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ATWT: Wednesday August 15 Discussion

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YAWN..."B" story day.

I know it's not supposed to be funny, but it is hearing Scott Bryce say stuff like "I can't face the man I was when Ro had that accident"...'cause he can't, it was Hunt Block. :D Honestly, I kind of wish they'd just drop the "was it an accident or not" angle, 'cause I hated Craig back then, and even I had a hard time seeing Ro's accident as a deliberate, pre-meditated act on Craig's part. I am glad, however, that Craig took responsibility for his actions that night.

Kind of annoyed all of the Paul/Ro talk centered on him and Jennifer (at the end). HEY, how about mentioning Rosanna's sister CARLY?

LOL...at least they haven't made Cole and Iris' relationship any warmer than Iris/Gwen. I can't wait for the explanation of how Cole is older than Gwen, but Gwen "wouldn't" remember him. (I can't wait, mostly because I doubt any explanation is coming, or that it will make sense if it does. I'm gonna throw something if all of the sudden, Carly runs in to Cole and remembers hating this little kid she was forced to live with for one summer.)

Ali :rolleyes: is starting to enter the annoying Katie-every-man-is-my-man-even-when-we're-over territory.

I pray Carly's on tomorrow.

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Yes, today's show was a snoozer. The dialogue with My Beautiful Baby Boy and Iris was good. But I am so sick of stories revolving around Gwenie. Give me a barf bag. Jennifer Landon may be a great actress but enough of pimping her character. Give other characters in Oakdale a storlyine. Way too much Gwen.

Allison is getting on my last nerve too. She is Fluffy Jr. My gawd she was so annoying today. I dont need to Fluffys on one show. :rolleyes:

Meg...ugh......boring beyoch! How sad I use to love this character. Now, she is whining and troublesome beyoh!

Paul and Rosannna....eh.....only glad Rosanna woke up.....

The highlight was Scott Bryce....how unfortunate he is stuck with Meg. I bet he would be better paired with Rosanna.

Loved the little preview of Nuke and seeing Babs. :)

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LOL...Peter Brash must visit SON. Because he mentioned the Scoobie Doo Gang in his dialogue today. :lol: Cole mentioned it to Iris. I am so over the Scoobie Gang or Doo...something like that he said. :lol: I thought it was hilarious and you were the first person that came to mind when I heard that line. :)

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As someone who is anticipating the Ro and Carly scenes more than any other, I disagree. I loved that Ro remembered what happened with Jennifer and how she was trying to tell Paul. I would have been very disappointed if it did not play out that way. There was really no need for Carly to be a part of the conversation, especially when she just woke up. I wish Carly referred to Ro more since the coma; but now is not the right time storyline wise for either of them to be talking about the other and it wouldn't make sense.

I was really disappointed with Allison today. Gwen has been nice to her and obviously has changed and grown a lot. Will has been nice to her too and she decides to diss his wife to him for things that happened years ago?

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I'm not asking for an entire conversation even. Just Paul saying something like "hey, Carly's had it rough since you've been gone" would have satisfied me. I get that Rosanna's last thoughts were centered on Jen, but she did manage to ask where she was. I think "where's my family?" would have been a logical question to ask. Paul's been with Rosanna for DAYS now, and can't manage ONE mention of Ro's family? ONE? (Yes, I know I'm compulsively Carly-centric, but I'd be happy with such a little bone thrown my way! LOL.)

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