. They love each other so much and can't let one another go. They always turn to one another when they need someone. I know the new writers say they will have hurdles to climb because of the kids but I also believe them when they say that they are "meant to be together and they both know it" :wub:

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I'm definantly rethinking that zach slept with hannah after they re-decided to pair josh with julia. I think josh will be the father and julia will be able to be a mother to a child. I'm really happy that they are putting josh with julia they have so much chemistry, unlike those lame pairings with babe and laimie.

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Flightplan Ryan

Yippee they are out of Chicago and now on there way back to Pine Valley and they are taking the HIGH HO plane to go up into the HIGH HO sky and back to the HIGH HO airport with the HIGH HO of Pine Valley on the flight. Well now they are experiencing some delays (you know there always has to be drama on the soap) and well Super Idiot Ryan cannot make them go away. So he does what any wannabe superhero does and not make any promises to anyone and just lets them linger up in the air. Well for once Ryan finally realizes that his services are no longer necessary and life will go on now that he is stopping to be a dumb little superhero. Let's just see how long it will go before Ryan actually morphs into Super Ryan and starts to pontificate and get down low like he is about to suck the life out of someone and scam them out of their money. After all, once a con artist always a con artist. Fortunately some women in his life have gotten him to get away from that kind of life but the little part of conning still remains a part of him that he even now recognizes conning. Does he teach a class on con artists? After all he has every other job so why not add teacher to the resume. Then he can start teaching about how to get swallowed by a Dynamite Kiddo whack whack shaped barracuda while they are like arse face Ryan trying to learn the ABCs. I do not even think Ryan can read himself, can you? In that case, have him get in the backseat of Greenlee's car!

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Finally Greenlee is back! I was about to post today that its time for her to leave. Sabine ROCKS as bitchy Greenlee. This is how she should be written. Not the weak, whiny nasueating Greenlee from the past few weeks. She plays the bitch perfectly

Did Kendall forget about Ian again? Why did they even have her pregnant if this kid was going to be chopped liver

They need to explore him and Amanda bc those 2 have chemistry

I sure hope so. That might be the thing to finally end Zendall
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Zach & Kendall, damn love them even when they fight *sigh*

Josh & Ian :wub:

Josh & Julia :wub:


Greenlee STFU and FOAD

Oh yes, character assassination is always good drama :mellow:

Oh yes, I SO enjoyed Tad's character being assassinated last year when he buried Madden and let the love of his life take the rap for it.

If I wanted character assassination, I'd wish for McTavish to come back. Aye yi yi

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KATE HALL! :wub: This lady has a FAN here. Every episode she's written so far has been amazing.

Josh's transformation into a mature, family man is so great and makes him SO much hotter. Those Julia/Josh scenes were GREAT.

Alicia Minshew ROCKED it today in that scene where she was crying about Spike not being able to play Marco/Polo or go to a regular school. My heart was with her! I also loved the angst between Zendall today. Thorsten played his role really well today.

Still loving the Annie drama. I liked how she went off on Ryan for researching her father RIGHT NEXT TO HER. haha - this is great stuff.

Loved the Greenlee/Erica scenes. This is their relationship and how it should ALWAYS be. It was nice to watch. I was on both of their sides. I thought Erica was out of line and rooted for Greens at times, and vice versa.

Oh - and Jack/Erica :wub: I loved the ending there.

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I loved the Annie/Ryan scenes today. Annie sure is losing it. Ryan has some nerve to do research on Annie's family right next to her!!

I <3 Greenlee and Erica!! I loved how they started arguing about who the stuffed animal aka Alfonso belongs too.

I cannot agree more! She's really grown into the role.

I too have found Josh to be more tolerable, which I would have thought was impossible a year ago! and I like the idea of a Julia/Josh pairing much better than Tad/Julia. We'll see...

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